

Enemy brain ain't cooperating
Apr 5, 2024
Life is truly absurd, guess it's time to go, here's what happened.

Basically I asked my mother to support me and take my mental health seriously because my depression and anhedonia won't allow me to finish high school no matter how hard I try, this turned into a heated argument as she claims that only I can help myself and she is only responsible to provide for my biological needs (food and water) and that I should be grateful for it, and that her offering me advice without any kind of support is the best she will do, she still makes everything my fault, of the other things she said is that I complain too much and that she only wished I was dead "once", she says that I'm too much of a financial burden on her and am obligated to give back to her, said she has the right to physically assault me as she pleases, refused to listen to my argument that my problems are a result of her selfish decision to procreate, she says I'm weak and lazy because I lack motivation even though I've tried everything to try to find joy in anything, she really doesn't mind if I die or CTB as well, finally she kicked me out of the house, all of this happened with one of my mother's friends present and she supported her all the way and claimed that her kids are obligated to respect her as well no matter how little she provides for them.

Let me tell you some of my mother's wonderful arguments:

"I was born without my consent as well so we're all only responsible for ourselves" your parents did you the ultimate harm by bringing you into existence and you still respect them because you're a dumbass, I won't make the same mistake.

"I can't solve your problems for you so I'm not responsible for them" wow messing things up beyond repair makes you not responsible, I burned your house down but I can't afford to buy you a new one so I'm not actually responsible for burning your house down.

"God will punish you in life for not being satisfied with it" how merciful of him.

"You can't compare being born then asking for full support from your parents to getting hit by a car and asking for the driver to pay your medical bills, because bringing you into existence was intentional and not an accident" if you harm others by accident you're responsible but if you harm them intentionally you're not? So if you hit someone with your car intentionally you're not responsible?

And they say my logic is flawed.

My mother and her friend say I'm too much of a coward to CTB, I'll prove them wrong, there's no way I could fail the SN method.

The absurd thing is, I got my SN 2 weeks ago, got metoclopramide 2 days ago, tested the SN and burned all my personal notes, formatted my flash drives and hard drives yesterday, my intuition was correct, I actually dodged a bullet.

I'm outside, I've fasted for 5 hours now and just took my first 10mg meto, will fast for another 12 hours before drinking the SN, will have to trespass onto public property at night to reach my CTB spot.

For some reason I feel happy, maybe because I will finally be at peace, or maybe because I know I've lived my whole life never having hurt anyone intentionally, having spent all my life minimizing the suffering I could cause others, I'm a good person, I'm innocent but the world has failed me.

I've never really loved anyone but I just want to say that if you're not intentionally hurting others and are tolerant and support human rights then I love you, too bad I've never met a single person that meets these requirements IRL.

Procreation is truly a despicable act, can't believe I had to go through all these years for no reason.

If you have any questions ask away, I have 12 hours to pass.
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Reactions: weirdoldguy, Unknown21, ForgottenAgain and 26 others


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I hope that you find peace from the suffering, best wishes.
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Hanzala Ahmad

Hanzala Ahmad

New Member
Sep 15, 2024
Don't do it man, it can get better
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
I'm sorry you never got the support and help you seek. No one deserves to end their life to prove anyone wrong, deciding to live or die should only be about you as it's your life at stake here. Anyways, i wish you the best whatever you decide to do.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I'm sorry you have to go through this. Pretty shitty parents.
I wish you all the best and good luck! I hope you find peace! :heart:
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Enemy brain ain't cooperating
Apr 5, 2024
I'm sorry you never got the support and help you seek. No one deserves to end their life to prove anyone wrong, deciding to live or die should only be about you as it's your life at stake here. Anyways, i wish you the best whatever you decide to do.
I'm going to CTB because I don't feel joy anymore and I'm sick of the boredom, hopelessness and loneliness.

Messing with my parents is just a bonus, they helped push me over the edge.
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Feb 3, 2023
I'm outside
Are you comfortable with doing it outside or you do it there because you, as you said, have been excluded? Maybe it is not allowed to exclude you yet, if you didn't graduate school yet, in case you would be more comfortable with doing it indoors.
Edit: Since you are talking about your "CTB spot", I assume you are probably comfortable with the spot.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
I'm going to CTB because I don't feel joy anymore and I'm sick of the boredom, hopelessness and loneliness.

Messing with my parents is just a bonus, they helped push me over the edge.
Be that as it may, i hope you have thought this through and isn't on impulse. You are young and most people's life is completely different than it was in high-school, away from toxic relationships with parents. There is a chance you would feel differently but it's your decision and only you know best about your situation and your possible future.
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Apr 3, 2023
Best wishes on finding peace, whatever you decide.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I don't have any questions for you. I just wanted to say that I saw some of your posts which I related to and I want to say that your logic isn't flawed at all. I think that you've been realistic in your assessment of life. It's absurd as to how shitty life is yet how it gets justified by almost everybody.

I hope you find peace soon regardless of whatever you do
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Enemy brain ain't cooperating
Apr 5, 2024
Are you comfortable with doing it outside or you do it there because you, as you said, have been excluded? Maybe it is not allowed to exclude you yet, if you didn't graduate school yet, in case you would be more comfortable with doing it indoors.

Edit: Since you are talking about your "CTB spot", I assume you are probably comfortable with the spot.
If I do it at home they could find me and get me hospitalized, more comfortable with doing it outside.

Wow, that's some serious UNO reverse card lol.
Is it? She made the same mistake as her parents so how is it my fault?

I don't have any questions for you. I just wanted to say that I saw some of your posts which I related to and I want to say that your logic isn't flawed at all. I think that you've been realistic in your assessment of life. It's absurd as to how shitty life is yet how it gets justified by almost everybody.

I hope you find peace soon regardless of whatever you do
Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks like this.
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Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
Is it? She made the same mistake as her parents so how is it my fault?
It isn't your fault at all. The argument is trash, but meant it's an anti-natalist argument to condemn having children, and your mom used it the opposite way without any clue, kinda found it funny lol.
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Reactions: Unknown21, Plato'sCaveDweller, AbusedInnocent and 1 other person


My own worst enemy🌹💔
Aug 10, 2024
Life is truly absurd, guess it's time to go, here's what happened.

Basically I asked my mother to support me and take my mental health seriously because my depression and anhedonia won't allow me to finish high school no matter how hard I try, this turned into a heated argument as she claims that only I can help myself and she is only responsible to provide for my biological needs (food and water) and that I should be grateful for it, and that her offering me advice without any kind of support is the best she will do, she still makes everything my fault, of the other things she said is that I complain too much and that she only wished I was dead "once", she says that I'm too much of a financial burden on her and am obligated to give back to her, said she has the right to physically assault me as she pleases, refused to listen to my argument that my problems are a result of her selfish decision to procreate, she says I'm weak and lazy because I lack motivation even though I've tried everything to try to find joy in anything, she really doesn't mind if I die or CTB as well, finally she kicked me out of the house, all of this happened with one of my mother's friends present and she supported her all the way and claimed that her kids are obligated to respect her as well no matter how little she provides for them.

Let me tell you some of my mother's wonderful arguments:

"I was born without my consent as well so we're all only responsible for ourselves" your parents did you the ultimate harm by bringing you into existence and you still respect them because you're a dumbass, I won't make the same mistake.

"I can't solve your problems for you so I'm not responsible for them" wow messing things up beyond repair makes you not responsible, I burned your house down but I can't afford to buy you a new one so I'm not actually responsible for burning your house down.

"God will punish you in life for not being satisfied with it" how merciful of him.

"You can't compare being born then asking for full support from your parents to getting hit by a car and asking for the driver to pay your medical bills, because bringing you into existence was intentional and not an accident" if you harm others by accident you're responsible but if you harm them intentionally you're not? So if you hit someone with your car intentionally you're not responsible?

And they say my logic is flawed.

My mother and her friend say I'm too much of a coward to CTB, I'll prove them wrong, there's no way I could fail the SN method.

The absurd thing is, I got my SN 2 weeks ago, got metoclopramide 2 days ago, tested the SN and burned all my personal notes, formatted my flash drives and hard drives yesterday, my intuition was correct, I actually dodged a bullet.

I'm outside, I've fasted for 5 hours now and just took my first 10mg meto, will fast for another 12 hours before drinking the SN, will have to trespass onto public property at night to reach my CTB spot.

For some reason I feel happy, maybe because I will finally be at peace, or maybe because I know I've lived my whole life never having hurt anyone intentionally, having spent all my life minimizing the suffering I could cause others, I'm a good person, I'm innocent but the world has failed me.

I've never really loved anyone but I just want to say that if you're not intentionally hurting others and are tolerant and support human rights then I love you, too bad I've never met a single person that meets these requirements IRL.

Procreation is truly a despicable act, can't believe I had to go through all these years for no reason.

If you have any questions ask away, I have 12 hours to pass.
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Reactions: AbusedInnocent, LifeQuitter and badtothebone


Even the stars make room for new stars
Sep 3, 2024
I hope you find peace.

Your mom sounds like she has no idea how to handle the situation and a terrible parent.

Also I like one of the comments above saying that he agrees with your assessment. I haven't looked at all your posts but I really like that comment because people constantly say CTB is due to mental health. I think its sometimes just a perfectly logical solution to a terrible situation.
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Reactions: Unknown21, ForgottenAgain, AbusedInnocent and 2 others


Aug 20, 2024
Life is truly absurd, guess it's time to go, here's what happened.

Basically I asked my mother to support me and take my mental health seriously because my depression and anhedonia won't allow me to finish high school no matter how hard I try, this turned into a heated argument as she claims that only I can help myself and she is only responsible to provide for my biological needs (food and water) and that I should be grateful for it, and that her offering me advice without any kind of support is the best she will do, she still makes everything my fault, of the other things she said is that I complain too much and that she only wished I was dead "once", she says that I'm too much of a financial burden on her and am obligated to give back to her, said she has the right to physically assault me as she pleases, refused to listen to my argument that my problems are a result of her selfish decision to procreate, she says I'm weak and lazy because I lack motivation even though I've tried everything to try to find joy in anything, she really doesn't mind if I die or CTB as well, finally she kicked me out of the house, all of this happened with one of my mother's friends present and she supported her all the way and claimed that her kids are obligated to respect her as well no matter how little she provides for them.

Let me tell you some of my mother's wonderful arguments:

"I was born without my consent as well so we're all only responsible for ourselves" your parents did you the ultimate harm by bringing you into existence and you still respect them because you're a dumbass, I won't make the same mistake.

"I can't solve your problems for you so I'm not responsible for them" wow messing things up beyond repair makes you not responsible, I burned your house down but I can't afford to buy you a new one so I'm not actually responsible for burning your house down.

"God will punish you in life for not being satisfied with it" how merciful of him.

"You can't compare being born then asking for full support from your parents to getting hit by a car and asking for the driver to pay your medical bills, because bringing you into existence was intentional and not an accident" if you harm others by accident you're responsible but if you harm them intentionally you're not? So if you hit someone with your car intentionally you're not responsible?

And they say my logic is flawed.

My mother and her friend say I'm too much of a coward to CTB, I'll prove them wrong, there's no way I could fail the SN method.

The absurd thing is, I got my SN 2 weeks ago, got metoclopramide 2 days ago, tested the SN and burned all my personal notes, formatted my flash drives and hard drives yesterday, my intuition was correct, I actually dodged a bullet.

I'm outside, I've fasted for 5 hours now and just took my first 10mg meto, will fast for another 12 hours before drinking the SN, will have to trespass onto public property at night to reach my CTB spot.

For some reason I feel happy, maybe because I will finally be at peace, or maybe because I know I've lived my whole life never having hurt anyone intentionally, having spent all my life minimizing the suffering I could cause others, I'm a good person, I'm innocent but the world has failed me.

I've never really loved anyone but I just want to say that if you're not intentionally hurting others and are tolerant and support human rights then I love you, too bad I've never met a single person that meets these requirements IRL.

Procreation is truly a despicable act, can't believe I had to go through all these years for no reason.

If you have any questions ask away, I have 12 hours to pass.
You had an argument with your mom and she shouldn't be saying those harmful things, I'm sorry you have to hear them. I'm just another user here so I don't know exactly what's going on but maybe you need to think about this. Once it's done it can't be undone.
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Reactions: Unknown21, AbusedInnocent and LifeQuitter


Enemy brain ain't cooperating
Apr 5, 2024
Just drank the SN, goodbye cruel world :)
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Reactions: DrearyAsh348, weirdoldguy, Tonkpils and 21 others


incapable of shutting up
May 2, 2024
It's awful to see someone reach out for help, as we're always told to, and be rejected. Especially since it takes a lot of courage to admit needing help.
I hope the transition was as smooth and painless as it could be. Rest well 🫂
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My own worst enemy🌹💔
Aug 10, 2024
I truly hope you transitioned peacefully & are now in a place of love & peace🌹💔
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Aug 21, 2023
Hope you find what ever it is you're looking for on the other side. Safe journeys stranger.


On the rollercoaster of sadness
Oct 17, 2023
Rest in peace stranger 🕊️

Reading your post and what your mother said it's just...heart breaking to say the least... How can someone say such things to their own child..?

I hope you are in a better place now, you didn't deserve the life that was put upon you. Rest well, I hope your transition was peaceful. I'm so sorry it ended this way 🫂
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Apr 25, 2023
Goodbye lil bro, I'm sorry I came too late, I hope you found peace.
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