Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I mean what else can this shit world throw at us before we truly break? I feel like I have been on this god forsaken rock waaayy too long.

Inside Out Reaction GIF by Disney Pixar
Bryan Cranston Reaction GIF
Robot What GIF
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Oct 19, 2021
Maybe we'll get hit by a giant meteor and this world will get to start over- I wouldn't mind.
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Aug 25, 2021
Not considering climate change and covid, but IMO some of the others have been happening all the time and the 24x7 news cycle and the internet make things seem worse than they are. I suppose people who were living in the early 20th century had it a lot worse - TWO world wars, great depression, spanish flu, riots, military coups etc etc. It was just a non-stop shitshow. World's a lot more stable now, all things considered.
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Dec 15, 2021
I mean what else can this shit world throw at us before we truly break? I feel like I have been on this god forsaken rock waaayy too long.

Inside Out Reaction GIF by Disney Pixar
Bryan Cranston Reaction GIF
Robot What GIF

I can't think of much more than can befall this planet and our society. The only things missing are cosmic death-rays and an alien invasion, but if I were those aliens, I would stay away from this place.

We all need to go back to the 1800's and become cowboys. Yeeeeehaaaaaw! 🤠
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Not considering climate change and covid, but IMO some of the others have been happening all the time and the 24x7 news cycle and the internet make things seem worse than they are. I suppose people who were living in the early 20th century had it a lot worse - TWO world wars, great depression, spanish flu, riots, military coups etc etc. It was just a non-stop shitshow. World's a lot more stable now, all things considered.
The difference is that now it happens simultaneously everywhere ... this has never happened before. And my father is from 1935 and my mother from 1944 ... my maternal grandmothers - already dead - from 1902 and 1906 and my grandfather who I never met from 1876 ... and it has never been passed on to my family the memory of a situation similar to the present.

There are serious conflicts on a global scale of social, military, health, economic, political, climate / environmental etc ...


La diferència es que ara passa de forma simultània a tot arreu... això no ha passat mai abans. I mon pare és del 1935 i ma mare del 1944... les meves àvies maternes - ja mortes- del 1902 i del 1906 i el meu avi que mai vaig conèixer del 1876... i mai s'ha transmés a la meva família el record d'una situació semblant a l'actual.

Hi ha conflictes greus a escala planetària de tipus social, militar, sanitari, econòmic, polític, climàtic/ambiental etc...
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Not considering climate change and covid, but IMO some of the others have been happening all the time and the 24x7 news cycle and the internet make things seem worse than they are. I suppose people who were living in the early 20th century had it a lot worse - TWO world wars, great depression, spanish flu, riots, military coups etc etc. It was just a non-stop shitshow. World's a lot more stable now, all things considered.
it depends on where you live in the world, but I wholeheartedly and respectfully disagree. We have not evolved as a civilised species at all. Unless you consider the ongoing threat of Nuclear War, and all the other things I mentioned, stable things? I honestly detest most humans at this point.
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Enigmatic Sailor

Enigmatic Sailor

vicissitudes of fate...
Oct 29, 2021
I believe everything is just over-hyped to push a narrative or for fear mongering/trolling. We'll get through all this like everything else in mankind's history.

Fear is the biggest killer of them all.


May 26, 2022
As long as the rich and the politicians are fine and they can pay their bills, food, and otger expenses, they will be fine. The rest is the one that suffers (us).