

Apr 5, 2020
I just find it appalling how stigmatised and unsupported suicide is today. I often think about the countless individuals of the past, present, and inevitably future, who know in their bones that they don't want to continue living, because they are so utterly, incorrigibly miserable, and they have to take painful, frightening, fallible, and undignified ways out, like a gunshot to the head, hanging, bridge jumping, and so forth, because ideal methods like CO or N2 inhalation aren't accessible to them.

For this reason I strongly admire the work Dr. N and others are doing with the development of the 'Sarco', sharing of information about various suicide methods, and general promotion of suicide as a legitimate exercise of one's own right to death. It just doesn't make sense that suicide is so forbidden, some people experience their lives as if it were hell, and they shouldn't need to be trapped and forced to continue with their bottomless suffering. The world would be an immeasurably nicer place if we were to implement something like the Sarco for commercial use, giving people the blessed opportunity to put an end to their sorrow. There is absolutely nothing immoral about that, in my view anyway.

I hope that suicide will eventually become accepted as reasonable, and that it will one day become commercialised so that people can exit painlessly and peacefully. But it seems incredibly unlikely in my lifetime, and I don't know how many mutilated corpses, tragic suicide notes, and needlessly agonising deaths it's going to take to finally shift people's unhealthy opinions about it.
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Apr 14, 2020
I just find it appalling how stigmatised and unsupported suicide is today. I often think about the countless individuals of the past, present, and inevitably future, who know in their bones that they don't want to continue living, because they are so utterly, incorrigibly miserable, and they have to take painful, frightening, fallible, and undignified ways out, like a gunshot to the head, hanging, bridge jumping, and so forth, because ideal methods like CO or N2 inhalation aren't accessible to them.

For this reason I strongly admire the work Dr. N and others are doing with the development of the 'Sarco', sharing of information about various suicide methods, and general promotion of suicide as a legitimate exercise of one's own right to death. It just doesn't make sense that suicide is so forbidden, some people experience their lives as if it were hell, and they shouldn't need to be trapped and forced to continue with their bottomless suffering. The world would be an immeasurably nicer place if we were to implement something like the Sarco for commercial use, giving people the blessed opportunity to put an end to their sorrow. There is absolutely nothing immoral about that, in my view anyway.

I hope that suicide will eventually become accepted as reasonable, and that it will one day become commercialised so that people can exit painlessly and peacefully. But it seems incredibly unlikely in my lifetime, and I don't know how many mutilated corpses, tragic suicide notes, and needlessly agonising deaths it's going to take to finally shift people's unhealthy opinions about it.
Hear hear.
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Eat my arse, Pain&Sh*tness & Mindf*ckitation Grift
Mar 1, 2020
Great post and I agree. We didn't choose to enter this life, so the one respect that we should be paid is the ability to choose to exit this life as peacefully as possible.
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Apr 5, 2020
Great post and I agree. We didn't choose to enter this life, so the one respect that we should be paid is the ability to choose to exit this life as peacefully as possible.
I used to think that we live in a progressive, harmonious world, and that we've done away with all of the monstrous injustices of the past - like slavery, oppression of homosexuals, and so on. But I've since learned that we have a ways to go until we're truly there, and suicide acceptance is no doubt one of the major milestones we've yet to reach. It's that, or understanding the brain in such detail that we become able to accurately manipulate people's specific thoughts and moods so that they don't suffer unnecessary mental or physical pain, but that's a scifi fantasy compared to Sarco commercialisation, which is something that we could achieve now, today, if attitudes were sensible.
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Jan 1, 2020
I wholeheartedly agree. I lost my son to suicide and the whole situation has been traumatic but the thing that devastates me the most is that he had to die alone in a truly awful way because he wasn't able to talk openly about his plans or choose a peaceful exit.
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Feb 11, 2020
Fully agree, and plus, if euthnasia was legal for a variety of circumstances, then you'd be forced to do therapy which may change your mind, but currently everyone just lies to therapists or don't go, for fear of consequences. By not legalising euthanasia we are being forced to kill ourselves.
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Apr 5, 2020
I wholeheartedly agree. I lost my son to suicide and the whole situation has been traumatic but the thing that devastates me the most is that he had to die alone in a truly awful way because he wasn't able to talk openly about his plans or choose a peaceful exit.
That's awful, how did he die, if you don't mind my asking? I extend my deepest condolences. It's deplorable that people such as your son are given no decent choice for their death. I do think it's worth trying to solve people's mental anguish through medication and/or conversation, but all too often that is ineffective. We simply don't understand the human brain well enough yet. So, the next best thing we can do as a society, is offer people a pleasant death, should they so wish. And no, pain felt by the bereaved doesn't mean suicide should be forbidden. It comes down to the principle that we all deserve ultimate freedom over what happens to ourselves.
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i wanna die somewhere like up there
Mar 15, 2020
It's all about the money. The doctors, lawyers, and pharmaceutical companies play on the pain,fear, and the guilt of parents and society. They do ANYTHING to save babies! Have you ever watched medical miracles operations shows? One episode, these doctors kept this child alive who was about to die. This poor-thing was missing his legs, most of his arms, and he had a deformed face, and possibly a brain injury!...Back in the day, they would put that innocent soul in a basket, and floated him down a river so the baby could die of exposure! It was considered a mercy kill! And it would be the honorable thing to do! Who would want to go thru life like that! And some of these parents are so f-damned entitled today! They only care about their own pain and loss! Then these same pro-lifers manipulate us by showing us commercials of happy, playful, and grateful little deformed children! But they never show the UNHAPPY, suicidal, and resentful little deformed children! It's such a biased to the Pro-life makes me sick!
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Apr 5, 2020
Fully agree, and plus, if euthnasia was legal for a variety of circumstances, then you'd be forced to do therapy which may change your mind, but currently everyone just lies to therapists or don't go, for fear of consequences. By not legalising euthanasia we are being forced to kill ourselves.
Yes, the threat of throwing people into a mental institute or a prison, just because they want to end their pain, is sickening. It's no wonder so many shy away from the idea of opening up about their suicidal feelings, given how many horror stories there have been about people's freedoms being unjustly taken away.
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Aug 27, 2018
I agree and I will go a step further and say I don´t think anyone who wants to take their own life HAVE to have a valid reason even if a person is physical and mentally healthy but for some reason just think life is too much work I would think that reason alone is okay that person didn´t ask to be born so why doesn´t he have the right over his own life?

And then a person like that would be forced to stay alive by psychiatric hospitals etc. because THEY believe there must be something wrong with him or he is just going through some stuff and will thank us in the future when it all blows over but some people just arent into this modern way of life or life in general you get very little reward so a lot of hard work.
By not legalising euthanasia we are being forced to kill ourselves.
That is also why I don´t care if people choose methods that involves others e.g. suicide by train or jumping of a building because society forced them to go out that way instead of giving them a peaceful death and chances are the train driver or witnesses to the suicides are pro-lifers as well and didn´t want that person to get euthanasia but to get "help" so they in the Jokers terms "you get what you fucking deserve" these "civilized" people of society condones this tyranny we live under including that people arent allowed to end their life despite not having a say in being born.
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Apr 5, 2020
It's all about the money. The doctors, lawyers, and pharmaceutical companies play on the pain,fear, and the guilt of parents and society. They do ANYTHING to save babies! Have you ever watched medical miracles operations. One show, these doctors kept this child alive who was about to die. This poor things was missing his legs, most of his arms, and he had a deformed face, and possibly a brain injury...Back in the day, they would put that innocent soul in a basket, and floated him down a river so the baby could die of exposure! It was considered a mercy kill! Who would want to go thru life like that! Then these same pro-lifers show us commercials of happy and playful and grateful little deformed children! But they never show the UNHAPPY, suicidal, and resentful deformed children! It's such a biased to the Pro-life makes me sick!
I agree, if god (is he even there?) hates someone and has cursed them with deformities or disability, then it's fantastic if they can live happily and optimistically, that's only wonderful. But it's not as if we're all wired like that, some people do not accept the card they've been dealt, and they shouldn't need to, because lord knows there are some downright rotten hands to be drawn. It always comes down to one's mental state though, not necessarily their circumstances (although the two are definitely interacting) and that's what we need to pay more attention to.
I agree and I will go a step further and say I don´t think anyone who wants to take their own life HAVE to have a valid reason even if a person is physical and mentally healthy but for some reason just think life is too much work I would think that reason alone is okay that person didn´t ask to be born so why doesn´t he have the right over his own life?

And then a person like that would be forced to stay alive by psychiatric hospitals etc. because THEY believe there must be something wrong with him or he is just going through some stuff and will thank us in the future when it all blows over but some people just arent into this modern way of life or life in general you get very little reward so a lot of hard work.

That is also why I don´t care if people choose methods that involves others e.g. suicide by train or jumping of a building because society forced them to go out that way instead of giving them a peaceful death and chances are the train driver or witnesses to the suicides are pro-lifers as well and didn´t want that person to get euthanasia but to get "help" so they in the Jokers terms "you get what you fucking deserve" these "civilized" people of society condones this tyranny we live under including that people arent allowed to end their life despite not having a say in being born.
I agree definitely, what constitutes "valid" after all? It's arbitrary. Most pro-lifers would probably say that it's only justified if you're experiencing intense physical agony that doesn't let up, but that's just their opinion. They fail to acknowledge the reality of mental anguish, and how debilitating it really is.
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i wanna die somewhere like up there
Mar 15, 2020
I agree, if god (is he even there?) hates someone and has cursed them with deformities or disability, then it's fantastic if they can live happily and optimistically, that's only wonderful. But it's not as if we're all wired like that, some people do not accept the card they've been dealt, and they shouldn't need to, because lord knows there are some downright rotten hands to be drawn. It always comes down to one's mental state though, not necessarily their circumstances (although the two are definitely interacting) and that's what we need to pay more attention to.

I agree definitely, what constitutes "valid" after all? It's arbitrary. Most pro-lifers would probably say that it's only justified if you're experiencing intense physical agony that doesn't let up, but that's just their opinion. They fail to acknowledge the reality of mental anguish, and how debilitating it really is.

Most Pro-lifers don't care about pain. They only care about themselves and what THEY alone want, what they determine is moral, or what they determine which constitutes as pain. Some, if not many of the medical interventions employed today, to keep people alive, of all ages, is nothing short of torture.. Actually, I read that much of modern medicine has actually INCREASED human suffering in death...I'm agnostic, personally. But I know this, those who believe in the prolife middle eastern gods of Islam, Christianity and/or Judaism- their gods are all Sadists- who enjoys making humans suffer. On this earth, and in the hell they preach about.....their fake gods have created psychological and physical torments to keep us all alive, to put up with their hate! And they stop at nothing....just makes me sick....
  • Aww..
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I just find it appalling how stigmatised and unsupported suicide is today. I often think about the countless individuals of the past, present, and inevitably future, who know in their bones that they don't want to continue living, because they are so utterly, incorrigibly miserable, and they have to take painful, frightening, fallible, and undignified ways out, like a gunshot to the head, hanging, bridge jumping, and so forth, because ideal methods like CO or N2 inhalation aren't accessible to them.

For this reason I strongly admire the work Dr. N and others are doing with the development of the 'Sarco', sharing of information about various suicide methods, and general promotion of suicide as a legitimate exercise of one's own right to death. It just doesn't make sense that suicide is so forbidden, some people experience their lives as if it were hell, and they shouldn't need to be trapped and forced to continue with their bottomless suffering. The world would be an immeasurably nicer place if we were to implement something like the Sarco for commercial use, giving people the blessed opportunity to put an end to their sorrow. There is absolutely nothing immoral about that, in my view anyway.

I hope that suicide will eventually become accepted as reasonable, and that it will one day become commercialised so that people can exit painlessly and peacefully. But it seems incredibly unlikely in my lifetime, and I don't know how many mutilated corpses, tragic suicide notes, and needlessly agonising deaths it's going to take to finally shift people's unhealthy opinions about it.
Bless the pro-choicers and advocates to make euthanasia legal someday (not likely in our lifetimes but future generations). I don't know what it will take, but if there isn't money to be made anymore in the current system, paradigm, perhaps there will be a shift. I would think part of the progressive and more liberal attitudes towards euthanasia in European countries such as Switzerland, Netherlands, and Belgium are partially due to the money and costs of maintaining life and the fact that economic growth has stagnated in Europe (and the parts of the western world). So my point is that if there comes a point where forced drugging, treatment, and/or the current model is not really profitable or even enough of a storm is brewed, then there may be changes in the future. It will take many decades of course though.

Fully agree, and plus, if euthnasia was legal for a variety of circumstances, then you'd be forced to do therapy which may change your mind, but currently everyone just lies to therapists or don't go, for fear of consequences. By not legalising euthanasia we are being forced to kill ourselves.
Exactly on point. There are so many people who (if there wasn't a consequence for being honest, which includes the possibility of being locked up against their will unfairly and being treated like a prisoner as well as being billed an insurmountable medical bill, loss of certain freedoms and rights, etc.) they may go. Sadly, the way the system is set up and currently is, people will just avoid going or lie to MHP's to avoid the potential consequences. As for the last sentence, yes in a sense that is true and the unfortunate part is that some of us are having to use less dignified means to exit which are not peaceful and leave a mess behind (hanging, gunshot, jumping, to name a few).

It's all about the money. The doctors, lawyers, and pharmaceutical companies play on the pain,fear, and the guilt of parents and society. They do ANYTHING to save babies! Have you ever watched medical miracles operations shows? One episode, these doctors kept this child alive who was about to die. This poor-thing was missing his legs, most of his arms, and he had a deformed face, and possibly a brain injury!...Back in the day, they would put that innocent soul in a basket, and floated him down a river so the baby could die of exposure! It was considered a mercy kill! And it would be the honorable thing to do! Who would want to go thru life like that! And some of these parents are so f-damned entitled today! They only care about their own pain and loss! Then these same pro-lifers manipulate us by showing us commercials of happy, playful, and grateful little deformed children! But they never show the UNHAPPY, suicidal, and resentful deformed children! It's such a biased to the Pro-life makes me sick!
Abso-fucking-lutely agreed 100%! The last two sentences of your post sums it up really well, it's positivity and selection bias of some sort because they don't show the people who aren't happy (which I'm sure there are many more unhappy ones per every happy one). I believe if they didn't only show the happy ones, but every single deformed child (including the unhappy ones), it would quickly erode their claim that "most (if not all) deformed children are happy".

I agree and I will go a step further and say I don´t think anyone who wants to take their own life HAVE to have a valid reason even if a person is physical and mentally healthy but for some reason just think life is too much work I would think that reason alone is okay that person didn´t ask to be born so why doesn´t he have the right over his own life?

And then a person like that would be forced to stay alive by psychiatric hospitals etc. because THEY believe there must be something wrong with him or he is just going through some stuff and will thank us in the future when it all blows over but some people just arent into this modern way of life or life in general you get very little reward so a lot of hard work.

That is also why I don´t care if people choose methods that involves others e.g. suicide by train or jumping of a building because society forced them to go out that way instead of giving them a peaceful death and chances are the train driver or witnesses to the suicides are pro-lifers as well and didn´t want that person to get euthanasia but to get "help" so they in the Jokers terms "you get what you fucking deserve" these "civilized" people of society condones this tyranny we live under including that people arent allowed to end their life despite not having a say in being born.
I agree with your first sentence of your first paragraph. Sometimes, life itself is just not worth the maintenance and upkeep. I'd like to compare it to an aging old vehicle. Sure, the vehicle is operational and functioning well, but requires constant maintenance and work to keep it operational. At some point, it would cost more than the vehicle's original value to upkeep it and repair, replace broken components that it is simply cheaper and easier just to get a new vehicle or one with much less wear and tear on it.

In regards to people choosing methods that involve others, well I share a similar sentiment with you albeit a slight difference which is that while I don't approve of methods that involve others or result in collateral damage (jumping in front of trains, train tracks, etc.), I also empathize with the attemptee as the person may/not have access to a more reliable means of exit. I agree with you that it is society's fault that they wouldn't allow for legal voluntary euthanasia (with many checks and balances to prevent abuse) so that people can have a peaceful, dignified exit. I like your quote from the Joker and fits well here. So in short, I agree with you and while I prefer people avoid collateral damage if possible, I also understand why they are driven to a corner to resort to such measures; society is at fault here.
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i wanna die somewhere like up there
Mar 15, 2020
Bless the pro-choicers and advocates to make euthanasia legal someday (not likely in our lifetimes but future generations). I don't know what it will take, but if there isn't money to be made anymore in the current system, paradigm, perhaps there will be a shift. I would think part of the progressive and more liberal attitudes towards euthanasia in European countries such as Switzerland, Netherlands, and Belgium are partially due to the money and costs of maintaining life and the fact that economic growth has stagnated in Europe (and the parts of the western world). So my point is that if there comes a point where forced drugging, treatment, and/or the current model is not really profitable or even enough of a storm is brewed, then there may be changes in the future. It will take many decades of course though.

Exactly on point. There are so many people who (if there wasn't a consequence for being honest, which includes the possibility of being locked up against their will unfairly and being treated like a prisoner as well as being billed an insurmountable medical bill, loss of certain freedoms and rights, etc.) they may go. Sadly, the way the system is set up and currently is, people will just avoid going or lie to MHP's to avoid the potential consequences. As for the last sentence, yes in a sense that is true and the unfortunate part is that some of us are having to use less dignified means to exit which are not peaceful and leave a mess behind (hanging, gunshot, jumping, to name a few).

Abso-fucking-lutely agreed 100%! The last two sentences of your post sums it up really well, it's positivity and selection bias of some sort because they don't show the people who aren't happy (which I'm sure there are many more unhappy ones per every happy one). I believe if they didn't only show the happy ones, but every single deformed child (including the unhappy ones), it would quickly erode their claim that "most (if not all) deformed children are happy".

I agree with your first sentence of your first paragraph. Sometimes, life itself is just not worth the maintenance and upkeep. I'd like to compare it to an aging old vehicle. Sure, the vehicle is operational and functioning well, but requires constant maintenance and work to keep it operational. At some point, it would cost more than the vehicle's original value to upkeep it and repair, replace broken components that it is simply cheaper and easier just to get a new vehicle or one with much less wear and tear on it.

In regards to people choosing methods that involve others, well I share a similar sentiment with you albeit a slight difference which is that while I don't approve of methods that involve others or result in collateral damage (jumping in front of trains, train tracks, etc.), I also empathize with the attemptee as the person may/not have access to a more reliable means of exit. I agree with you that it is society's fault that they wouldn't allow for legal voluntary euthanasia (with many checks and balances to prevent abuse) so that people can have a peaceful, dignified exit. I like your quote from the Joker and fits well here. So in short, I agree with you and while I prefer people avoid collateral damage if possible, I also understand why they are driven to a corner to resort to such measures; society is at fault here.
Pro-lifers not only exploit children, as we all know....But I just want to add from yet another personal note. This thought came to me a couple years back, whenI was watching the news at work, because I work with grams and gramps in Palliative Care and Hospice. The news showed this 100 year old woman all Happy and Lover of Life, working at the State Fair at her age. I was like thinking silently to the tv, "Bizzaches, Why don't you come to this facility and interview some of these people? Cuz i can tell you this, this poor basically bed-ridden, Granny over there has been begging to die for the last 6 months, and probably longer, cuz I have only been here 6 months, and now that I think about it, it has been documented in the charts from eight and more months back from others. She wants to die!" I don't get a voice. I cannot legally assist her, and I wouldn't. I don't want to go to prison! She doesn't get a voice or choice! Only the Pro-lifer gets a voice and a choice! WTF is wrong with these people? It just makes me sick..
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Aug 27, 2018
I agree with your first sentence of your first paragraph. Sometimes, life itself is just not worth the maintenance and upkeep. I'd like to compare it to an aging old vehicle. Sure, the vehicle is operational and functioning well, but requires constant maintenance and work to keep it operational. At some point, it would cost more than the vehicle's original value to upkeep it and repair, replace broken components that it is simply cheaper and easier just to get a new vehicle or one with much less wear and tear on it.

In regards to people choosing methods that involve others, well I share a similar sentiment with you albeit a slight difference which is that while I don't approve of methods that involve others or result in collateral damage (jumping in front of trains, train tracks, etc.), I also empathize with the attemptee as the person may/not have access to a more reliable means of exit. I agree with you that it is society's fault that they wouldn't allow for legal voluntary euthanasia (with many checks and balances to prevent abuse) so that people can have a peaceful, dignified exit. I like your quote from the Joker and fits well here. So in short, I agree with you and while I prefer people avoid collateral damage if possible, I also understand why they are driven to a corner to resort to such measures; society is at fault here.
I like your analogy about the maintanence of the car it reflects exactly how I am now with over a dozen physical and mental problems too much work with no reward.

Yeah I really don´t care about the collateral damage despite having seen the documentaries about the train drivers trauma from the suicides they witnessed and it´s because of the already stated reasons; maybe that suicidal person had no other option and in those documentaries the train drivers often think like any other pro-lifer who wants us to keep people like me suffering because he like the majority of people think suicidal people recover but to me all the psychology bussiness to help the depressed and suicidal is a fraud it´s just a bandaid on an open wound, don´t get me wrong I find psychology interesting but the part about suicidal and depressed people they will never fully recover and feel the same way a person with a normal functioning body and mind does they just have to keep fighting i.e. repairing that car to keep in the race again too much effort and hard work with no reward other than not breaking completely down.
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Apr 24, 2020
I just find it appalling how stigmatised and unsupported suicide is today. I often think about the countless individuals of the past, present, and inevitably future, who know in their bones that they don't want to continue living, because they are so utterly, incorrigibly miserable, and they have to take painful, frightening, fallible, and undignified ways out, like a gunshot to the head, hanging, bridge jumping, and so forth, because ideal methods like CO or N2 inhalation aren't accessible to them.

For this reason I strongly admire the work Dr. N and others are doing with the development of the 'Sarco', sharing of information about various suicide methods, and general promotion of suicide as a legitimate exercise of one's own right to death. It just doesn't make sense that suicide is so forbidden, some people experience their lives as if it were hell, and they shouldn't need to be trapped and forced to continue with their bottomless suffering. The world would be an immeasurably nicer place if we were to implement something like the Sarco for commercial use, giving people the blessed opportunity to put an end to their sorrow. There is absolutely nothing immoral about that, in my view anyway.

I hope that suicide will eventually become accepted as reasonable, and that it will one day become commercialised so that people can exit painlessly and peacefully. But it seems incredibly unlikely in my lifetime, and I don't know how many mutilated corpses, tragic suicide notes, and needlessly agonising deaths it's going to take to finally shift people's unhealthy opinions about it.

I agree with most of the sentiments mentioned. This world is so contradicting, dangerous and controlling to say the least. The "invisible pain" of someone gets little to no credit, no consideration. If you appear functional or perceivably smart in different areas of your life they at times think you can just shake yourself out of the areas that still plague you, that you still struggle in. I've found myself having to "convince" providers and even my own parents of just how much pain I am in and why. Rather than them being sensible and empathetic enough to simply hear me and believe me I am forced to repeat my pains like a broken record. That shouldn't be my responsibility. Hence, why it's better to just hold it in and go at it alone.

If they can let murders off from technicalities in the dysfunctional criminal system, why can't we just go peacefully? We would essentially be one less burden, one less problem and one less pained individual either physically or mentally. Our burden of proof has no room for error like those who can afford expensive lawyers, premier doctors and have "connections". I know it's an extremely odd comparison, but they oft consider us self-murderers and "selfish" when it was only our life that was taken in the act. A life that would have been taken eventually as no one will escape death.

If I was afforded even just the option to go peacefully on my time I would spend less energy calculating and stressing about how and when (on top of existing pains) and just "enjoy" my last days.

It's. So. F^cked.
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Feb 11, 2020
Exactly on point. There are so many people who (if there wasn't a consequence for being honest, which includes the possibility of being locked up against their will unfairly and being treated like a prisoner as well as being billed an insurmountable medical bill, loss of certain freedoms and rights, etc.) they may go. Sadly, the way the system is set up and currently is, people will just avoid going or lie to MHP's to avoid the potential consequences. As for the last sentence, yes in a sense that is true and the unfortunate part is that some of us are having to use less dignified means to exit which are not peaceful and leave a mess behind (hanging, gunshot, jumping, to name a few).

guess it's kind of ironic that prolifers shoot themselves in the foot by giving us no options!
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Disqualified from Being Human
Apr 20, 2020
It's all about the money. The doctors, lawyers, and pharmaceutical companies play on the pain,fear, and the guilt of parents and society. They do ANYTHING to save babies! Have you ever watched medical miracles operations shows? One episode, these doctors kept this child alive who was about to die. This poor-thing was missing his legs, most of his arms, and he had a deformed face, and possibly a brain injury!...Back in the day, they would put that innocent soul in a basket, and floated him down a river so the baby could die of exposure! It was considered a mercy kill! And it would be the honorable thing to do! Who would want to go thru life like that! And some of these parents are so f-damned entitled today! They only care about their own pain and loss! Then these same pro-lifers manipulate us by showing us commercials of happy, playful, and grateful little deformed children! But they never show the UNHAPPY, suicidal, and resentful little deformed children! It's such a biased to the Pro-life makes me sick!

I think this is the true reason why suicide can't be easily accessible, systematically. Even if society somehow are become more permissible to the idea of the painless suicide, those "in power" will try their hardest to prevent it to happen, since they'll lose large amounts of money.

Sadly, people will also make the unhappy deformed children feel guilty because "Look at those children, they got worse yet they can still be happy!"
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"to be overly conscious is a sickness"
Mar 13, 2020
The truth in your post is an example of this horrific world.
In a civilized society you would be able to go to a clinic and they do necessary mental health tests to ensure you aren't just having a period of stress that will pass...
If you present with disabilities, illnesses.
Even a general nihilistic view of existence, if you go back to the clinic say a few times that's clearly how you feel and wish to leave this world with dignity.


Feb 28, 2020
I don't think it's about anything more than death has been, across all time and most cultures, a very uncomfortable topic - down to the granular level of our own survival instinct. We are not built to self destruct. We are built to survive. Death is feared, sacred, and bundled up into so many religions. No one wants to accept death as OK. I think it is completely irresponsible and inhumane for any state not to have a right to die act in place and euthanasia available in cases of unending suffering, physical or mental. I believe elderly people should also have such access in the face of losing their autonomy either at home or by being alone in a facility. I believe that, if we could openly embrace suffering and have the compassion to accept that quality of life is a real measurement to be considered - with death as an alternative, we could alleviate so much pain. Parents, children, all loved ones left behind that those of us who chose to leave could talk through our exit in a ways that say goodbye, or helps them understand. I do not think it has anything to do with money. My mother died of a brain tumor, and had zero health insurance. She was terminal no matter what. Of course, the hospital insisted on brain surgery, chemo and radiation even though she would certainly die anyway. There was a huge cost to that - over a quarter million dollars to that health system - that was never going to get paid. They knew that. The fight for life, especially in the US, no matter what, is very fierce. I also think it matters that NO ONE UNDERSTANDS suffering like this that are making the rules. People suffering like this are usually not able to be healthy and successful enough to be in the position to be making legislative decisions. They can hear the stories, but they can never understand. Who could? I can't believe that I am here, a year ago I would have thought you were insane if you told me I would be facing suicide. Even if you told me I was going to be really ill and and bedridden pain, I would have said "yes but I would never do that to my family". The vast majority of people will never have to endure the suffering that many of us know that drives the need to leave. That lack of understanding will stand in the way of our right to die for a very long time.
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