I have tried for decades in trying cure this part of the depression, like most of you I have tried therapy, groups, mindfulness, medication, being busy, relaxing, having things towards goals, positive thinking you name I have tried it even had jobs, friends p, uni course and again the lack of joy and interest always came fighting back. I even had period I completely disengaged from every day life for a few months, didn't participate in anything. People tried and did they become persistent but at the end of day. I had to fuck them all off.
You can make me turn up to some lame ass group, but I ain't gonna budge off this sofa even if you paid me a million quid a day. I am simply too broken busted can't be fixed ready for the scrap heap. I don't care if I become some pernament agoraphobic or if I'm in and out of some mental health unit for severe depression anything is better recovery.
i personally don't think it's something we get over like having a bad case of the flu, it's more like a chronic illness where there's no hope just struggles.