
Aug 18, 2020
Maybe you have heard of it. I love the story. It is heartwarming. The company is called Axel Springer. It bought Politico for more than 630 million Euros. I think the exact number is unknown. Axel Springer is mostly known for the yellow press newspaper the Bild-Zeitung and the Welt-newspaper. Especially the BIld-Zeitung is disgusting. They violate ethical press standards on a daily basis. Clickbait with dying people (I can remember they showed a burning man), they treat vulnerable people like trash, promote hate, spread bullshit and a lot of trash TV related content. The Bild-Zeitung is probably the most influential newspaper in Germany.

It gets cancelled. I know cancel culture is criticized but in this case I am so glad about it they deserve it so much. The chief editor of Bild Julian Reich was known for treating his staff like trash. He slept with employees, they got promoted and later fired. This was the usual principle there. I think for many journalists this was an open secret in Germany. They said if you go to Bild you know what is awaiting you.

The US media outlets were really savvy. In the US sleeping with employees is more strictly prohibited. Soon after they bought Politico they released several pieces how abusive and toxic the climate of the Axel Springer company is. So many were had good old schadenfreude (a German term btw). The chief of the company Mathias Döpfner first defended his buddy Reichelt. Later they had to fire him after more and more research was published.

So thank you very much US media! There was recently a new report about the abuse. I wish they would go bankrupt over the deal. It would help to decrease the toxicity in German debates. And it serves justice for the women who were treated so badly.
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