
New Member
May 18, 2022
Long story short, I use reddit alot - mainly just to lurk and occasionally to smile at cute cat pics when I'm feeling really shitty (which is multiple times a day, everyday lol).

Just recently I took the plunge to post on their suicide watch sub, as I was waiting for the mods here to change my username (which they've done now so thank you) and I was permanently banned almost instantly from both r/suicidewatch and r/depression.

Reason being, I said I was feeling suicidal and seriously considering exiting next week, having already chosen a method and location.

Why an earth do they even have a sub entitled suicide watch if people who are actively suicidal get their posts deleted, locked or find themselves permanently banned for expressing their suicidal ideation. Like what even is the purpose and how can the power tippy mods ban someone from a completely different sub they haven't even posted in!?

Also, if you scroll through that sub - nearly every post is the same and nearly all state suicidal intent and their intentions to act on it. I understand subs needing rules, but have some consistency for petes sake!

So yeah, fuck reddit! Rant over :)
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
I second this! F Reddit, F suicidewatch. The closed 3 accounts of mine, just for expressing my anti-life views. Everybody on there wants to die, but if you express this desire, they try to convince you that life gets better and you should stay. So hypocritical.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I think that suicidewatch is a pro life subreddit focused on suicide prevention, it's in the name, suicide watch to me basically means stopping people from suicide. Sometimes there are pro life things on here as well, but at least the whole site isn't dominated by that and we can be open about our wish to die. From what I've read on here reddit isn't really recommended as a place for posting on, I think that in general reddit is really anti suicide as years ago before this forum existed it's well known that Sanctioned Suicide used to be on reddit before it eventually got removed.
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New Member
May 18, 2022

that's all.
If you're going to call someone stupid then at least make sure you know the difference between your and you're.

But yes, thank you for your input.
I think that suicidewatch is a pro life subreddit focused on suicide prevention, it's in the name, suicide watch to me basically means stopping people from suicide. Sometimes there are pro life things on here as well, but at least the whole site isn't dominated by that and we can be open about our wish to die. From what I've read on here reddit isn't really recommended as a place for posting on, I think that in general reddit is really anti suicide as years ago before this forum existed it's well known that Sanctioned Suicide used to be on reddit before it eventually got removed.
Yes, that makes sense up until you read the sub rules which state you can't post "general uplifting or anti suicide posts" including telling people that "things will get better" or that they are a "strong/good person" etc. I've also seen people complain of being banned for sending people supportive messages during their time of need.

So just generally confused as to who that sub is actually for.

Seems you can be banned for being suicidal but also banned for attempting to provide support but all at mod discretion.

There are also many many posts from the last 24 hours with titles varying from "goodbye", "I'm finally ready" and "I quit" that haven't been taken down and are muuuuuch more explicit than the post I made, yet still up.

Help me make it make sense! I just hate hypocrisy!
I second this! F Reddit, F suicidewatch. The closed 3 accounts of mine, just for expressing my anti-life views. Everybody on there wants to die, but if you express this desire, they try to convince you that life gets better and you should stay. So hypocritical.
Yes! This! Which is just so ironic as their own guidelines state that telling people "things will get better etc" is not allowed in that sub!
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Aug 9, 2019
Big Tech is all about political correctness and censorship now. Obey or get kicked out.
Reddit and wikipedia have been hijacked by moderators .
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Nov 7, 2023
Sorry for the necro, I'm legit just randomly looking up Reddit on the search 😭

But yeah Reddit mods have crazy af power trips. The ppl on this one giveaway subreddit banned me coz they decided leggings were sexual paraphilia. What the fuck are they talking about 😭😭😭😭 I walk around in public in leggings all the time???? How is that sexual????? Am I magically a sex pest without knowing?

And that's one of many many endless reasons why Reddit is extremely untrustworthy about lots of normal things
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Oct 10, 2023
Reddit f*****g sucks, and I cannot emphasize this enough.

>Post on a subreddit.

>Sorry, you don't have enough comment karma.

>Comment on a subreddit.

>Sorry, you don't have enough post karma.

>Post on free karma subreddits.

>Your account has been banned.

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Sep 18, 2023
Reddit is a shithole.

But this will blow up in their face sooner or later.
By banning people with controversial opinions (controversial according to their taste), they are both excluding people from their platform which may have contributed meaningfully in other ways.
They are also creating a media bubble for themselves, something they (the mainstream) often accuse us of doing. A two for one hypocrisy and projecting special.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
Reddit is terrible in general. Tons of censorship, mods on power trips, pseudo intellectuals with god complex in their echo chambers, fake stories for fishing karma...

It doesn't get any better. Even when I just asked for some info it never went smoothly on that crap platform.
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Spiritual survivor

Spiritual survivor

A born again but occasionally suicidal
Feb 13, 2022
Reddit might have some good posts and helpful information on some things but u might as well forget about trying to comment because it's so easy to get banned from a subreddit that u should just expect it. The other problem is, that it's become so politicized that if anyone has any advice that does not benefit the interests of the people who control everything and want u to think a certain way or not know of any other options to solve a problem than what is allowed to be said. It's really crushing to feel like there's no room for alternative ideas so that people are not influenced only towards one way or very limited ways of thinking about a certain topic. This is what it means to not have freedom. They take away the right to any other opinions so that people might actually be harmed because they don't know of another route or they can't see the full picture, only the info the the people who control the government wants u to see. They also shutdown some really useful subreddits which can help people in difficult situations which is messed up.
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Oct 8, 2019
lol yeah reddit is some what of a joke. Some people act like it's amazing or the "front page of the internet". But it's not lol not even close. Most humans prob still haven't heard of reddit for one. And two all the subs are individually modded and given full mod authority over their sub. So naturally some toxic humans will start subs and be abusive in the manor they moderate. Reddit does nothing about it or to moderate that problem. I was banned from the welding reddit. Wasn't told why. Idk maybe cause I criticized unions lol. But I am a welder and I should be able to talk about what's wrong with the unions. How they take away from you your ability to negotiate a higher wage. Or how they give you ridiculous long schedules that don't allow for a life outside of work. Be it family or social or both. Union nuts are almost as bad as religious nuts lol.
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This is a Junly moment
Nov 10, 2023
They also make sure that lies about how painless methods are are spread. For example, I made a post the other day talking about my experience OD'ing and they removed it just because I said it was painless and it felt blissful. They want people to believe the methods used to die are painful and horrific and cause you exceptional amounts of agony when, in reality, it's all over too soon to feel any pain if you do it the right way. And they don't want you to know that. I've even seen posts saying things like morphine ODs were actually painful (they're (usually) not) and people were like, "Oh yeah, make sure not to OD! It's horrible! Trust me, I know a guy and he died and he was definitely in pain!"

It's all bullshit. SuicideWatch solely exists to keep all of the suicidal people off of other subreddits and to 'give them a place to post' but it's a facade created to make it seem like Reddit's actually doing anything to assist people. They'll just remove your posts and ban you when it gets too much for their neckbeard moderators to handle. Same thing with the suicide prevention bot message thing - express any intention to commit suicide and someone will send you a poxy automated message saying "There's help for you! Dial this hotline..." but it's just to keep news media off of Reddit's back and make them seem as if they're doing anything. Spoiler alert: They're not.

Most humans prob still haven't heard of reddit for one.

You'd be surprised, to be honest. It's something like 400 million monthly active users. I guess the majority haven't heard of it but it's no small site at all. Just lots and lots and lots of lurkers. And bots. Lots of those too. I'd still wager at least 100 million monthly active users who are actual humans though.
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Oct 17, 2023
Yeah. Reddit, like most other Social Media, is trash and full of toxic people, misinformation, echo chambers, and bad opinions. Social Media has completely ruined society.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I read Reddit threads every day and, yeah, fuck Reddit. I successfully kicked it for almost a year before getting sucked back in.


Oct 8, 2019
You'd be surprised, to be honest. It's something like 400 million monthly active users. I guess the majority haven't heard of it but it's no small site at all. Just lots and lots and lots of lurkers. And bots. Lots of those too. I'd still wager at least 100 million monthly active users who are actual humans though.
As you said you guess the majority haven't heard of it. You said 400 million monthly users. That's not even a 16th of the worlds population. Yes It's a very big website in the realm of the internet. Most people don't even have home computer. Among those of us who do use the internet regularly, we don't look at reddit as the front page of the internet. Or the central forums to get helpful information. Most internet users do not check reddit on a regular on consistent basis. All humans make mistakes. But their highly inconsistent moderation makes their forums more prone to mistakes of spreading misinformation. It's not impressive by any means. There is nothing to be learned on reddit that can't be learned on another website. 4chan has their shit together better than reddit lol. I never stated the website is small. Even though reddit is big it's still a hodge podge of wildly differently moderated sub forums. This isn't something we can genuinely expect to be operated in a good or consistent manor.
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Oct 31, 2023
My recommendation is to avoid social media as much as possible, at least the popular ones like Instagram, Reddit, TikTok, Facebook etc. The platforms themselves aren't the problem but the PEOPLE who use them. Any place that humans occupy will be ruined sooner or later.
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Homo erectus

Homo erectus

Mar 7, 2023
The interfaces of the major social media platforms are getting very complicated and annoying, more difficult to block ads and tracking. There are also captchas everywhere to slow things down, asking users to click 16 boxes of a bus image many times to pass.


send N pls
Sep 27, 2023
pseudo intellectuals with god complex in their echo chambers
The main reason I stopped used it is because everyone acted like a smart-ass wannabe and I grew tired of it.
I also read the other statements you posted and while I personally can't say I've experienced them first hand, I'll take your word for it.
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Me encantaria practicar ES con Hispanohablantes.
Oct 23, 2018
Reddit might have some good posts and helpful information on some things but u might as well forget about trying to comment because it's so easy to get banned from a subreddit that u should just expect it. The other problem is, that it's become so politicized that if anyone has any advice that does not benefit the interests of the people who control everything and want u to think a certain way or not know of any other options to solve a problem than what is allowed to be said. It's really crushing to feel like there's no room for alternative ideas so that people are not influenced only towards one way or very limited ways of thinking about a certain topic. This is what it means to not have freedom. They take away the right to any other opinions so that people might actually be harmed because they don't know of another route or they can't see the full picture, only the info the the people who control the government wants u to see. They also shutdown some really useful subreddits which can help people in difficult situations which is messed up.
Thank you for saying it. To be fair, I'd say that Reddit just reflects our society in general. We don't have freedom of speech since long ago. We're afraid to speak out mind for fear of offending anyone (but fail because pc standards are constantly shifting). What was ok just recently, is a racist or sexist or some other discriminational sin nowadays. As an example, my white hubby used to wear dreads. Now he can't because it's considered black culture appropriation and is racist (Tell this to those who have been segregated and not allowed to go to the same schools as white people). Many people are offended if we say "black". We should say "a person of colour". Others are not offended - even more confusion. All those gender-neutral toilets where certain men routinely play peeping toms. People getting offended by you misinterpreting their gender.
I'm not playing these petty games, I keep out as much as I can.

You have to watch your every word, you're told what to think. I'm from Ukraine, but I feel so restricted in the UK. All this nonsense doesn't help with REAL discrimination. I navigate Reddit with a lot of caution and learn as I go. The most important thing is to remain an independent thinker. That applies to us being on this forum, too. I won't let anyone shame me for not being actively suicidal or not toppling myself ASAP.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Reddit is a very censored platform. I used to lurk various chronic illness subs and they will punish people who are suicidal and delete their posts, claiming that it is bad for morale even though those people often have nowhere else to turn to. Every sub has ten billion rules and regulations that ensures barely any content even gets posted in the first place. Half of the userbase on there seems to have absolutely no empathy for other people and revels in delight at cutting off anyone in their life who slightly annoys them, toxic individuality, and calling anyone they don't like a narcissist. I have read some truly mind-blowing shit on Reddit, including a thread where a person wanted validation for not wanting to spend time with a dying relative because they annoyed them one time by being too "emotionally needy" and another person who owned a mansion justifying making their disabled elderly parents live in a fucking garage while they had a fancy room in their house for their dogs. Humanity is scant on that website.
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Staring at the ceiling for 6 hours
Nov 9, 2023
Might as well revive this post again, because yes. Reddit is terrible. It's not a platform that actually allows meaningful discussion, and a lot of it is circle-jerking. Reddit does not reflect the world at large, or even the opinions of the average person. I'm trying to stop myself from using reddit, but honestly it's hard because I struggle to take my own advice.
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I'll see you in the Wired.
Feb 4, 2023
Plebbit is nothing more than a circlejerk for people who think they're superior to everyone else. That is all.
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Crush me until there’s nothing left
Oct 28, 2023
I was banned from r/suicidewatch and r/depression within a minute I kid you not. If you even speak remotely positive on the thought of not being here, you're gone instantly. It's so infuriating how much they gaslight you.
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May the Force be with Israel
May 7, 2023
Just a reminder:
People, society have persecuted and insulted anti-natalists and pro-mortalists in the past, present and will do so in the future.

"Hegesias of Cyrene was a philosopher. He argued that happiness is impossible to achieve, and that the goal of life should be the avoidance of pain and sorrow. Conventional values such as wealth, poverty, freedom, and slavery are all indifferent and produce no more pleasure than pain."

Hegesias wrote the book "Death by Starvation", where he described the harsh reality of the meaninglessness of life and the hardships of human life with a general conclusion - life is not needed. Many who read this book committed suicide. The authorities burned all copies of this book and prohibit Hegesias from teaching his teachings.

When I read about Hegesias, before my eyes the subreddit Promortalism was blocked and Reddit blocked the creation of any subreddit with the word Promortalism.

Thousands of years have passed and nothing has changed, absolutely nothing.

Fuck society, it will never change. Either I will end my personal suffering forever, or I won't. I can't change the world or help others.
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Silhouettes on the ceiling
Aug 2, 2023
Reddit is god awful and the people there lack empathy to such a concerning degree. I was on there once asking for advice on how to rehome the family dog, and all I got were negative responses. At the time I was severely mentally impaired (and jobless) and no one in the house could pitch in for our dog as he was sick at the time.
He's alive and happy now with his new family but like damn, lol.

I never really used reddit until recently and thought everyone memeing on it was just a joke. Boy was I wrong lmao

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