When you don't have your special person in your life who would hug you and tell you that things would get belter, it feels like you're on your own and things will never get better…. Makes you don't want to recover…..
yeah, i can relate to this
hell, my former partner suggested to take ashvagandha because it helped her
i followed her advice, bought a bottle full of ashvagandha pills and took them every day
well, a week later we ended up having a falling out, and i haven't taken any pills ever since
especially because i was taking them based on *her* suggestion, and not from an ayurvedic doctor's suggestion
makes me wonder if i should like empty it anyways
because holy shit i never felt this dehabilitated before
even the simplest things takes a million years for me to get done
and i don't really have anyone supporting me or rally behind me, so i'm like always alone and isolated lol
which really doesn't help things
at least while under ashvagandha back then i was feeling SLIGHTLY better
i doubt i would need to force myself to get anything done if i wasn't feeling so unbelievably negative and hopeless all the time