I brought a gaming laptop so I could get into it beyond roblox, but my attention span is shit!! I would love to lose myself in proper gaming and learn that world
I try and play games that take a lot of thinking or attention to keep my mind off other thoughts. Things like Civ on one end of the spectrum and Skyrim/fallout on the other side of it. Depends on my mood
gaming doesn't even offer me any escape anymore. The past 15 months have had the least gaming activity than any other time in my life by far since I had started when I was 6-7 years old. I've just lost all enjoyment in everything that I once loved.
Yes I like horror in all forms so when it comes to games I play things like Resident Evil and it is some sort of release of tension. Call of duty also. Just generally blowing zombies heads off is a nice passtime to me.
Getting a good PC was the best thing that ever happened to me, probably.
My PC (and my phone too) helps so much with my pain, even right now as I write :)
My favorite games are Survival Horror ones. I rarely seem to find new games that I actually enjoy, so I just replay the old ones lol.. but I still have fun!
I'm even working on a mod right now and things are great so far! It just feels so nice to be doing smth you actually enjoy and seeing positive results...
I've loved video games ever since I was a little kid. I remember constantly crashing into my neighbour's house and hijacking the PS1 from the poor boys
I mostly play RPGs and building sims/strategy. I can't stand anything overly competitive or fast paced, I'm anxious and stressed out enough just living my daily life.
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