
Aug 22, 2021
I have had suicidal thoughts and tendancies for a long time now. One of things that has continued to frustrate me no end is that no one really cares or gives a shit about you while at the same time doubling down on prevention. So long as you haven't ended things then it doesn't matter what kind of hell you are in.

Don't get me wrong, I am glad that some people benefit from the prevention measures and go on to live better lives. That said the more suicide info is restricted on the internet and the more substances that are controlled, the more trapped and frustrated I feel.

Can anyone relate at all?
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Yes, I find suicide prevention to be very frustrating. We all deserve an option of a peaceful way out as none of us asked to exist in the first place. It frustrates me how society expects us to live at all costs, the life expectancy is far too long. In many cases the prevention measures that are in place just prolong suffering. It is our lives and we have the right to end it when it is the right time for us, and it is frustrating how other people feel as though they have a say in that. I feel like taking away method access will not reduce suicide, but just make people more desperate and they will end up doing risky methods and ending up with damage.
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Aug 4, 2021
Suicide prevention has become a big profitable business at this point people donate thousands of dollars to organizations claiming to trying to prevent suicides by doing what exactly who knows instead of investing money in mental health we have these joke of organizations pretending to play saviors when in reality they are the devils.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I agree completely. It's like slapping a bandaid over a crack in a dam and calling it a day. In the end, I think this sorry state of affairs stems from people wanting to feel like they're helping more than actually wanting to help.

Maybe this makes me a callous asshole to say it, but I also have noticed a distinct lack of insight in the testimonies of "suicide survivors" (the surviving family, not the dead). Very few seem to really understand the perspective of their deceased loved ones. It's not surprising that organizations which draw a lot of their support from them fail.

Another issue to me is the idea they push that suicide can happen to anyone. That's probably true, and saying so may reduce stigma, but there are certain life experiences and conditions that make suicide much more likely.

And maybe I'm an even bigger asshole for asserting this: but suicide followed by years of ideation is much sadder to me than a snap decision based on acute problems. It is terrible to comprehend that a young person with years of a good life ahead of them CTB, absolutely, but having gone through 16 years of suicidal ideation, I wouldn't wish this long haul shit on anyone.

Preventions are usually only geared toward people in crisis, not lifers like many of us here. While I understand that we may seem unreachable (and maybe we are), the cynic in me also suggests that they may not target us with their prevention messages because we are generally undesirables - underemployed, outcasts, despised.

After all that text, I will leave with this last conjecture: IMO, all research and activism in regards to mental health will always be hamstringed by the fact that it takes much (most perhaps?) of its funding and societal pressure from the friends and family of the "ill" rather than the "ill" themselves. We're not considered rational enough to have a seat at the table - unlike the people in our lives who may have had more than a little to do with getting us to the brink. Suicide is a boogeyman to them at best and a source of shame to them at worst. How could they possibly understand it in any meaningful way?
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