

shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Which works of fiction did you absolutely hate so much that you have to get all the rage out?

The goal is to be as hateful as possible (but in good fun!). If anybody is genuinely offended by my post here, please realize this is more than a bit of a joke thread.

1. The Alchemist, book, by Paulo Coelho
If you're assigned this book in school, do yourself a favor and go to Cliff Notes or Spark Notes. If you were recommended the book by a friend, ghost them. If you read excerpts of this book and still considered reading it of your own free will, drown yourself.
A sampling of Coelho's bloviated wisdom:
  • "This is what we call love. When you are loved, you can do anything in creation. When you are loved, there's no need at all to understand what's happening, because everything happens within you."
  • "And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
  • "It was the pure Language of the World. It required no explanation, just as the universe needs none as it travels through endless time…..He had been told by his parents and grandparents that he must fall in love and really know a person before becoming committed. But maybe people who felt that way had never learned the universal language. Because, when you know that language, it's easy to understand that someone in the world awaits you, whether it's in the middle of the desert or in some great city. And when two such people encounter each other, and their eyes meet, the past and the future become unimportant. There is only that moment, and the incredible certainty that everything under the sun has been written by one hand only. It is the hand that evokes love, and creates a twin soul for every person in the world."

2. The Room, movie, by Tommy Wiseau
Some of my old friends used to love to watch this abortion of a movie "ironically". We're no longer friends. No amount of booze can save this shit. It may make executing a lot of the dumbass audience reactions easier though. Pro Tip: to make yourself extra cool during the scenes where you're supposed to throw the spoons in the air, use sporks - and your eyes as targets. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.in...-room-screening-where-the-disaster-artist/amp

3. High Life, movie, starring Robert Patterson
If you ever wanted to reevaluate the artistic merits of the Twilight series, this is the movie for you. High Life makes Stephenie Meyer look like our generation's Earnest Hemingway. Wtf was RPatz' agent thinking (or drinking)? Upsides: an actual community masturbation room with a literal fuck machine and an honest-to-god semen receptacle. Downsides: everything.

4. Game of Thrones, Seasons 7 & 8
It is too painful to delineate all the ways in which this show hurt me. If you must know, watch it yourself.

5. Death Note, anime

I tried - really, really hard. All of my high school friends loved it. The minute "NOTEBOOK OF DEATH" flashed across the screen in the English sub, I just couldn't take it anymore. This was one of the last few animes I tried before deciding that 99% of the genre just wasn't for me. I am ready for the pitchforks.

Bring It On Mma GIF by UFC
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
Four Christmases, cant stand this movie as a childfree person and it's ashame that they went down the cliche "hey i want kids now lol" route because this movie actually had potential.

Playing With Fire, I can't believe I watched this movie in cinemas, everyone that watched this movie deserves a refund even if they didn't pay to watch it, it was the most unfunny movie that wanted to be funny and the plot is also cooked.

Probably controversial but I felt that the last season of Bojack Horseman was pretty bad, surprised so many people enjoyed it.

As for games, every Call Of Duty after Black Ops 2 has been utter garbage, it's gotten to a point where they are just repackaging the same game year after year and putting a new name on the cover (like the Madden NFL games), why people still buy them is beyond me.
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Deleted member 8975

I hate all movies from the 2010 onwards. Everyone in the world was given a camera and everything turned to shit. No one cares about actual cinematography anymore. Now it's all about shock factor and action scenes. RIP cinema.
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Dec 4, 2020
Game of Thrones, Seasons 7 & 8
It is too painful to delineate all the ways in which this show hurt me. If you must know, watch it yourself.
Same. Ruined it for me.
Off the top of my head..
- All anime im general (except Hokuto No-Ken and Berserk). Can't get into it.
- Godfather 2, The Revenant (basically any movie from Inarritu), No Country For Old Man - snore fest galore.
- The Dark Knight - too much going on at once, the storytelling is a mess, not memorable at all.
- Passion of the Christ - don't mind the theme but the execution. Half of the movie is blood drops falling in slo-mo. Could have lasted half an hour.
- Pewdiepie - why tf does this guy have a billion subscribers? I've never heard him say anything interesting or funny.

- American Psycho (book) - a masterpiece in it's own right, different and original, but anxiety inducing. This one is probably on me - didn't have the stomach or the emotional and mental thoughness to go through it.
- The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - love Murakami but this one should be called "A Hundred Ways of Making Pasta". If I want a recipe book I'll take something from Gordon Ramsey, thank you.
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Sep 3, 2021
There was this idol anime called Zombie Land Saga that I ended up watching because of all the memes surrounding it in 2019. I really disliked it. The only reason I finished it was the fact that I am susceptible to sunken cost fallacy and like increasing my watched list.

Probably just me being a boomer and losing touch with the kids but, I just really dislike all the modern loot crate gaming and gacha stuff.
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May 16, 2021
Which works of fiction did you absolutely hate so much that you have to get all the rage out?

The goal is to be as hateful as possible (but in good fun!). If anybody is genuinely offended by my post here, please realize this is more than a bit of a joke thread.

1. The Alchemist, book, by Paulo Coelho
If you're assigned this book in school, do yourself a favor and go to Cliff Notes or Spark Notes. If you were recommended the book by a friend, ghost them. If you read excerpts of this book and still considered reading it of your own free will, drown yourself.
A sampling of Coelho's bloviated wisdom:
  • "This is what we call love. When you are loved, you can do anything in creation. When you are loved, there's no need at all to understand what's happening, because everything happens within you."
  • "And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
  • "It was the pure Language of the World. It required no explanation, just as the universe needs none as it travels through endless time…..He had been told by his parents and grandparents that he must fall in love and really know a person before becoming committed. But maybe people who felt that way had never learned the universal language. Because, when you know that language, it's easy to understand that someone in the world awaits you, whether it's in the middle of the desert or in some great city. And when two such people encounter each other, and their eyes meet, the past and the future become unimportant. There is only that moment, and the incredible certainty that everything under the sun has been written by one hand only. It is the hand that evokes love, and creates a twin soul for every person in the world."

2. The Room, movie, by Tommy Wiseau
Some of my old friends used to love to watch this abortion of a movie "ironically". We're no longer friends. No amount of booze can save this shit. It may make executing a lot of the dumbass audience reactions easier though. Pro Tip: to make yourself extra cool during the scenes where you're supposed to throw the spoons in the air, use sporks - and your eyes as targets. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.in...-room-screening-where-the-disaster-artist/amp

3. High Life, movie, starring Robert Patterson
If you ever wanted to reevaluate the artistic merits of the Twilight series, this is the movie for you. High Life makes Stephenie Meyer look like our generation's Earnest Hemingway. Wtf was RPatz' agent thinking (or drinking)? Upsides: an actual community masturbation room with a literal fuck machine and an honest-to-god semen receptacle. Downsides: everything.

4. Game of Thrones, Seasons 7 & 8
It is too painful to delineate all the ways in which this show hurt me. If you must know, watch it yourself.

5. Death Note, anime

I tried - really, really hard. All of my high school friends loved it. The minute "NOTEBOOK OF DEATH" flashed across the screen in the English sub, I just couldn't take it anymore. This was one of the last few animes I tried before deciding that 99% of the genre just wasn't for me. I am ready for the pitchforks.

Bring It On Mma GIF by UFC
Absolutely love the use of this gif . Genuinely cracked up laughing
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Apr 28, 2020
The Secret
It's the classical book that everybody quotes, talks about it, one of the reasons people say stupid things such as: "Everything is going to be alright if you channel all your energy towards it."
It teaches people how to be optimistic, but to an annoying level.

Batman the Dark Knight
Heath Ledger's Joker were awesome. It was SO good that I heard quotes from the character all goddamn day. Every second someone would quote him to a point that when I went to see the movie I almost knew all his lines.
Seriously, google "Villain quotes", 90% would be from him.
Good thing that Joaquin Phoenix' Joker made things a bit better.
The rest of the movie is simply another Batman movie. Take away the Joker and the movie is terrible. That's what happened to me. Joker became boring because I already knew everything he would say and the rest of the movie were couldn't hope to be saved.

Star Wars EP. 7, 8, 9
Way to trash a sequel. I were very excited to see the movie, just to be welcome by a total stupid writing and a shameful Director-War. Anyone could write w better movie. Fan Service also didn't work, it even made the movie worse actually.

A lot of Super Hero movies
Avengers were cool, but seriously, Ant-Men? Captain Marvel? Winter Soldier and Falcon? Gimme a break. Don't ruin my childhood.
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Deleted member 8975

I agree about Star Wars. I had already fell out of love some time after the prequels so it didn't bother me so much. What destroys me inside is Disney's ban on the Expanded Universe books. Those books got me through my childhood and Disney decided to just trash em all? The few exceptions I won't buy unless it doesn't have that disgusting label they brand on them "legends."
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Your Imaginary Friend
Aug 13, 2021
I don't hate much, hate takes too much energy. However...
Shut up about Pulp Fiction. If you're a Quentin Tarantino fanboy, I will personally sabotage every attempt you make to breed. The amount of pretentiousness and faux intellectual bullshit I have endured because of those movies has earned all cinema fanboys a special place on my shit list.
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Tell my dogs I love them
May 29, 2020
Big Bang theory
How I met your mother
Pretty much any superhero film
A lot of horror films, even though horror is like one of my favourite genres so many horror films just seem like the exact same to me and look really cheap/badly made
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May 16, 2021
Sword Art Online sucked.
Great concept but dear lord.

The Entire Halo Franchise.
american space marines, aliens, blah blah, it's so empty and generic. And I love sci-fi too.

Game Of Thrones.
Initially i liked the first few seasons but quickly grew to despise it.

Tell Tale Games.
I'm all for narrative driven games, Life Is Strange is one of my favorites but TTG's I can pass on.

Adam Sandler movies.
Always plays a character that yells. Always makes minority groups the butt of the joke. His humor isn't very smart.

will add more when they pop to mind.
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Tell my dogs I love them
May 29, 2020
Sword Art Online sucked.
Great concept but dear lord.

The Entire Halo Franchise.
american space marines, aliens, blah blah, it's so empty and generic. And I love sci-fi too.

Game Of Thrones.
Initially i liked the first few seasons but quickly grew to despise it.

Tell Tale Games.
I'm all for narrative driven games, Life Is Strange is one of my favorites but TTG's I can pass on.

Adam Sandler movies.
Always plays a character that yells. Always makes minority groups the butt of the joke. His humor isn't very smart.

will add more when they pop to mind.
Aw I loved SAO :( Also some of the best anime opening songs ever imo
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Oct 12, 2020
A Quiet Place - very painful to watch at home. Waited for ages to be thrilled, but it never happened.

Lorraine- A chat show in the UK. Don't like to get too personal, but the presenter is disingenuous and insufferable.

Candy man (original)
Only watched it recently, couldn't believe how ignorant it was - bordering on racist.

Good Girls- Dont get the hype!
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Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
Pretty much every old (pre 60s) movie I've ever seen. Especially every Hitchcock movie. No one could act. It looks like theatre and it's embarrassing. The soundtracks are also horrid. Everything is incredibly on the nose. Just yuck.

Albert Camus' Myth of Sisyphus. Utter pretentious nonsense and meaningless drivel. Which might be fine if it was at least entertaining. But it's so not. Something about his writer's voice made me want to strangle him throughout the whole read. It all sounds like an act. The hundred pages seemed like five times as much. Yuckiest yuck to have ever yucked.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I hate all movies from the 2010 onwards. Everyone in the world was given a camera and everything turned to shit. No one cares about actual cinematography anymore. Now it's all about shock factor and action scenes. RIP cinema.
It seems like TV shows are better than movies nowadays. And there are way too many fucking Marvel movies.
Sword Art Online sucked.
Great concept but dear lord.

The Entire Halo Franchise.
american space marines, aliens, blah blah, it's so empty and generic. And I love sci-fi too.

Game Of Thrones.
Initially i liked the first few seasons but quickly grew to despise it.

Tell Tale Games.
I'm all for narrative driven games, Life Is Strange is one of my favorites but TTG's I can pass on.

Adam Sandler movies.
Always plays a character that yells. Always makes minority groups the butt of the joke. His humor isn't very smart.

will add more when they pop to mind.
Sword Art Online was fucking awful. I resented my friend for making me watch it. Even a marathon of Disney movies would have been better. And yeah, fuck Adam Sandler.
Pretty much every old (pre 60s) movie I've ever seen. Especially every Hitchcock movie. No one could act. It looks like theatre and it's embarrassing. The soundtracks are also horrid. Everything is incredibly on the nose. Just yuck.

Albert Camus' Myth of Sisyphus. Utter pretentious nonsense and meaningless drivel. Which might be fine if it was at least entertaining. But it's so not. Something about his writer's voice made me want to strangle him throughout the whole read. It all sounds like an act. The hundred pages seemed like five times as much. Yuckiest yuck to have ever yucked.
I've seen a few old movies that don't have the overacting problem, but the cinematography is a hard pass for me. As many problems as I have with most films nowadays, the camerawork is rarely the problem (except shaky cam, fuck shaky cam).
I don't hate much, hate takes too much energy. However...
Shut up about Pulp Fiction. If you're a Quentin Tarantino fanboy, I will personally sabotage every attempt you make to breed. The amount of pretentiousness and faux intellectual bullshit I have endured because of those movies has earned all cinema fanboys a special place on my shit list.
The only Tarantino movie I somewhat liked was Django. Hard pass on everything else. And yes, his fanboys are the worst. He is easily one of the most overrated directors, IMO.
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May 16, 2021
Aw I loved SAO :( Also some of the best anime opening songs ever imo
Ah man :ahhha: Anime theme songs is a whole other thread tbf
A Quiet Place - very painful to watch at home. Waited for ages to be thrilled, but it never happened.

Lorraine- A chat show in the UK. Don't like to get too personal, but the presenter is disingenuous and insufferable.

Candy man (original)
Only watched it recently, couldn't believed how ignorant it was - bordering on racist.

Good Girls- Dont get the hype!
funny you say this, I thought the same, but I was listening to the podcast "Pod Mortem" in the episode where they covered Candyman (Original) and the director of the film was actually trying to make the film highlight certain political issues that they thought were unjust. like did you ever notice how the relationship between Candyman and Virginia Madsen's character was borderline romantic? The director was trying to force an interracial relationship during a time when that wasn't all that popular on the big screen. Also, Candyman's backstory makes his "evil" justified unlike most antagonist's, again the director didn't want the first black horror villain to be seen as a "bad guy" as they thought the news already did a job of that without hollywoods assistance.

I'd highly recommend the podcast just cos it's a great listen, and genuinely funny. but shares some interesting unknowns about tons of horror movies.


Aug 31, 2020
Star Wars- I enjoy movies that don't feel the need to shove a action scene in your face every 5 seconds in order to keep you "engaged". Like good lord let the movie breathe a bit and explore your characters instead of jumping onwards head first.

Try legend of the galactic heroes instead, it's a proper space opera about the characters and tactics as opposed to the trash above

Movies with Ashton Kutcher- even as a kid his movies hurt to even listen to. Douchebag man gets all the girls by being a sleezy idiot yay. Take him serious guys he's a "actor". I have a special kind of hatred for him where if he died in a accident I'd be ok with that.

Adam Sandler movies, underwear shots, drinking, jokes at mentally ill people, screaming yay. Why think in movies when you can see the funny man get smacked in the crotch yippie!
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
I'm an old geezer so I find everything on tv or in the movies today unwatchable. I cut the cord about 4 years ago and just watch stuff on the Roku apps. I can get lots of OTA channels with rabbit ears because my apartment faces many of the antennas used by tv stations in the NYC area.
On the positive side, The Sopranos was the greatest dramatic series ever on tv. Seinfeld was the funniest series ever. I haven't watched many movies from the 2000's but I enjoyed Gladiator(2000), The Pianist (2002), The Last Samurai(2003), War of the Worlds(2005),No Country for Old Men(flawed but good), Django and the absolute best Inglorious Basterds.
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Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
One movie that sticks out to me as really grinding my gears was (I think) called "This Year's Love". Some kind of, supposed to be, cool, quirky, Brit movie, apparently in the style of Bridget Jones et al.

I was forced to watch this gem after returning (against my better judgement) to my mother's house. After a year of experiencing psychosis for the first time and at least 3 ctb attempts that failed, I was in a real mess, "shell shocked" is probably a reasonable description, but I was trying to keep that all hidden at the time and put a brave face on.

All I remember was my mother drunk out of her head and this fucking miserable narrative of fucked up people being horrible to eachother. I found it extremely triggering. Particularly one scene where a clearly very unwell and tortured character slit his wrists in a suicidal gesture towards a woman he had become attached to. It didn't seem at all sympathetic from what I can recall. This accompanied by my mother's ranting "typical male bastard, can't have what he wants so he does that..."

I've never watched it since and perhaps my recollection of it is rather distorted but it was shit and miserable for a movie seemingly marketed as a quirky British "rom-com".
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fat cringey shut-in
Jun 19, 2019
Honestly though fuck Bojack Horseman.

Incredibly surface-level depictions of mental illness & substance abuse combined with overused gags and self-congratulatory, head-up-own-ass storytelling.
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Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
Honestly though fuck Bojack Horseman.

Incredibly surface-level depictions of mental illness & substance abuse combined with overused gags and self-congratulatory, head-up-own-ass storytelling.
I never made up my mind about BoJack Horseman. I remember being mildly entertained by it to begin with. But I must have not been impressed enough with it to watch all seasons. As I recall, I started to form some similar opinions on it to the ones you expressed. It could be a bit close to the knuckle at times and didn't seem to truly know what it was trying to say.


I want out
Nov 21, 2020
People keep telling me to watch "Breaking Bad" and "The Wire". Did any of you see them and what is your opinion if you don't mind me asking.


Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
People keep telling me to watch "Breaking Bad" and "The Wire". Did any of you see them and what is your opinion if you don't mind me asking.
Breaking Bad was ok. It's one of those "LOST" style series where it can get quite stressful to watch as it's always cliff hangers and it, I suppose cleverly, keeps you in this almost state of distress, needing to see some resolution to a situation that never quite comes. I watched it once, but, I doubt I've got the stomach for a second try.

I watched the wire once, maybe due to my psychological state at the time, I found it quite dark and distressing. It had that juxtaposition of everyday wholesome everyday life with severe, nightmarish, sick violent situations. Maybe I've just had my fill of misery and violence so I'm a bit biased against this kind of entertainment. I don't know why, but it seems just about everything on the TV, drama wise is crime, misery, violence and murder.

How about a series about Alan Turing and his team etc? (I know there's a movie but just saying.) Or maybe some docudramas about musicians, like Nirvana or Jeff Buckley? There was a very entertaining, slightly apocryphal 2 part drama about the 8 bit computer revolution called Micro Men a while back. Ok they might not be "you're cup of tea" but they are my suggestions of what I would like to see. I'm sure others will be different. But FFS! Does it all have to be death and misery??!
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Breaking Bad was ok. It's one of those "LOST" style series where it can get quite stressful to watch as it's always cliff hangers and it, I suppose cleverly, keeps you in this almost state of distress, needing to see some resolution to a situation that never quite comes. I watched it once, but, I doubt I've got the stomach for a second try.
I watched the wire once, maybe due to my psychological state at the time, I found it quite dark and distressing. It had that juxtaposition of everyday wholesome everyday life with severe, nightmarish, sick violent situations. Maybe I've just had my fill of misery and violence so I'm a bit biased against this kind of entertainment. I don't know why, but it seems just about everything on the TV, drama wise is crime, misery, violence and murder.

How about a series about Alan Turing and his team etc? (I know there's a movie but just saying.) Or maybe some docudramas about musicians, like Nirvana or Jeff Buckley? There was a very entertaining, slightly apocryphal 2 part drama about the 8 bit computer revolution called Micro Men a while back. Ok they might not be "you're cup of tea" but they are my suggestions of what I would like to see. I'm sure others will be different. But FFS! Does it all have to be death and misery??!
Thank you for your thoughtful and eloquent response. Yes, I quite agree. I haven't watched them because I think I have had my fill of violence and murder in movies and tv series.
I will check out Micro Men and some docudramas about musicians. Anything about Nirvana must be fascinating.
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Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
Breaking Bad was ok. It's one of those "LOST" style series where it can get quite stressful to watch as it's always cliff hangers and it, I suppose cleverly, keeps you in this almost state of distress, needing to see some resolution to a situation that never quite comes. I watched it once, but, I doubt I've got the stomach for a second try.

Thank you for your thoughtful and eloquent response. Yes, I quite agree. I haven't watched them because I think I have had my fill of violence and murder in movies and tv series.
I will check out Micro Men and some docudramas about musicians. Anything about Nirvana must be fascinating.
Oh thanks very much! You are very welcome! Sadly most documentary stuff about Nirvana focuses on Kurt Cobain's suicide :-( But I suppose the Montage of Heck movie isn't quite so fatalistic about it and focuses more on Kurt Cobain and his life leading up to Nirvana's success. It's perhaps a bit self indulgent in parts but on the whole worth a watch and does the rounds on Prime Video/Netflix so you might catch it on there in a hot minute.

Micro Men is a bit quirky but if you are interested in computers or were around at the time home computers started to arrive, you might enjoy it. It does concentrate mainly on the British market but could be intriguing if you are perhaps in the US and don't know much about the history on UK shores! :-) Definitely give it a watch if you are a nerd like me and you love pixel art :-) I think it's up on YouTube so you can probably catch it for free on there! :-)
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Oct 12, 2020
People keep telling me to watch "Breaking Bad" and "The Wire". Did any of you see them and what is your opinion if you don't mind me asking.
I loved The Wire. RIP Michael K Williams, who played the lovable antagonist, Omar. Definitely at the top of my top 5. Breaking Bad on the other hand, I found hard to get into. I know people love this show, but it wasn't for me. Although, I will say it had a lot of memorable moments in it.
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Your Imaginary Friend
Aug 13, 2021
I remembered another one after a terrible night's sleep. Unsurprising, considering this movie is adequate nightmare fuel: Skins
The movie with the girl who has a butthole for a mouth.

It's disgusting in so many ways, and attempts to be an "enlightened critique" of how people with disabilities are perceived, but it misses every single mark and ends up being outrageously offensive. It sends the wrong message by giving the girl a happily ever after with some creep who fetishizes her, no one is given character, personality, or a life outside of their disfigurement, and there is rape, assault, and pedophilia for seemingly no reason at all. A truly dehumanizing experience for everyone involved.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
People keep telling me to watch "Breaking Bad" and "The Wire". Did any of you see them and what is your opinion if you don't mind me asking.
"Breaking Bad" is overrated. Yeah, it was cool for a while, but it's so not the best drama series of all time. Cranston is not a brilliant actor with a mind-blowing range. I don't hate him, but I'm not terribly impressed. At a certain point plot holes start to abound. The ending is pathetic. "Malcolm in the Middle" is a far superior show.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
Disco Elysium is the most overrated game ever. The fan base are snobs.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Disco Elysium is the most overrated game ever. The fan base are snobs.
I haven't even heard of it, but I'm really out of the loop. Is it an indie game or more AAA kind of deal?

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