For those of you taking a pill or using gas that are afraid of your SI kicking in after administration, would you consider handcuffing yourself to something so you actually could not get help even if you wanted to?
Handcuffs seem risky. Say your suicide attempt fails for a reason other than SI and you wake up alive. With handcuffs, you're kinda stuck, won't be able to try again or get remove yourself from the situation, and you're sure to be found out, committed to a psych ward and so on. I think it's smarter to restrain yourself in a way you can get out of if you really need to, but won't be able to access while unconscious, or "in time" while you're going through with it. Tying up your hands or using duct tape (put a small pocketknife in your pocket), or bungee cords or something like that. If I wake up alive again, I'll be pissed, but at least I'll be able to free myself and try again, instead of waiting to be discovered for gawd knows how long, and then shipped off to the psych ward.