• Hey Guest,

    If you want to donate, we have a thread with updated donation options here at this link: About Donations


Feb 22, 2021
This guide is for those who desire it and desire to follow it.
Everything said/shared here, is based on my personal opinion, knowledge, analysis and experience.

Here are links to posts that highlight/share some of the things that happened and could happen again on SS, the internet and life for you to get an idea:

https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/important.64991/ https://sanctioned-suicide.net/thre...-rape-attempted-murder-of-2-ss-members.64701/

- Learn to FULLY protect your anonymity and online presence. Learn how simply being in the chat or clicking on a link can give away your location to those with the right tools. Look into using VPNs, Tor, etc but don't just blindly trust anything either just because it claims to protect you. Study everything. Study everything you use just as you would study the foods you consume and home you will live in. Technology advances at a rapid rate, if you're not up to date, you will be left behind and vulnerable. If you're serious about your safety, take the matter into your own hands.
- Predators thrive on vulnerability, naivety, isolation and lack of knowledge, lack of information and lack of experience. If you tick any of these boxes, here's what you should and shouldn't do:

  • Keep all your communications in the public forum and "in the light". Private messages are the equivalent of dark alleys in real life. By limiting all your communications to public ones, you greatly reduce your risks of being isolated, blackmailed or not believed, in case something happens. You will always have witnesses and helpers and it is easier to report because mods can see the entire conversation.
  • Avoid giving away details that could lead online strangers to you in real life, such as your location (even if general), name, age, gender, etc. Even if you use vpns, and anonymity products, they do nothing if you give away your location yourself (unless it's fake, we'll get to that).
  • Ask yourself if pm'ing a user is really necessary. Avoid pm'ing as much as you possibly can and if you can't, keep it simple, straight-to-the-point, superficial and of course, follow this guidance.
  • Keep interactions, even the public ones, simple, superficial and straight-to-the-point.
  • Lie. If you can't or don't want to avoid answering but still want to stay safe, lie. Misinform the online stranger.
  • Remember that they could be lying to you as well. If you can, so can they, but if they can, so can you. It's all about how you use what.
  • You may feel exhausted from pretending or having to watch your back all the time. In that case, stick to lurking, if you can't trust yourself to follow all of this general guidance, avoid interactions altogether. Do not attempt skydiving for the fun and thrill of it (if you don't want to die or be severely injured) if you don't know how to open a parachute. Do not venture into the woods to find a specific flower if you don't know how to use a shotgun or other weapons to protect yourself from predators and/or ruthless savage animals/beings. If finding the flower is truly important to you, you will be encouraged and guided to learn and master the art of protecting yourself on your journey.
  • Learn the art of observation but do not only trust what you see and hear. Take all the risks and possibilities into consideration and plan ahead of time, ways to undo/counteract them if they arise.
  • Tune into your feelings and listen but again, do not only act on one aspect/part of things. Look at the whole picture and decide your course of action based on your goal and your surroundings.
  • Do not expect anyone to be kind and gentle sweet souls. Do not expect anyone to have your best interests at heart. Do not expect anyone to help you protect yourself. Do not expect anyone to help or support you. Do not expect anyone to take your side or agree with you. Always remember that everyone is selfish. And always remember to be selfish. There is nothing wrong with it, in fact, it's how it should be. Always behave as if you were on your own and stay focused on your goal but do not be afraid of asking for help and/or accepting it if you need it, just remember this guidance.
  • You can express yourself all you want as long as you stay alert and aware about what you share and how it could potentially affect you in real life.
  • Think ahead of time, study the tools you're using, always check your privacy settings and preferences, plan. Use your critical thinking, not just your feelings and intuition. Use all the tools available to you.
  • Do not underestimate or minimise anything or anyone. People can track down your ip address and location simply by your presence in the chat or by you clicking on a link or sometimes even by you logging in.
  • Keep records and evidence if something seems suspicious or offends you. The chat feature especially, doesn't keep logs or records I think so everything that happens there will vanish into thin air. Do not delete messages, ever, under any circumstances, until (if) you're sure deleting them won't affect you in any way and they truly won't be needed again. Be sure. Screenshots don't count as evidence as they can be faked. Keep the original messages/material.
  • Read through people's post history and pay attention to any potential red flags. Not having or having a minimal post history is a red flag. If the user only sticks to certain kinds of threads or avoids talking about themselves somewhat in depth in the public forum, it's a red flag. These are not the only ones. Look for all of them.
  • Some predator users have planned their routes and way of operation ahead of time so do not believe everything you read. They may have planned everything before even making an account.
  • Everything can be faked. Everything can be a lie. Keep this in mind before you do or say anything. (An example is the user @x_LittleAmy_x pretending to be a 20 yo girl with autism, they even made a thread asking if there are other girls with autism on the site and encouraging the users to "keep in touch" with them. It turns out that the person behind the account was a male with a hidden agenda. This is just one of the countless examples that exist.) Use your critical thinking. Never assume anything is true. Check facts for yourself. Research.
  • Do not run away from the opportunity to learn if it comes your way, especially if it regards your safety and well-being in any way.
  • Give importance to everything and deal with them in a way that is beneficial or helpful for you.
  • Take your time before saying or doing something online. Unless it's gathering evidence, in that case, you must act quickly. Think ahead of time. Think of the kinds of responses you might get and how to react.
  • Never tell the truth upfront. Always tell or respond with lies. You decide when (if) to bring out the truth.
  • Never assume that the longer you know or interact with someone, the more you will know about them and/or be able to trust them. Some predators take advantage of this mentality. They will feed you everything they need to feed you, for as long as they need to, to get what they want.
  • Proof-read. In case you accidently give away a piece of information that could get you targetted or attacked by some predators.
  • Be ready to face the consequences of what you say, share and/or do. No one has any real power over you behind the screen if you protect yourself as best as you can. If having learnt all of this, you decide to blindly and/or thoughtlessly trust a stranger or give a piece of information, without preparation, that could affect you in real life or in any way, be prepared to face the consequences and own up. You are responsible for what you say/share/do and what you do with everything. This is not saying "blame yourself", this is saying take responsible and informed actions. Whatever happened or happens, do not be afraid of reporting offenders to the authorities, keeping things bottled up will not help you, it will just weigh on your shoulders. If nothing comes out of reporting them, do your best to spread awareness in your own way to prevent future misfortunes for others and yourself. What's done is done, think about how it can be used beneficially for yourself and for others now and from now on.
  • When it comes to your fulfilling your well-being and safety, the knowledge, guidance and information is readily available. But, you are responsible for seeking, absorbing and using them in a way that fulfills your well-being and safety.
  • Use different usernames and even emails when creating accounts to avoid accounts being linked to each other and exposing you.
  • Do not use your real name to create an email or an account of any sort (unless it's something that requires your true identity like something job related or civil stuff related).
  • Avoid online things that require your full name and identity for registration, if you can.
  • Try to go for the offline option when doing something if you can, where you can, when you can.
  • Avoid registering or creating any accounts unless absolutely necessary or you strongly want to and you feel it is truly beneficial for you and/or for others.
  • Do not be afraid to share/report the experiences (you went through because of/with certain individuals) with the community/the world. Do not be afraid to share and say what you have to share and say. Just make sure to follow the rules of the websites/places you share them on. This site is against censorship, you are free to express yourself within the rules. The more light we shed on the truth and what is going on, the safer it is for everyone and you will receive support, I will support you.
  • Read the rules carefully, do not assume that what you're wanting to share is against them. Ask for clarification if need be. Sharing your experiences perfectly falls under free-speech and still perfectly respects the rules as long as you don't give any identifying details such as real names, contact infos, addresses, dates of birth, etc. And remain factual and not disrespectful. Sharing the username is okay as usernames are publicly available. Make sure to have and keep evidence before doing or saying anything or use a disclaimer. Keep in mind though that accusations made without evidence can be considered a felony and cause legal trouble. This is why it's even more important to have and keep evidence always, all the time, everywhere. This is why it's even more important to do your best to protect yourself and avoid situations that may require for you to have proof if you want to receive justice, safety and peace of mind. You may find yourself in situations where you become a victim of some kind of crime/wrong-doing but can't record or provide proof for whatever reason. Always be careful to avoid dangerous and unexpected situations as best as you can.
All in all, only experience and time can truly teach you until it's ingrained but these are the basics, I guess. I know this is a lot of work but this is for those who want to seriously protect themselves while benefitting from what is available and are willing to do what it takes and take the matter into their own hands. I would say feel free to pm me if you have any questions but if you've read and followed all of that, you know that's not something I would do. ;) Feel free to ask questions in this thread or create one and tag me though haha. And DuckDuckGo can answer most of your questions as well.

Online users aren't the only ones you should watch out for. App creators gather data of all kinds, the government does too, search engines, browsers, etc. Data is gold and who knows what they do or plan to do with it. Look into using open-source apps that don't require internet access in the permissions to run, instead of using the mainstream default ones. And try to avoid using the ones that do require internet access in any way. Look into privacy-oriented operating systems and products. Always go for the privacy-oriented option/version when you can, where you can, if you can. This topic would require an entire manual but please do your research, we gave you general pointers here, the rest is up to you. There might be some users willing to go more in-depth but again DuckDuckGo can answer most if not all of your questions. And be open to receiving useful beneficial informations, they might pop up out of nowhere anytime. And of course, use the same level of energy, vigilance and brain-power to protect yourself as best as you can in real life as well.

I suggest checking out the site
nononsenseselfdefense . com as well.

Use a no-log policy VPN and Tor and I suggest installing the uBlock Origin and Decentraleyes add-ons for more security (will block popups and ads, etc), their site is http (not secure).

I already posted this guide in the comments under a thread but I'm posting it in thread form so it's neater and easier to find.

I hope this helps in some way.

Stay safe, this world sucks. There are all kinds of dangers out there. Be wary of other humans (and other beings) as they have brains and their own agendas too.

It's a battle. It's war.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Thank Jesus no one cares about me, then. :sunglasses:
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I thought you were e-married, what happened...
Never managed to get e-married, all of the women on here are going for torture-rape events instead of go-kart with me. :ehh:
  • Yay!
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Reactions: Null Hypothesis, Pen>Sword, lofticries and 6 others


Feb 22, 2021
Never managed to get e-married, all of the women on here are going for torture-rape events instead of go-kart with me. :ehh:

Haha that's cute. I hope you find your perfect e-wife or real-life wife to go-kart with!
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Reactions: Null Hypothesis, Pen>Sword, KuriGohan&Kamehameha and 2 others


Nov 30, 2020
Never managed to get e-married, all of the women on here are going for torture-rape events instead of go-kart with me. :ehh:
You had your chance with me but blew it with your strange and bizarre obsession with Naruto.
  • Yay!
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Reactions: Null Hypothesis, Pen>Sword, lofticries and 3 others


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
You had your chance with me but blew it with your strange and bizarre obsession with Naruto.
I am going to slap you with my rasenshuriken if you don't stop.
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Reactions: Null Hypothesis, _battered_butterfly_, Pen>Sword and 1 other person


Feb 22, 2021
You had your chance with me but blew it with your strange and bizarre obsession with Naruto.
I am going to slap you with my rasenshuriken if you don't stop.

I hereby declare you husband & wife. You may kiss the bride.







Also, what a tsundere you are, gae...
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Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
Anyone wanna fill me in on the @x_LittleAmy_x thing? How did it turn out it was actually a guy? What was his agenda?
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Feb 22, 2021
Anyone wanna fill me in on the @x_LittleAmy_x thing? How did it turn out it was actually a guy? What was his agenda?

From what I read and gathered, the user behind the @x_LittleAmy_x account was actually a former SS member turned FixThe26 member. As for their agenda, I'm not exactly sure. There are more infos floating around in the forum about the incident. You can find some in the threads I linked in my original post above, and some more in the User discussion thread. I hope this helps.
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Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
From what I read and gathered, the user behind the @x_LittleAmy_x account was actually a former SS member turned FixThe26 member. As for their agenda, I'm not exactly sure. There are more infos floating around in the forum about the incident. You can find some in the threads I linked in my original post above, and some more in the User discussion thread. I hope this helps.
Thank you, yeah, it does.


想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
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Reactions: GenesAndEnvironment and lofticries


Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
Thanks. This is a pretty exhaustive list on how to remain private online. I have to admit that I broke a lot of those rules, and I know better than that. I'm sure that you have avoided harm just by posting this. This post should be pinned and a must read for all new members as a reminder that not everyone in SS is a nice person.

Thank your for being a real privacy advocate.

Also, about @x_LittleAmy_x, that's why I don't see her as often. She was once active and I commented some of her posts. We've all been deceived in some way. I feel bad for those who contacted her.
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Jun 19, 2019
I always tought it's safer to answer with pm here than in public (both are safe if people just dont share identification info) I don't get what is the danger there. Your PM's can't for sure end up in fixthe26 page to be mocked.


Feb 22, 2021
Thanks. This is a pretty exhaustive list on how to remain private online. I have to admit that I broke a lot of those rules, and I know better than that. I'm sure that you have avoided harm just by posting this. This post should be pinned and a must read for all new members as a reminder that not everyone in SS is a nice person.

Thank your for being a real privacy advocate.

Also, about @x_LittleAmy_x, that's why I don't see her as often. She was once active and I commented some of her posts. We've all been deceived in some way. I feel bad for those who contacted her.


I'm glad if it helps. To me, the best form/act of gratitude is for everyone to do their best to protect themselves. :)

I always tought it's safer to answer with pm here than in public (both are safe if people just dont share identification info) I don't get what is the danger there. Your PM's can't for sure end up in fixthe26 page to be mocked.

It (like everything else) is up to each individual to carefully think about, consider and decide for themselves. :)
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Sep 9, 2020
Everything can be faked. Everything can be a lie. Keep this in mind before you do or say anything. (An example is the user @x_LittleAmy_x pretending to be a 20 yo girl with autism, they even made a thread asking if there are other girls with autism on the site and encouraging the users to "keep in touch" with them. It turns out that the person behind the account was a male with a hidden agenda. This is just one of the countless examples that exist.) Use your critical thinking. Never assume anything is true. Check facts for yourself. Research.
That's scary. I'm autistic and I have been in a similar experience last year that scarred me quite badly. Not on this site though.
It's really shitty to go after autistics because we tend to believe people's words to be true, why would they not be? Does not compute. Also autistics tend to be truthful, so when someone says they're autistic you do not expect them to trick you...
The world being filled with people who would lie, cheat and play games with people is one of the reasons I never wanted to be alive
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Reactions: ithappens and Deleted_9cKnXB34QG
All Things Must Pass

All Things Must Pass

Apr 14, 2021
  • Avoid giving away details that could lead online strangers to you in real life, such as your location (even if general), name, age, gender, etc. Even if you use vpns, and anonymity products, they do nothing if you give away your location yourself (unless it's fake, we'll get to that).
I will never understand why some rational adults willingly doxx themselves like this. Do they want to be some sort of forum superstar?


Jun 19, 2019
This guide is for those who desire it and desire to follow it.
Everything said/shared here, is based on my personal opinion, knowledge, analysis and experience.

Here are links to posts that highlight/share some of the things that happened and could happen again on SS, the internet and life for you to get an idea:

https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/important.64991/ https://sanctioned-suicide.net/thre...-rape-attempted-murder-of-2-ss-members.64701/

- Learn to FULLY protect your anonymity and online presence. Learn how simply being in the chat or clicking on a link can give away your location to those with the right tools. Look into using VPNs, Tor, etc but don't just blindly trust anything either just because it claims to protect you. Study everything. Study everything you use just as you would study the foods you consume and home you will live in. Technology advances at a rapid rate, if you're not up to date, you will be left behind and vulnerable. If you're serious about your safety, take the matter into your own hands.
- Predators thrive on vulnerability, naivety, isolation and lack of knowledge, lack of information and lack of experience. If you tick any of these boxes, here's what you should and shouldn't do:

  • Keep all your communications in the public forum and "in the light". Private messages are the equivalent of dark alleys in real life. By limiting all your communications to public ones, you greatly reduce your risks of being isolated, blackmailed or not believed, in case something happens. You will always have witnesses and helpers and it is easier to report because mods can see the entire conversation.
  • Avoid giving away details that could lead online strangers to you in real life, such as your location (even if general), name, age, gender, etc. Even if you use vpns, and anonymity products, they do nothing if you give away your location yourself (unless it's fake, we'll get to that).
  • Ask yourself if pm'ing a user is really necessary. Avoid pm'ing as much as you possibly can and if you can't, keep it simple, straight-to-the-point, superficial and of course, follow this guidance.
  • Keep interactions, even the public ones, simple, superficial and straight-to-the-point.
  • Lie. If you can't or don't want to avoid answering but still want to stay safe, lie. Misinform the online stranger.
  • Remember that they could be lying to you as well. If you can, so can they, but if they can, so can you. It's all about how you use what.
  • You may feel exhausted from pretending or having to watch your back all the time. In that case, stick to lurking, if you can't trust yourself to follow all of this general guidance, avoid interactions altogether. Do not attempt skydiving for the fun and thrill of it (if you don't want to die or be severely injured) if you don't know how to open a parachute. Do not venture into the woods to find a specific flower if you don't know how to use a shotgun or other weapons to protect yourself from predators and/or ruthless savage animals/beings. If finding the flower is truly important to you, you will be encouraged and guided to learn and master the art of protecting yourself on your journey.
  • Learn the art of observation but do not only trust what you see and hear. Take all the risks and possibilities into consideration and plan ahead of time, ways to undo/counteract them if they arise.
  • Tune into your feelings and listen but again, do not only act on one aspect/part of things. Look at the whole picture and decide your course of action based on your goal and your surroundings.
  • Do not expect anyone to be kind and gentle sweet souls. Do not expect anyone to have your best interests at heart. Do not expect anyone to help you protect yourself. Do not expect anyone to help or support you. Do not expect anyone to take your side or agree with you. Always remember that everyone is selfish. And always remember to be selfish. There is nothing wrong with it, in fact, it's how it should be. Always behave as if you were on your own and stay focused on your goal but do not be afraid of asking for help and/or accepting it if you need it, just remember this guidance.
  • You can express yourself all you want as long as you stay alert and aware about what you share and how it could potentially affect you in real life.
  • Think ahead of time, study the tools you're using, always check your privacy settings and preferences, plan. Use your critical thinking, not just your feelings and intuition. Use all the tools available to you.
  • Do not underestimate or minimise anything or anyone. People can track down your ip address and location simply by your presence in the chat or by you clicking on a link or sometimes even by you logging in.
  • Keep records and evidence if something seems suspicious or offends you. The chat feature especially, doesn't keep logs or records I think so everything that happens there will vanish into thin air. Do not delete messages, ever, under any circumstances, until (if) you're sure deleting them won't affect you in any way and they truly won't be needed again. Be sure. Screenshots don't count as evidence as they can be faked. Keep the original messages/material.
  • Read through people's post history and pay attention to any potential red flags. Not having or having a minimal post history is a red flag. If the user only sticks to certain kinds of threads or avoids talking about themselves somewhat in depth in the public forum, it's a red flag. These are not the only ones. Look for all of them.
  • Some predator users have planned their routes and way of operation ahead of time so do not believe everything you read. They may have planned everything before even making an account.
  • Everything can be faked. Everything can be a lie. Keep this in mind before you do or say anything. (An example is the user @x_LittleAmy_x pretending to be a 20 yo girl with autism, they even made a thread asking if there are other girls with autism on the site and encouraging the users to "keep in touch" with them. It turns out that the person behind the account was a male with a hidden agenda. This is just one of the countless examples that exist.) Use your critical thinking. Never assume anything is true. Check facts for yourself. Research.
  • Do not run away from the opportunity to learn if it comes your way, especially if it regards your safety and well-being in any way.
  • Give importance to everything and deal with them in a way that is beneficial or helpful for you.
  • Take your time before saying or doing something online. Unless it's gathering evidence, in that case, you must act quickly. Think ahead of time. Think of the kinds of responses you might get and how to react.
  • Never tell the truth upfront. Always tell or respond with lies. You decide when (if) to bring out the truth.
  • Never assume that the longer you know or interact with someone, the more you will know about them and/or be able to trust them. Some predators take advantage of this mentality. They will feed you everything they need to feed you, for as long as they need to, to get what they want.
  • Proof-read. In case you accidently give away a piece of information that could get you targetted or attacked by some predators.
  • Be ready to face the consequences of what you say, share and/or do. No one has any real power over you behind the screen if you protect yourself as best as you can. If having learnt all of this, you decide to blindly and/or thoughtlessly trust a stranger or give a piece of information, without preparation, that could affect you in real life or in any way, be prepared to face the consequences and own up. You are responsible for what you say/share/do and what you do with everything. This is not saying "blame yourself", this is saying take responsible and informed actions. Whatever happened or happens, do not be afraid of reporting offenders to the authorities, keeping things bottled up will not help you, it will just weigh on your shoulders. If nothing comes out of reporting them, do your best to spread awareness in your own way to prevent future misfortunes for others and yourself. What's done is done, think about how it can be used beneficially for yourself and for others now and from now on.
  • When it comes to your fulfilling your well-being and safety, the knowledge, guidance and information is readily available. But, you are responsible for seeking, absorbing and using them in a way that fulfills your well-being and safety.
  • Use different usernames and even emails when creating accounts to avoid accounts being linked to each other and exposing you.
  • Do not use your real name to create an email or an account of any sort (unless it's something that requires your true identity like something job related or civil stuff related).
  • Avoid online things that require your full name and identity for registration, if you can.
  • Try to go for the offline option when doing something if you can, where you can, when you can.
  • Avoid registering or creating any accounts unless absolutely necessary or you strongly want to and you feel it is truly beneficial for you and/or for others.
  • Do not be afraid to share/report the experiences (you went through because of/with certain individuals) with the community/the world. Do not be afraid to share and say what you have to share and say. Just make sure to follow the rules of the websites/places you share them on. This site is against censorship, you are free to express yourself within the rules. The more light we shed on the truth and what is going on, the safer it is for everyone and you will receive support, I will support you.
  • Read the rules carefully, do not assume that what you're wanting to share is against them. Ask for clarification if need be. Sharing your experiences perfectly falls under free-speech and still perfectly respects the rules as long as you don't give any identifying details such as real names, contact infos, addresses, dates of birth, etc. And remain factual and not disrespectful. Sharing the username is okay as usernames are publicly available. Make sure to have and keep evidence before doing or saying anything or use a disclaimer. Keep in mind though that accusations made without evidence can be considered a felony and cause legal trouble. This is why it's even more important to have and keep evidence always, all the time, everywhere. This is why it's even more important to do your best to protect yourself and avoid situations that may require for you to have proof if you want to receive justice, safety and peace of mind. You may find yourself in situations where you become a victim of some kind of crime/wrong-doing but can't record or provide proof for whatever reason. Always be careful to avoid dangerous and unexpected situations as best as you can.
All in all, only experience and time can truly teach you until it's ingrained but these are the basics, I guess. I know this is a lot of work but this is for those who want to seriously protect themselves while benefitting from what is available and are willing to do what it takes and take the matter into their own hands. I would say feel free to pm me if you have any questions but if you've read and followed all of that, you know that's not something I would do. ;) Feel free to ask questions in this thread or create one and tag me though haha. And DuckDuckGo can answer most of your questions as well.

Online users aren't the only ones you should watch out for. App creators gather data of all kinds, the government does too, search engines, browsers, etc. Data is gold and who knows what they do or plan to do with it. Look into using open-source apps that don't require internet access in the permissions to run, instead of using the mainstream default ones. And try to avoid using the ones that do require internet access in any way. Look into privacy-oriented operating systems and products. Always go for the privacy-oriented option/version when you can, where you can, if you can. This topic would require an entire manual but please do your research, we gave you general pointers here, the rest is up to you. There might be some users willing to go more in-depth but again DuckDuckGo can answer most if not all of your questions. And be open to receiving useful beneficial informations, they might pop up out of nowhere anytime. And of course, use the same level of energy, vigilance and brain-power to protect yourself as best as you can in real life as well.

I suggest checking out the site
nononsenseselfdefense . com as well.

Use a no-log policy VPN and Tor and I suggest installing the uBlock Origin and Decentraleyes add-ons for more security (will block popups and ads, etc), their site is http (not secure).

I already posted this guide in the comments under a thread but I'm posting it in thread form so it's neater and easier to find.

I hope this helps in some way.

Stay safe, this world sucks. There are all kinds of dangers out there. Be wary of other humans (and other beings) as they have brains and their own agendas too.

It's a battle. It's war.
I use other device with prepaid Internet and vpn when in here just so I can forget the whole privacy/safety thing.

I'm just curious that how do people change their phones IMEI code (identification code near the battery)?
I mean are there apps available that really work for that.
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
That's scary. I'm autistic and I have been in a similar experience last year that scarred me quite badly. Not on this site though.
It's really shitty to go after autistics because we tend to believe people's words to be true, why would they not be? Does not compute. Also autistics tend to be truthful, so when someone says they're autistic you do not expect them to trick you...
The world being filled with people who would lie, cheat and play games with people is one of the reasons I never wanted to be alive
I was victimized on another site by a predator who took advantage of my autism as well as some other vague details I gave away on a freaking near dead roleplay forum of all places. I'm still scarred by it despite the time that's passed, so I understand how you feel and I'm so sorry to hear that that happened to you. These days I don't share details about myself online at all. Wish I'd had this guide a few years back before I messed up so badly. Some people will go to lengths a normal person just wouldn't comprehend.
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Jul 15, 2020
Some people will go to lengths a normal person just wouldn't comprehend.

yeah and they claim were the ones with fucked up minds lol setting up fake accounts, pretending with certain diseases/illness. takes a special kind of FREAK to do that and i don't mean special in the normal way either!!!
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