

Apr 1, 2020
I just want to say fuck to governments that are against eutanasia or voluntary death, because of us I must have a violent death which if I fail will make me a vegetable !!!!
I just want to say fuck !!!!
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Enemy of the world
May 2, 2020
Yeah, they're sadists who force people to live against their will for their own profit. Disgusting.
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Deleted member 17331

Deleted member 17331

The swan sang with a broken neck
Apr 21, 2020
I'm with you. Fuck society.
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i wanna die somewhere like up there
Mar 15, 2020
I just want to say fuck to governments that are against eutanasia or voluntary death, because of us I must have a violent death which if I fail will make me a vegetable !!!!
I just want to say fuck !!!!
And I don't think it will change any time soon. They want as many slaves as they can pack in this planet. The pro-lifers have won! They say keep them all in hell so we can torture them more and more......that's how i feel....but I guess that makes me negative, and people hate me because I feel this way. And i should just stfu ,before i get in trouble by the thought police who love to use shame as their weapon......peace.
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Apr 16, 2020
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Well, it's a little ironic isn't it? You say "Fuck society!" and right now society is indeed fucked.:shy:
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Apr 1, 2020
No, in fact I feel trapped by society which puts me in an impossible situation. I have a lot of physical pain that nothing can relieve and I can't just die peacefully or with dignity. Like many here, I must seek a violent solution to put an end to my suffering.
So I really needed to say fuck to society and the shitty politicians.
Sorry for my words
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Mar 9, 2020
I am also disgusted of this sadistic society.. it's so fucking silly
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Nov 7, 2019
I think the same. All of us should have right to death as well as we have a right to live. In every country.
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Mar 9, 2020
I think the same. All of us should have right to death as well as we have a right to live. In every country.
Yeah i would like to have a death in a humane way atleast as a child rapist murderer
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Nov 7, 2019
Yeah i would like to have a death in a humane way atleast as a child rapist murderer
I mean a peaceful/painless death. To all rapists and murderers I wish them the most painful death.
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BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
Our lives are not our own in this world. Nowhere near it.
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Nov 7, 2019
Also society sucks. The world is fucked up and I am ashamed of being a human. And after covid-19 this world won't be the same again. So I think it's a good time for me to ctb I tell myself this everyday.
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I am done as of 4-21-2023. Somewhere I am no more
Apr 29, 2020
I have to say I feel it too! I watched a show about death row. For those criminals they put them on a suicide watch to keep them alive then give them an injection of high dose of Benadryl before administering the lethal injection to make sure they don't have an allergic reaction to the drugs they are going to give them to kill them. Why do we work so very very hard to make sure no one, not even convicted killers of the worst kind, can take their or our own lives? It's so bizarre. Why do we care so much about preserving the life of someone without hope, in pain, wishing their existence would end and no longer wanting to go on.

I feel the purpose of life to a lot of people is to be an end point for marketing crap. Scott Adams of dilbert fame said capitalism is "Weasels selling crap to each other". I feel like the only importance of most humans is to be the receivers of ploys to sell crap. But you can't refuse to buy crap or listen to messages about purchasing it. Your only right is to stay alive and receive these messages.

I hate the modern world.
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Eternal Oblivion
Dec 26, 2018
I have to say I feel it too! I watched a show about death row. For those criminals they put them on a suicide watch to keep them alive then give them an injection of high dose of Benadryl before administering the lethal injection to make sure they don't have an allergic reaction to the drugs they are going to give them to kill them. Why do we work so very very hard to make sure no one, not even convicted killers of the worst kind, can take their or our own lives? It's so bizarre. Why do we care so much about preserving the life of someone without hope, in pain, wishing their existence would end and no longer wanting to go on.

I feel the purpose of life to a lot of people is to be an end point for marketing crap. Scott Adams of dilbert fame said capitalism is "Weasels selling crap to each other". I feel like the only importance of most humans is to be the receivers of ploys to sell crap. But you can't refuse to buy crap or listen to messages about purchasing it. Your only right is to stay alive and receive these messages.

I hate the modern world.
Well said. If you read public health material on suicide, the economic impact is often discussed. From the CDC's page on suicide:

"Suicides and suicide attempts cost the nation almost $70 billion per year in lifetime medical and work-loss costs alone."

In that sense, suicide is the most expensive thing most of us will ever do.

Capitalism, religion, and the patriarchy feed on the living but have no power over the dead. Part of why suicide appeals to me is because it's a huge "fuck you" to the system.
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“Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds.”
Mar 3, 2019
"When it comes to living
No one seems to care
But when it comes to wanting out
Those with power
Will be there"

—Chuck Schuldiner
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Apr 1, 2020
Thanks for your comments. it's great that we share this feeling! I would like our suffering to end in a positive way.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
You don't fuck society, it fucks you!
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Apr 16, 2020
It's a time of unrest and your rights are suspended There's a list going round (and it's likely you are on it)
The names on the blue list are picked up later And the red list goes to the incinerator ... FUN IN THE SUN :sunglasses:
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May 13, 2020
Everything in this thread is so true. I also think a lot about why the people are like they are, trying to keep everybody alive, no matter how big their suffering is and no matter how little the chance that it gets better.
People don't want to let you go because of themseslves. Close ones because they love you and everybody else because they feel better when they keep somebody living. Everybody knows how people feel and are perceived as heroes when they prevent a suicide, e.g. talk a jumper down. They feel like they did something great and that bloats their ego.
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Jul 31, 2018
Fuck the mental health system. So much abuse there! I hate psychiatry.
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May 10, 2020
I live for them. Not for me. I suffer for them. Not for me. I am forced to suffer and endure for them. Not for me. They care about themselves and their peace of mind they get when they know I will keep on being tortured. They don't even take responsibility for every hurt and harm and evil and cruelty and every bit of my suicidality they inflict on me by denying me access to assisted suicide.

The monsters win. Assisted suicide is the product of the most basic compassion. What do those who are against assisted suicide have?
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Dec 28, 2019
From what I hear people daydream about being a rock star, winning the lottery, finding a soul mate and things like that.

I daydream of living in a world where I can go to the pharmacy and buy a ctb pill just as easily I buy an aspirin. I get so lost in that scenario contemplating all the practicalities and problems surrounding selling and buying a ctb pill.

As you can see I dream big.
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I am done as of 4-21-2023. Somewhere I am no more
Apr 29, 2020
Again, I can't quite put my finger on the logic philosophically because I suck at philosophy. Somewhere we have a group who feel that they are righteous and correct. Within that group's core beliefs is the view that life is good, you should accept what you have in life and everything can be better if you just believe and work harder. The rules they out in place are: 1) you are ultimately responsible for your own happiness or sadness, 2) you are not allowed to claim the system is unfair because it is perfect and 3) you can die because of the system through famine or poverty or disease but you can't kill yourself.

I think they see that a large group killing themselves is akin to the Montgomery bus boycott. The moment that thousands of proletariat people just give up and kill themselves rather than either toiling unhappily or dying of slow natural causes is the moment that perhaps the system really isn't working for everyone.

I don't know if this is the reason or not but it is how things feel to me.
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Mental more please.
Oct 3, 2019
Actually is society that fuck us up.


May 10, 2020
There are a wide range of basic mental needs and society and culture has evolved with complete disregard for mental needs and mental suffering and mental diversity. This is a direct result of the existence of psychiatry and the biomedical or biological model of mental illness. If misery is a mental illness then it's caused by a brain defect. This is what depression means. I noted a medical student posted about what they were going through and said something like "my feelings of sadness might be so severe it is depression" as though depression is what extreme sadness is called. Extreme sadness is called extreme sadness or misery. Depression is a medical term about mental illness and evolved from a term like "dementia morbens" in the same way schizophrenia evolved from the medical label dementia praecox as coined by Emil Kraeplin who is considered by psychiatrists to be one of the godfathers if not the godfather of psychiatry. (I read a lot of mental health research and knowledge when i worked at a mental health charity a decade ago)

Depression ia a medical concept for quite a diversity of different mental suffering as is anxiety but based on biological causes and that's the problem not just for crimes committed against victims of psychiatry and crimes against humanity by doctors but also for society and culture evolving with utter disregard for mental needs and mental suffering. The biomedical model of mental illness misrepresents cause and effect. Society and culture are so much more cruel because misery and worry are mental illnesses thus they're deemed to be caused by a brain malfunction and social and cultural effects are ignored for the centuries psychiatry has existed. I do believe the disregard for mental suffering and mental needs is responsible for the criminalisation of assisted suicide because any respect for mental needs and mental suffering are the justifications why assisted suicide can never be a crime. (Yes i agree there are challenges to be met in a responsible version of legal assisted suicide be the overbearing onus must be its legalisation.)

So so many more become suicidal and stay suicidal because the cause has been misrepresented. The failures of the past and the lack of any commitment to change are why society and culture are failing so many who end up here on this forum. But this only makes assisted suicide even more invaluable to escape all the entrenched cruelty and heartlessness. So many lives are ruined by the same cruelty and heartlessness that wants to do everything to ruin death too.

There is a dearth of humane protections and a care system that is not only apathetic to ust how awful it is to be suicidal but also so cruel and ineffective and offers suicidal individuals very little of what we want and it is just too little too late. This only makes assisted suicide even more important because it is mercy.

The things that make suicidal individuals want to die can't be undone but the will to change is defined by the mentality that recognises why assisted suicide must be legal. It is also essential to reach for the objective of 100% voluntary engagement with care. When care doesn't care about free will or rights or liberty or consent then obviously it fails because some suicidal individuals don't want their mind changed and some suicidal individuals see no value in engaging with a care system that has nothing to offer us that we want.
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get me out of here
Apr 30, 2020
couldn't agree more |:
I daydream of living in a world where I can go to the pharmacy and buy a ctb pill just as easily I buy an aspirin. I get so lost in that scenario contemplating all the practicalities and problems surrounding selling and buying a ctb pill.

As you can see I dream big.

wish we could start a petition to make ctb pills readily available lol
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