
Jan 20, 2019
I've been in-patiented on 3 different occasions at hospitals for suicide attempts. All 3 occasions, the doctors and social workers admitting me were rude and really made no mention of treatment. All you basically do is get punished when you're not supposed to be punished for being suicidal. You tell some other hospital workers what they want to hear for a few days/weeks and get discharged after being imprisoned. How does that help?

I'm trying to get N from A, and all I fear is that I'll take some N and wake up to IVs and the sounds of a hospital hours later. It's sad how this institution that is supposed to care and help you only seems to exist as a roadblock to CTB and being happy.
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Loving life!! /s
Nov 21, 2018
I totally agree. I've been 'imprisoned' five times myself.
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Yes, that’s a typo.
Jan 16, 2019
I was just released from inpatient and I have so many bruises, both from my punching myself and from being held down by security/nurses. The staff didn't communicate - they didn't know what I was in for. I told 4 different people what my antidepressant was but they tried to give me a different antidepressant. I didn't eat or drink for 72 hours and they didn't even notice. There was only one nurse that treated me like a human being while the rest talked to me like I was a toddler. If anything, they just made me more suicidal.

Ha, sorry for hijacking your venting thread. I hope you can get your N soon.
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