

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Check out this site talking about the basis of involuntary commitment and what gives the authorities the legal power/legal right to strip a citizen of their freedom.

This kind of shit is infuriating! :angry::hmph:

In short, the first paragraph discussing about involuntary commitment talks about how the police and authorities have the power to strip another citizen of their freedom, liberty, rights. This is the principle of "parens patriae" which is to help the people who can't be helped. Now before you jump on me for painting it with a broad brush, allow me to explain:

First off, the policy and concept allows state (government) intervention in cases of child abuse, parental neglect, elder abuse, incapacitated individuals, disabled individuals, etc. which is good in those cases and in situations where those wish to be "saved". However, by extending it to apply to rationally suicidal people and deliberately suicidal people (those who decide to and willfully choose to CTB) is what is problematic.

The second problem is the presumption that those who wish to CTB are unable to help themselves and wish to be helped (not always the case). Yes, while there are some people who do it impulsively and in the spur of a moment, I think most people who willfully attempt CTB do it after a long period of suffering, planning, and even rationalization before committing the attempt/act. For those people, they don't just wake up one day and decide well I'm going to CTB. It is after a long careful deliberation, consideration of their reality, acquisition of their method of choice, mustering of courage to overcome their SI, and then finally, after all those hoops and steps to jump through (all while under the radar as much as they can), they attempt.

Now the problem with the criteria for 'danger' is that it is broad and what one party (yes, the government and the state is a party too) defines as a 'danger' may not constitute as danger in another party and vice versa. Nevertheless, by having such a broad criteria, this allows a lot of room for abuse and even governmental overstep in it's powers to censor and silence as well as (legally) persecute those who they do not agree with or believe to be a threat towards their agenda. Furthermore, mental health professionals and healthcare workers also have their own criterion for danger and this sets a huge precedent for abuse without checks in place let alone processes and organizations that will effective police the medical industry. It's easy for professionals to abuse their power yet it's hard for a patient to prove that the professional is wrong, let alone even getting redress or any justice.

In the final part of this article, it talks about anosognosia which is a condition in which one lacks self-awareness. It is ironic that the people in charge think that the people who want to CTB are lacking self-awareness. This couldn't be further from the truth. If anything, people who wish to CTB, especially those who have planned meticulously and carefully KNOW what they are doing and what they are getting into. In fact, they are MORE aware than the average person. To claim that they don't know what they are doing nor know that they are ill is a huge insult to our community as a whole.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Theres nothing I hate more than forcing help on somebody who doesnt want it.
And its not even only suicidals. Look at people with cancer who are forced to live artificially by their families even though theyre in severe pain
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Theres nothing I hate more than forcing help on somebody who doesnt want it.
And its not even only suicidals. Look at people with cancer who are forced to live artificially by their families even though theyre in severe pain
100% agreed with you. In fact, I would believe that "if all the help that was rendered to those who don't wish to be helped are rendered to those who wish to be helped and want to live (pro-lifers who are dying either by illness or other causes)," then it would be a win-win situation, the people who wish to die and end their suffering would benefit (no longer suffering anymore) and the people who want to live will live (even if it is only a temporary extension).
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