Jon Arbuckle

Jon Arbuckle

Aspiring Corpse
Jul 23, 2024
is there anyone here that has attempted to CTB with a firearm but ultimately failed due to SI? if I'm going to buy a gun I can NOT back out of it, I need to know if this is a risk or not.
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Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
I took my dad's pistol to the basement with the intention of using it. Obviously I didn't, I was 19 then and can't remember why I chickened out. But I can say having a gun is kinda soothing. Just knowing I have the means at hand to pull the plug whenever I need to.
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Failed hard to pull the trigger - Now using SN
Feb 5, 2023
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New Member
Jan 2, 2024
I can't even say it was SI but more fear of failure. The risks of NOT succeeding with a firearm were enough to keep me from pulling the trigger when I had a loaded gun in my hand. So yes, I'd wager there's a significant chance you may not even attempt if you do decide to buy a gun. That said, I agree with F@#$ in that it was nice for the time to have the means readily available (it unfortunately was not my gun). But I wonder why you say the risk of SI makes you unwilling to buy one?
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emo mcgee
Jan 1, 2024
i tried with my at the time gfs handgun, spend basically her entire 10 hour shift of work in our room with it in my mouth trying to squeeze the trigger. somehow i could only pull it like just far enough to not fire (which is surprisingly far), even though i had fired it at a firing range before, so i know i was physically capable, but for some reason something between my brain and finger just couldnt get it far enough

glad i didnt go thru with it because she could have been convicted over it tho

if u end up buying one make sure its a big enough caliber, was told by a gun person that it might not have been enough to be 100% certain (was 9mm iirc)
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Aug 31, 2024
If you're still around this is how I attempted to ctb a decade ago. picked out a nice spot at the lake, bought a hand gun from the flea market, sat there for a couple of hours and just could not do it. I don't know what went through my mind exactly. it was like others said, got the gun up to my head, had the trigger pulled almost far enough but I just couldn't do it. and yeah part of it was the "what if" it didn't work. I also remember how stupid my problems looked and how I wanted to give meds a shot, go to school, etc. a decade later and I'm still fucking crazy, even worse off financially, and still wanting to ctb so...

crazy thing was a few months after I got back from my grippy sock vacation my friend's mom actually pulled the trigger and it didn't work. she has to wear diapers, her ex-husband had to come back and take care of her like she's one of her kids. her grown kids had to watch her like she was a toddler for years. for a couple of months they thought she was going to be a vegetable. she's capable of doing basic tasks now but goddamn my next attempt is not gonna be with a gun.
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Chasing dreams, catching nightmares
Aug 14, 2024
Yup, SI is still a factor, as with any method. Firearms can be viscerally difficult just because of the exposure we have to them via media/games/etc.


Jun 25, 2024
If you're still around this is how I attempted to ctb a decade ago. picked out a nice spot at the lake, bought a hand gun from the flea market, sat there for a couple of hours and just could not do it. I don't know what went through my mind exactly. it was like others said, got the gun up to my head, had the trigger pulled almost far enough but I just couldn't do it. and yeah part of it was the "what if" it didn't work. I also remember how stupid my problems looked and how I wanted to give meds a shot, go to school, etc. a decade later and I'm still fucking crazy, even worse off financially, and still wanting to ctb so...

crazy thing was a few months after I got back from my grippy sock vacation my friend's mom actually pulled the trigger and it didn't work. she has to wear diapers, her ex-husband had to come back and take care of her like she's one of her kids. her grown kids had to watch her like she was a toddler for years. for a couple of months they thought she was going to be a vegetable. she's capable of doing basic tasks now but goddamn my next attempt is not gonna be with a gun.
Do you know if your friend's mom survived due to improper technique or a weak gun? Did somebody immediately call 911 after it happened or something? I mean I hope it was something like that. Because the thought of surviving despite taking the necessary contingencies is terrifying.
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May 8, 2024
If you're still around this is how I attempted to ctb a decade ago. picked out a nice spot at the lake, bought a hand gun from the flea market, sat there for a couple of hours and just could not do it. I don't know what went through my mind exactly. it was like others said, got the gun up to my head, had the trigger pulled almost far enough but I just couldn't do it. and yeah part of it was the "what if" it didn't work. I also remember how stupid my problems looked and how I wanted to give meds a shot, go to school, etc. a decade later and I'm still fucking crazy, even worse off financially, and still wanting to ctb so...

crazy thing was a few months after I got back from my grippy sock vacation my friend's mom actually pulled the trigger and it didn't work. she has to wear diapers, her ex-husband had to come back and take care of her like she's one of her kids. her grown kids had to watch her like she was a toddler for years. for a couple of months they thought she was going to be a vegetable. she's capable of doing basic tasks now but goddamn my next attempt is not gonna be with a gun.
By chance, do you know the type of gun she used and where she aimed? (Under chin, temple, in mouth, behind ear)?

I can't take on more pain and suffering...the only reason I am resorting to doing this!! I know that is the risk with suicide attempts but I am thinking that surely with the right gun and ammo and aim, you can minimize the risks.....


Sep 18, 2024
I've had the gun and its been confiscated but I've been able to find it and get hold of it. For so many countless times, I have held it to my temple and just can't pull the trigger. Three times it accidentally discharged to the ground. I was so close. I have a 45 ACP with hollow points so it should be enough to turn my brain to mush. I just can't get the courage to finish the job. I'm sitting in my car trying to figure out if I can do it again.
Any thoughts on how to overcome SI?


Don't be afraid of death
Sep 30, 2023
With any method there is a risk of failure. But if you prepare properly, and study everything, and are able to pull the trigger, then you can ultimately defeat life


Sep 18, 2024
I can't imagine putting it in my mouth which is what is recommended. On the top of my ear or behind the ear but it seems so gruesome still. I just feel so lost.

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