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Aug 6, 2021
I posted this as a 'resource' to call attention to the fact that Exit International and the PPEH is not a resource - and the reason for that is those who like to portray themselves as fearless, honorable fighters for the freedom to die with dignity are in reality merely greedy, tawdry little shits whose sole concern is losing money from 'copyright infringement'.
In other words, if you want their 'help' (if you call a bunch of outdated, vague recycling of previous data 'help'), then you need to pay them. If not, you can fuck off and die with no dignity whatsoever as far as they're concerned.
I've copied this verbatim from their May 4th blog. They've set up the site to prevent people copying the text (and showing non-members what awful human beings they are) but fortunately they're too stupid to understand how javascript works and/or too cheap to employ someone who does.

I advise everyone who looks on EI and the PPEH as a force for good to read this, and to take special note that they monitor this site and ban anyone found to be sharing any of their precious copyright.
We assume that the constant takedowns and harassment comes only from religious crazies but the truth is actually worse: the god-botherers have at least got a (fucked up) moral reason for trying to shut down this community. Nitschke and his mercenaries are only in it for the money.

Anyway. Fuck them. When I get some cash, I'll get the latest PPEH and post it here and Exit International can kiss my ass. If you're reading this, Phil, you should be ashamed of yourself, you heartless fucking ghoul.

"This Blog Entry is a FACT CHECK to ensure discussion is based on the truth and not what some would like to believe is the truth.

There are no alternative facts in this regard.

To make it clear, Exit International has NO relationship to the Sanctioned Suicide online forums (despite what some may allege).

Exit does not and never has supported these forums.

Indeed, Exit has reported these forums over the years – when possible to hosting companies – for breach of copyright.

Sanctioned Suicide are well versed in playing cat and mouse in ensuring their site remains live.

Exit has also, in the past, written to the media (eg.BBC) to encourage them to focus on Sanctioned Suicide and use the power of the media to have them taken down, permanently. We have issued more take-down notices that we can count.

Exit continues to work hard to ensure that anyone who is in the Sanctioned Suicide forums does not also have access to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook, even if they are over 50 years.

This is why our high-security, photo ID video authentication and the mandate that one must be over the age of 50 years was instigated prior to the sale of every Peaceful Pill eHandbook.

In terms of copyright, Exit is always aggrieved when the copyright of the authors of the Peaceful Pill eHandbook is breached on any site or any public forum. This is theft.

Exit is especially annoyed when past editions of the book have found their way to the Sanctioned Suicide forums given that its members include young people.

Exit watches the Sanctioned Suicide forums daily.

Exit removes rights of access to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook as soon as we become aware that a person may be posting information from the book. Indeed, posting or sharing the contents of the eHandbook with a third party – online or offline – is a breach of our terms of sale and justification for a life ban on re-subscribing."

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  • Hmph!
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Feb 28, 2023
Exit continues to work hard to ensure that anyone who is in the Sanctioned Suicide forums does not also have access to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook, even if they are over 50 years.
This is just discriminatory, there's no reason for this other than spite. It's so obvious that Exit is only interested in money, which is saddening. As far as I'm concerned, using their work in this way is fair use as it is helping suicidal people to fulfill their right to die, and if they really cared then they wouldn't go after this site for sharing it. It's best just to ignore them, because just like every time someone tries to take down this site, they fail miserably.
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Aug 29, 2022
This is just discriminatory, there's no reason for this other than spite. It's so obvious that Exit is only interested in money, which is saddening. As far as I'm concerned, using their work in this way is fair use as it is helping suicidal people to fulfill their right to die, and if they really cared then they wouldn't go after this site for sharing it. It's best just to ignore them, because just like every time someone tries to take down this site, they fail miserably.
If you want my total honest opinion on this i think assisted suicide should just be legal. Then it would be fair if somebody would build a business on top of it maybe for some estra services or if it should be provided by the basic insurance. They are a business with expenses to cover the really issue is that assisted suicide is not available that is the core of the problem.
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Apr 18, 2023
I can understand charging for the ctb services but the PPEH should be made free. It's not like they can sell it on amazon freely. The profits from its sale from whatever platforms they use can't be that large.
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
I can understand charging for the ctb services but the PPEH should be made free. It's not like they can sell it on amazon freely. The profits from its sale from whatever platforms they use can't be that large.
It used to be on Amazon. Don't know if it is now.


Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
I think this has already been discussed a few times on the site, but of course they are only saying that so they can continue to profit from old people's suicides and not get taken down themselves. The blog post is just insensitive pro-life nonsense.
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Aug 11, 2021
why do you blame them for wanting to get paid. if some organization offers their services for free it's because they are funded by the government. the government will never fund something like this.

When I get some cash, I'll get the latest PPEH and post it here and Exit International can kiss my ass. If you're reading this, Phil, you should be ashamed of yourself, you heartless fucking ghoul.

why has nobody done this yet? 🤔


May 15, 2023
I didn't even realise this place had so much negative attention.
Being suicidal is an experience, in what world can you police people from sharing their experience?
No suicide prevention or mental health service, psychologist, therapist, friend or family is comfortable having a real conversation about it. Everyone's so uncomfortable with the idea. But it's real.
Their rationale that young people should be excluded from their information just reinforces the idea that people are uncomfortable with a true, lived experience. So the answer is to ignore the reality and perpetuate a saviour complex.

People can't fathom the fact that suffering in a miserable world isn't exclusive to older people; that this suffering doesn't discriminate; that the lack of understanding of suicide/suicide people is a problem, and that suicide prevention/hotlines are a joke.

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Jun 13, 2021
Anyway. Fuck them. When I get some cash, I'll get the latest PPEH and post it here and Exit International can kiss my ass.

This is good energy, when applied correctly.

To be at the center of that organisation, you have to be some type of arrogant and insolent, he gets a lot of slack. So much that I doubt it would make much difference if he was actually pro right to die for everyone. But his work will eventually be applied to the rest of us, so he's still paving the way for the whole movement.
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I'll see you in the Wired.
Feb 4, 2023
why has nobody done this yet? 🤔
There's a version of it on the forum.
But probably because of their checks to make sure the buyer is over 50.
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In time I started growing inward.
Apr 10, 2023
Anyway. Fuck them. When I get some cash, I'll get the latest PPEH and post it here and Exit International can kiss my ass.
Don't you have to prove that you're 50+ to join that site to begin with?

Exit is a business, not a community. Theres people on here that are 50+ if you look through the intro thread. I'm site whoever runs that site sees this one as a competitor since the advice given here is given for free
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Aug 6, 2021
why do you blame them for wanting to get paid. if some organization offers their services for free it's because they are funded by the government. the government will never fund something like this.

why has nobody done this yet? 🤔
They're losing no money from having the PPEH on here. The person who posts it has paid for it. Thousands of others who can't afford it or who aren't 50 - so couldn't pay for anyway - will benefit from it.

But it's not only that. It's the hypocrisy of pretending to be doing good work, fighting a moral battle - when all along they're just as driven by the profit motive as everyone else. As shitty as the shitty people who've made the shitty society that leads so many poor souls to conclude that they can't go on.

I have 0 doubt that because of Nitschke's commitment to personal profit, thousands of people have died with no dignity whatsoever, alone, afraid and in pain.

The REAL heroes are the people who maintain this site - and all its predecessors, all the way back to the original Google groups. They make no money and get nothing but harassment and opprobrium - and yet they carry on because it's the right thing to do, the kind thing to do. Exit International don't give a fuck about you. They just want money.

As to why no one has posted it recently, the answer is - firstly members are scared of getting cut off and banned, and secondly because not all members can afford the subscriptions and the handbook. I'm a member and I don't buy it because I'm skint - but also because I resent paying money for a largely useless update to a rotten organisation I think is operating in bad faith.

However, the version which (apparently) details places where N can be currently bought in South America sounds like it might actually, finally, be of some use. If I can get it, I'll post it here for everyone's use.
Because unlike Philip Nischke, I believe in helping people even when there's nothing in it for me.
Don't you have to prove that you're 50+ to join that site to begin with?

Exit is a business, not a community. Theres people on here that are 50+ if you look through the intro thread. I'm site whoever runs that site sees this one as a competitor since the advice given here is given for free
Yes and I'm 55. Don't let the arms fool you. Not all old men are weak and feeble.
Giving advice for free is what makes the Admins good people.
Gatekeeping it for profit - in the full knowledge that people will suffer unnecessarily as a direct result - is what makes EI cunts.
Last edited:
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Aug 11, 2021
As to why no one has posted it recently, the answer is - firstly members are scared of getting cut off and banned, and secondly because not all members can afford the subscriptions and the handbook.
come on though no one? and besides, they can't know who uploaded their pdf, assuming they even care enough to come on here and investigate this kind of thing which i highly doubt they do. you just assume that because you think they're that hungry for money.


Jan 25, 2023
that attempt at copy/paste OPSEC on their part is making me laugh
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Aug 6, 2021
come on though no one? and besides, they can't know who uploaded their pdf, assuming they even care enough to come on here and investigate this kind of thing which i highly doubt they do. you just assume that because you think they're that hungry for money.
I have to assume you either didn't read their very clear statement - or you struggle with reading comprehension. Or perhaps you're just shilling for EI specifically or capitalism in general. Either way, off to the ignore list for you.


Aug 11, 2021
I have to assume you either didn't read their very clear statement - or you struggle with reading comprehension. Or perhaps you're just shilling for EI specifically or capitalism in general. Either way, off to the ignore list for you.
i think you're the one that struggles with reading comprehension. otherwise you'd actually give some sort of argument.


Jul 23, 2021
and besides, they can't know who uploaded their pdf
I'm certain they have some sort of watermarking hidden on the pages, unique to every user login. But then again seeing how they handle the tech side of things, maybe not.


Jan 23, 2020
It used to be on Amazon. Don't know if it is now.
I just looked. It is currently for sale on Amazon in the United States. Book and kindle editions $12 - $15. Newer editions are priced over $100.
  • Wow
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May 6, 2023
Nah I love them, they are the forefathers of euthanasia and they gave a lot of knowledge to this world, they are the one doing the real fight in the real world!
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“I’d… rather kill myself.”
Mar 4, 2023
Old people looking down on younger ones who want to die are such disgraceful creatures. There are many valid reasons for someone "who has their entire life ahead of them" wishing to be dead, climate change just being one of them.
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Feb 16, 2022
I posted this as a 'resource' to call attention to the fact that Exit International and the PPEH is not a resource - and the reason for that is those who like to portray themselves as fearless, honorable fighters for the freedom to die with dignity are in reality merely greedy, tawdry little shits whose sole concern is losing money from 'copyright infringement'.
In other words, if you want their 'help' (if you call a bunch of outdated, vague recycling of previous data 'help'), then you need to pay them. If not, you can fuck off and die with no dignity whatsoever as far as they're concerned.
I've copied this verbatim from their May 4th blog. They've set up the site to prevent people copying the text (and showing non-members what awful human beings they are) but fortunately they're too stupid to understand how javascript works and/or too cheap to employ someone who does.

I advise everyone who looks on EI and the PPEH as a force for good to read this, and to take special note that they monitor this site and ban anyone found to be sharing any of their precious copyright.
We assume that the constant takedowns and harassment comes only from religious crazies but the truth is actually worse: the god-botherers have at least got a (fucked up) moral reason for trying to shut down this community. Nitschke and his mercenaries are only in it for the money.

Anyway. Fuck them. When I get some cash, I'll get the latest PPEH and post it here and Exit International can kiss my ass. If you're reading this, Phil, you should be ashamed of yourself, you heartless fucking ghoul.

"This Blog Entry is a FACT CHECK to ensure discussion is based on the truth and not what some would like to believe is the truth.

There are no alternative facts in this regard.

To make it clear, Exit International has NO relationship to the Sanctioned Suicide online forums (despite what some may allege).

Exit does not and never has supported these forums.

Indeed, Exit has reported these forums over the years – when possible to hosting companies – for breach of copyright.

Sanctioned Suicide are well versed in playing cat and mouse in ensuring their site remains live.

Exit has also, in the past, written to the media (eg.BBC) to encourage them to focus on Sanctioned Suicide and use the power of the media to have them taken down, permanently. We have issued more take-down notices that we can count.

Exit continues to work hard to ensure that anyone who is in the Sanctioned Suicide forums does not also have access to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook, even if they are over 50 years.

This is why our high-security, photo ID video authentication and the mandate that one must be over the age of 50 years was instigated prior to the sale of every Peaceful Pill eHandbook.

In terms of copyright, Exit is always aggrieved when the copyright of the authors of the Peaceful Pill eHandbook is breached on any site or any public forum. This is theft.

Exit is especially annoyed when past editions of the book have found their way to the Sanctioned Suicide forums given that its members include young people.

Exit watches the Sanctioned Suicide forums daily.

Exit removes rights of access to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook as soon as we become aware that a person may be posting information from the book. Indeed, posting or sharing the contents of the eHandbook with a third party – online or offline – is a breach of our terms of sale and justification for a life ban on re-subscribing."
True that mate. Best from the south.