

Feb 2, 2019
With respect to the atheists here: please do not reply—this thread is for those who believe in a hereafter - thank you.

For many years and still today I believe that the Afterlife is another dimension of sorts, a dimension that each of us would find far more suitable than the existence we are currently in.

So what about this 'more suitable' dimension? Can it be constructed by sheer will? And is it essentially created by realizing what you do not like about your everyday Human experience?

To better articulate what I'm saying, this is a classic TV show "The Twilight Zone" episode entitled "A Stop At Willoughby" from 1955 - please take a look. I think you'll enjoy it, as well it clarifies what I mean (sorry, the system was unable to embed), would welcome your thoughts:

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Feb 2, 2019
With respect to the atheists here: please do not reply—this thread is for those who believe in a hereafter - thank you.

For many years and still today I believe that the Afterlife is another dimension of sorts, a dimension that each of us would find far more suitable than the existence we are currently in.

So what about this 'more suitable' dimension? Can it be constructed by sheer will? And is it essentially created by realizing what you do not like about your everyday Human experience?

To better articulate what I'm saying, this is a classic TV show "The Twilight Zone" episode entitled "A Stop At Willoughby" from 1955 - please take a look. I think you'll enjoy it, as well it clarifies what I mean (sorry, the system was unable to embed), would welcome your thoughts:

I forgot to mention that I also had spoken with someone on this issue, who said that it is possible, but visualization is the key to getting achieving one's ideal Afterlife. So the other question is : what then defines the proper visualizing techniques?
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
I look at it like this: If my life here was garbage, why would it be any different over there? But from what I heard it's a vibrational thing. Whatever you felt at the end of your life is what you'll attract. If you felt hate in life, you'll end up around others who felt that way. It's the "birds of a feather" concept. All of this is just speculation because no one who went there can come back and tell us.

As for visualizing: You need to be a creative person. You have to be able to create what you want to see in your mind. There really isn't a right or wrong way to do it. Just start with a image then expand on it until you see what you want. Maybe someone else can explain it better.
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Feb 2, 2019
I look at it like this: If my life here was garbage, why would it be any different over there? But from what I heard it's a vibrational thing. Whatever you felt at the end of your life is what you'll attract. If you felt hate in life, you'll end up around others who felt that way. It's the "birds of a feather"
This is where it gets tricky because the moment one carries out ctb could be rather melancholy. But are you speaking in terms of having a positive last several months? If so than that certainly is doable. I'm just saying that the last minute or second one carries out the act of self deliverance could be very sombering and I would not want that to throw off my Afterlife.

As for visualizing: You need to be a creative person. You have to be able to create what you want to see in your mind. There really isn't a right or wrong way to do it. Just start with a image then expand on it until you see what you want. Maybe someone else can explain it better.
I would base things on various locations I've been to and select the nicer attributes, as well for the various attributes of people I've met as a template for the kind of people I would want to meet in the Afterlife.

I wonder if there are cognitive mind excercizes for this kind of thing.
Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
It really doesn't matter. If you were in good spirits when you left then your afterlife shouldn't be that bad. But you also have to take into consideration what you did in life, that also factors in. I'm just speaking on things I've read so I really don't know.

You mean like guided meditations? Idk. But some people can visualize better than others. Just because you're not good at it doesn't mean you can't learn. Just try it out at first then practice every day you have some free time. There really isn't a right or wrong way to do it.
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Feb 2, 2019
It really doesn't matter. If you were in good spirits when you left then your afterlife shouldn't be that bad. But you also have to take into consideration what you did in life, that also factors in. I'm just speaking on things I've read so I really don't know.
Good point. I've fucked up plenty over the years, but I can honestly say that if I knew then what I know now I'd do many things differently. That is the last thing I will speak out loud before I call it quits. .

My point is that I accept my mistakes without hating myself, and would use my experience to be a better person in the next dimension.
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Feb 29, 2020
"We ignore our fantasies, desperately worried about testing them against reality, because our definitions of reality might have to change. We might discover that the fantasies provide a rich dimension to life that has been lacking, fenced out by 'proven truth.' We may discover that dreams are more practical than facts in the long run, and what an awe-ful surprise that will be! We may discover that only the imagination can glimpse those greater dimensions of our being in which our lives are couched. We may die of boredom though our bellies are full of wholesome bread, and find that nutrition is, indeed, more than what we eat. We may find that fiction can be closer to truth than facts are, and that proven facts are merely the fictions we've authenticatedour official fiction, as it were."

- William James from the Afterdeath Journal Of An American Phillosopher
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death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
hope this post isnt too "off" but..
i could imagine, afterlife being similar to lucid dreams. if the concept of a soul is true, going to the other side would make all our earthly, negative stuff disappear. this would leave us in highest frequencies, enabling us to access way more control over our reality, instantaneously manifestations and much more stuff.. speaking of the love and peace people experience during their nde's makes this appear like a real possibility to me
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Feb 29, 2020
hope this post isnt too "off" but..
i could imagine, afterlife being similar to lucid dreams. if the concept of a soul is true, going to the other side would make all our earthly, negative stuff disappear. this would leave us in highest frequencies, enabling us to access way more control over our reality, instantaneously manifestations and much more stuff.. speaking of the love and peace people experience during their nde's makes this appear like a real possibility to me

Actually, from my perspective, makes a lot of sense. Reminds me a bit of this other quote by William James:

"Existence in the space-time continuum programs memory and, of course, experience itself. Alive, we are only aware of our time selves. We see ourselves live and grow old in time. We experience the moments and identify our subjective reality with continuity in time. But even in life we are sometimes almost aware of thoughts and images whirling past us at a rate too fast to follow, and on other occasions of events so ponderous and slow that we seem only to waken to them once or twice in a lifetime.

Such experiences hint of the true nature of identity, indicating that part of ourselves that cannot squeeze into the coordinates of recognized space-time. In life we are aware of only certain pulses of our consciousness, and we form our identity by organizing memory and experience along the line of these pulses. We are quite unconscious of anything happening between them, or of anything happening at the "other end of the pole" of our greater identity. There are experiences so far apart in time that we cannot follow. So, in life, our sense of ourselves must be limited.

Intimations of immortality do reach us, but through dreams, inspiration, and creativityby means of the mind field mentioned earlier and through images that impress us but do not directly intersect with practical physical experience"

- From The Afterdeath Journal Of An American Philosopher
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