

Nov 23, 2018
Warning: this may be offensive to some, it is meant to achieve the opposite - , Thanks

I thought peoples' help on this post will be highly appreciated - this post coid be really valuable for people with AND, ADHD, EUPD6 and plenty others I suspect. I'll share what Ive learned what I think is important for everyone here.

A system of rules for the socially/etc challenged - all if my current diagnoses is correct, it's those that mean I worry excessively about buying someone by saying s something, or social faux-pas too, I do commit some, but sometimes I have the will and ability to beat myself to beat myself into shape to fit in.

Advice I'd give myself

1. Read SS's ruled, obviously. Obey normal forum social etiquette as well, google for guides

2. Understand this is a site with vulnerable &/ sensitive people, (as well as less so). So keep your sensitivity in check wgen srojnd seemingly perfectly happy people. Offence might be easily taken by someone. Thus is a very, hard problem, but some tips:

A. Read a thread from top to bottom before posting (unless it's clearly jovial)
B. Always make a draft, andcre-read you wrote several times in conjunction with previous and current conversation content and flow. Keep flow going, and be considerare and responsive if appropriate anyone is expressing need for help in some way within the thread.
C. its a public forum but skjevtgreadscsre more personal so stay out of those usually off you can tellntge difference.

How others can help

3. Understand this is a site with vulnerable &/ sensitive people, (as well as less).
3. (Comments and other help would be highly appreciated so we can fit in without uosettingvyoo many people??
4. Help give almost mechanical rules to jakevthus a more concrete reference for the socially and common sense challenged - inspired by me :-D
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