

Sep 7, 2019
I'm on another page for bipolar support and a lady said yesterday that she was going to walk in the sea and kill herself, I only saw the post this evening. The fallout from it is she didn't as several nosy cunts looked at her profile found out where she lived and called police. She's now sectioned. She came back online tonight to say how disappointed she was with the group and to just let her die.
Poor lady ❤️
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Reactions: Notcutoutforlife, Boochky, Rocksandsand and 7 others


Feb 8, 2019
Support groups and people in general are terrible for support if you are actually suicidal... the answer is always to lock people up and make their lives worse

Makes zero sense at all. I'm in an OCD group which actually said if you post about being suicidal it will be deleted and you might get banned...sad world we live in
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
see this is where I struggle with posts like those, are those people actually wanting to CTB or are they crying for help? On this forum the CTB posts are normally very real and very strong, but a lot posts I see else were I do think they could be attention seeking, as why would you post that sort of thing, knowing full well you could be found/stopped etc, If your serious surely you would just go?
Sorry just makes me wonder due to some stuff I saw on a group recently,

Either way some people need to keep their noses out of other peoples business and let them get on with wht ever they chose to do!
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
That's not surprising. Those people probably think they did something terrific and congratulated themselves for being such great, morally outstanding individuals.

This goes to show (for the upteenth time) that being suicidal is a thought-crime in this sick society and it's highly advisable to be very careful about one's privacy.

I wonder whether they'll ever come a time when personal autonomy is respected and suicide attempts are only interfered with if they are made by children or the circumstances are such that there's a real danger to others.
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Sep 7, 2019
Support groups and people in general are terrible for support if you are actually suicidal... the answer is always to lock people up and make their lives worse

Makes zero sense at all. I'm in an OCD group which actually said if you post about being suicidal it will be deleted and you might get banned...sad world we live in
This site you have to put a trigger warning up first.
I've not commented as my comments will get me banned there but she's in a worse state now because of this. She actually said I thought of my children and decided in the end not to go through with it only to now end up inside away from the only thing keeping me alive, my kids.
see this is where I struggle with posts like those, are those people actually wanting to CTB or are they crying for help? On this forum the CTB posts are normally very real and very strong, but a lot posts I see else were I do think they could be attention seeking, as why would you post that sort of thing, knowing full well you could be found/stopped etc, If your serious surely you would just go?
Sorry just makes me wonder due to some stuff I saw on a group recently,

Either way some people need to keep their noses out of other peoples business and let them get on with wht ever they chose to do!
I'm the same but reading her posts back she seems sincere. Doesn't matter now she's looked away and sectioned for her own good. What does that mean?


Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
Also why you never never never give any personal details on any sites to anyone EVER!
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Lady black

Lady black

35 male, central Europe, German speaking
Oct 22, 2018
That´s really sad, hope next time she will be able to fulfil her plans


Aug 27, 2018
Support groups and people in general are terrible for support if you are actually suicidal.
Support doesn´t mean what they think it means, they have a strong biased belief that suicide is wrong no matter what people are going through that is also why we can´t talk to family or friends because they don´t want what is best for us they have only 1 single goal if we tell them we are suicidal and that is to make us stay alive.

If I knew people would be able to have a rational conversation I would 100% bring up suicide but I know the second I mention it they see me as mentally ill and need "help" they have branded us before we can even explain why suicide is the best way.
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Jul 22, 2019
I'm on another page for bipolar support and a lady said yesterday that she was going to walk in the sea and kill herself, I only saw the post this evening. The fallout from it is she didn't as several nosy cunts looked at her profile found out where she lived and called police. She's now sectioned. She came back online tonight to say how disappointed she was with the group and to just let her die.
Poor lady ❤️
I feel bad for her!


Mar 19, 2019
You have to think from other people's perspective though. Many people couldn't live with themselves if they knew they could make a difference and save someone's life, whatever the circumstances of the person they try to save. It is something that was ingrained in us since we're born, and many do still hold the same values as they grew up with. This is something a suicidal person should have in mind when deciding to ctb. Of course from our perspective, having the police called on us and being stopped from eternal peace is terrible, but from a normal person's perspective who knows you're about to do something of that magnitude, to them it's horrifying and they must act. If the group was public, and depending on the country's laws, they could even have an obligation to help. (For example, in France you cannot decide to not help someone who's life is in danger, you are legally liable if something happens to them.) Consider this when you decide to ctb, normal folks are not against you, they're for themselves and that means YOU have to protect yourself from their attempt to help. Because they WILL help, 99% of the time.

I understand the need to vent though, I absolutely loathe the idea of being sectionned.
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
Yeah, unfortunately if you want to do something on the lines of what's at stake here, you can't trust anyone, specially the ones closest to you.
They will all want to do the good deed of the day and get themselves a pat on the back, and then end the day boasting of it on social media, in order to "boost the awareness" about suicide.
Why don't they stick their hands up their ass and mind their own business is beyond me.
If someone tries to stop me from relieving myself from of this torment i call "life" i very well might stick a knife through their windpipe and drag them with me.
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