

We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
After being illegally evicted and having $3000 stolen from my landlord exactly almost 2 months ago now, being homeless just isn't for me anymore... I miss having a home. The only way for me to do this financially and get a place to stay is to up and leave to Nevada from Massachusetts, I'm going to miss my homeland, but it's just too toxic for me stay in and I must leave. The only support my family had to offer was buying me out with hotel rooms for only 1 night and I just cannot be around them anymore, they have shown me their true colors over the past few months and I feel like I was lied to my whole life by them. Do I care about their feelings about me leaving? Absouelty not, they haven't shown a shred of emotion for me when I was out of the street getting zero hours of sleep for days on end, the only person I've doubted in the past was my dad and hes currently the only one who has been trying to help me get back on my feet by staying at his place for a few weeks now. I'm very grateful for him in this moment as he hasn't really been there for me for a portion of my life, but I do see hes really trying to make up for that as a father. I will be leaving on Saturday and will probably be never coming back here again unless I really like it in Nevada, I know my family will try to do their best this week to keep me here, because that's just in their sad nature of only caring about themselves and not seeing me try for the better, but as I said I don't care how they feel anymore, I feel absolutely nothing for them anymore and I know I do seem selfish saying this but there comes a time where enough is enough, I could have bettered myself but they prevented that by not giving me the support of staying with them for a while until I did, but as they always like to say "It is what it is"... And that's the only truth that will be spewed from their lying mouths ever again, because I'm fucking out of here and never seeing them again for a long as I live on this earth. I know they will try to guilt me by asking asking me "why I'm doing this to them" but this not an act of retaliation against them, this is to better myself because I know if I stay here I'll be on the streets wanting to CTB for the rest of my life and not get better and I'm not doing that anymore. It's been a good run here and Boston will forever be in my heart, but now it's time for me to part ways with home...
Sorry for the long post
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Reactions: Sunset764, Ivenocare and Circles


Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
I'm sorry you are homeless right now. I've been there and understand your difficulties. I am grateful however that you have created the option to move out of the state. This sounds like a great solution. I hope this opens up some doors for you.

I left my parents 30 years ago and never looked back. I understand not wanting to speak with them. Our circumstances are different and in my case even still today reconciliation is not possible for me. Putting the distance between you and them today may help. You can always reevaluate your relationship if you choose to reestablish contact once you are in a stable living environment.

One thing at a time. Your life is the most important.
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Reactions: ExitTheDay and Circles


We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
I'm sorry you are homeless right now. I've been there and understand your difficulties. I am grateful however that you have created the option to move out of the state. This sounds like a great solution. I hope this opens up some doors for you.

I left my parents 30 years ago and never looked back. I understand not wanting to speak with them. Our circumstances are different and in my case even still today reconciliation is not possible for me. Putting the distance between you and them today may help. You can always reevaluate your relationship if you choose to reestablish contact once you are in a stable living environment.

One thing at a time. Your life is the most important.
Thank you
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