sleepy dog

sleepy dog

Sep 13, 2019
Off topic I know, forgive me.
Have you ever seen a ghost?
I saw two in my life, I am 53. The first was my cousin who drowned in a pool. Him and others were competing to see who could stay under water the longest. I saw him walking down the stairs in the basement. The second was my grandmother. I loved her very much. I had just found out she passed. My sister and I had spent maybe an hour on the phone booking flights to the funeral. I went in my room and closed the door and was in there a few minutes to start packing. I turned around to walk to the door and leave the room. She came right thru the door and stopped. She said goodbye, then she was gone. It shocked me. I went and asked my sister if she had seen her. The cousin had lived with my grandmother, she raised him. I never saw a ghost again. That was 30 years ago. Somebody asked me if they looked like what they had seen and described it, and I said yes. Like a see thru grayish white color. Others have said they have seen one. I never really thought about it. I just dismissed it as hallucinations, and something I can't explain. I don't "believe in ghosts", but that did happen.
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
i use to see "things" when i was young, just like figures and shadows in my basement, extremely cold drifts here and there and feelings of being watched. i feel like everyone has had a supernatural encounter, whether its irl or through you're dreams in some sort of way.
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Feb 15, 2019
i use to see "things" when i was young, just like figures and shadows in my basement, extremely cold drifts here and there and feelings of being watched. i feel like everyone has had a supernatural encounter, whether its irl or through you're dreams in some sort of way.

Can you describe when you saw the figures and shadows? Did they move or do anything?


Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
Can you describe when you saw the figures and shadows? Did they move or do anything?
at times they'd be dark figures so i wouldn't think much of it other than it being my sisters, but i'd get just a rush of goosebumps and emotions of someone watching me. another time, it was a dead relative who had recently passed that i had "saw"; but i still dont know if it was my emotions of being overwhelmed of death and saddened by his death that i perhaps saw him cause i missed him, but i dont know.

other times have been through my dreams in a way; i had a really close friend pass away when i was younger, and since then, id just have dreams of her and just they would feel real, and she'd have a message for me everytime in those dreams abd they'd occur when i was super super depressed to sort of uplift me in a way.

Idk probably all in my head, but iv always been extremely fond over the thoughts of superstition and the supernatural. just me though. iv been told though that such things i guess are common with empaths, but who knows.
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Sep 19, 2019
I think this topic may spook some people on this site but oh well.

My best friend used to use automatic writing and still swears up and down that she's haunted by a demon because of it. She said at first it claimed to be some gay guy that would try to persuade her to kill herself. After talking through automatic writing for a while, it eventually manifested as a voice in her head (disguised as her own internal monologue), but gradually became its own audible voice external to her body. She describes it as a masculine voice, but sort of... shrilly? Or high-pitched but still in the male range I guess. She occasionally has vivid nightmares where it supposedly torments her, but she says that if she says the name of Jesus Christ it'll abate. I'm an atheist so I don't really believe in it. I know schizophrenia runs in her family so I'm more inclined to believe it's that.

Oh, but what I have seen is a UFO. Mind you, I'm not saying it was an alien craft or had any intelligence behind it, just that it was really big, really bright, and extremely fast.
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
I think this topic may spook some people on this site but oh well.

My best friend used to use automatic writing and still swears up and down that she's haunted by a demon because of it. She said at first it claimed to be some gay guy that would try to persuade her to kill herself. After talking through automatic writing for a while, it eventually manifested as a voice in her head (disguised as her own internal monologue), but gradually became its own audible voice external to her body. She describes it as a masculine voice, but sort of... shrilly? Or high-pitched but still in the male range I guess. She occasionally has vivid nightmares where it supposedly torments her, but she says that if she says the name of Jesus Christ it'll abate. I'm an atheist so I don't really believe in it. I know schizophrenia runs in her family so I'm more inclined to believe it's that.

Oh, but what I have seen is a UFO. Mind you, I'm not saying it was an alien craft or had any intelligence behind it, just that it was really big, really bright, and extremely fast.
Yeah i had a friend who had a similar experience; apparently they were extremely religious, and she had somehow been possessed by a demon. they had her locked in a room for years. were points where she'd take a frying pan with food and oil on it and either hit herself or try and hit her mom with it or at times literally burn her skin by pouring it on herself.
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Sep 19, 2019
If I was locked in a room for years I'd probably hit myself with a frying pan as well.
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
If I was locked in a room for years I'd probably hit myself with a frying pan as well.
nah it was before they had locked her away for her own safety and the safety of others. it was a pretty sad situation.
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Jun 8, 2019
I once lived in an old plantation house that had been used as a hospital in the civil war. The slave quarters were still standing in the back yard. Enough said.
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sleepy dog

sleepy dog

Sep 13, 2019
I once lived in an old plantation house that had been used as a hospital in the civil war. The slave quarters were still standing in the back yard. Enough said.

No no no, tell us please.


gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
The place I'm staying at the moment has a ghost - a slim person I've seen come into the room three times. She doesn't seem to notice me; I don't think she realizes she's a ghost or otherwise not really there.
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
The place I'm staying at the moment has a ghost - a slim person I've seen come into the room three times. She doesn't seem to notice me; I don't think she realizes she's a ghost or otherwise not really there.
wow, thats insane. yeah i mean if u are an avid believer in the supernatural like i am, id say sometimes spirits or those who have violently or tragically passed in a very messed up way usually linger on and are like stuck or trapped where such an event happened, and havent moved on. thats actually amazing seeing others see them as well.
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sleepy dog

sleepy dog

Sep 13, 2019
Have any of you seen the movie "The Others" ? The ending was awesome.


Jun 8, 2019
No no no, tell us please.
I'd hear footsteps and murmuring all the time, there was one room that would drastically drop in temperature, I would always catch the ghost of a soldier standing by the fireplace in my bedroom.
Drawers and doors would open and close in the slave quarters, more footsteps, shadow people.
After we sold the place and moved the people who bought it turned it into a haunted bed and breakfast.

I've had other experiences all throughout my life, but that house was the most active.
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Innately yearning for eternal sleep
Oct 24, 2019
I think this topic may spook some people on this site but oh well.

My best friend used to use automatic writing and still swears up and down that she's haunted by a demon because of it. She said at first it claimed to be some gay guy that would try to persuade her to kill herself. After talking through automatic writing for a while, it eventually manifested as a voice in her head (disguised as her own internal monologue), but gradually became its own audible voice external to her body. She describes it as a masculine voice, but sort of... shrilly? Or high-pitched but still in the male range I guess. She occasionally has vivid nightmares where it supposedly torments her, but she says that if she says the name of Jesus Christ it'll abate. I'm an atheist so I don't really believe in it. I know schizophrenia runs in her family so I'm more inclined to believe it's that.

Oh, but what I have seen is a UFO. Mind you, I'm not saying it was an alien craft or had any intelligence behind it, just that it was really big, really bright, and extremely fast.
yeah literally one of the only things keeping me here is watching my freinds I've known my entire life, well at leat 15-18 years, get possesed and try to stab me. that was defnitelly wierd and I've never ever felt that feeling of being prey. I believe i got chocked out by a shadow man a couple weeks afterwards based on what happened.

So I decided around 3-4 years ago this month that I would attempt to figure out if there was anything out there using a oujuia board. I used it with two freinds of mine and they bought it at an old Toys r us that is in the bay area thats haunted. There was a few things we did to try to disprove the ideomotor phenomonemn , which was maknig 2 out of 3 of us blind and habing the 3rd person ask questions they knew the others didnt. One of the oddest tiems was when my buddy who got possed told me he couldnt read what the board was saying becuase it was movign so fast. I had to go grab some paper and write down what I could make oout until I had around a paragraph of obsecenties that all involved taking my soul etc. Another wired thing was, we are all men and I don't even know my moms dads or either of my two sisters birthdays, but when we asked this board for birthdays it always gave us the birthdate. I found this odd when we'd askt he board how old it was and it would adhere to BC and AD surprisingly but apparently my two buddies thought I was the same age. The same guy who got possesed has seen stuff at literally every hautened place weve been to. There was a lot more things that did happen, premintions, dreams, plancehtes moving on thier own
I think this topic may spook some people on this site but oh well.

My best friend used to use automatic writing and still swears up and down that she's haunted by a demon because of it. She said at first it claimed to be some gay guy that would try to persuade her to kill herself. After talking through automatic writing for a while, it eventually manifested as a voice in her head (disguised as her own internal monologue), but gradually became its own audible voice external to her body. She describes it as a masculine voice, but sort of... shrilly? Or high-pitched but still in the male range I guess. She occasionally has vivid nightmares where it supposedly torments her, but she says that if she says the name of Jesus Christ it'll abate. I'm an atheist so I don't really believe in it. I know schizophrenia runs in her family so I'm more inclined to believe it's that.

Oh, but what I have seen is a UFO. Mind you, I'm not saying it was an alien craft or had any intelligence behind it, just that it was really big, really bright, and extremely fast.
I had a similar experience maybe 3 weeks ago? I heard what sounded like my conscience but I could hear the voice through my left ear, or externally at the same time. I've never had anything happen like that before or since, and I can't remember what I heard but it sounded like a little girl's voice or a child's voice and it had me wide awake as I was going in and out of sleep. Then I heard the same voice, in the same manner, say: "we have so many questions" and I was spooked. That's something I can't explain but it reminded me of when I took around 600 micrograms of acid and I could hear several of my friends in and outside my head like they were speaking to me and from inside me.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
As a child I lived down the street from a family of spiritualists. They didn't talk about it or capitalize on it or anything, but one of the daughters was my sister's age and they were friends. She told my sister that different family members had different natural gifts or specializations. One did automatic writing, one did trance-type seances, and Mary's specialty was holding photographic paper against her abdomen and producing ectoplasmic images.

They had the best Hallowe'en parties o.0
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Sep 7, 2019
I haven't but felt a presence around me especially in the house we live in now. Definitely friendly too.
Not like Amityville!
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