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catching the bus
Aug 4, 2018
i'm back on my true and only real family i have : you guys on SS
in these days of quarantine i'm having so many problems with myself and my shitty family.
my dad is in hospital 3 hours away from me because he has cancer. i'm so desperate i want him to be ok and god can take my life instead of him or others. but my mother and others of the family are blaming me for everything. they said : "he is sick because of you. because you have gender dysphoria. because you like girls. because you have thricotillomania. because you're the worst daughter. because you wanted to study chemistry instead of medicine and now you could have helped him. because you can't find a job. because you're shit. because you're a loser. because we regret the time we had you".
ok guys so i can't deal with all this. i'm so broken. in this quarantine (i'm in italy) i want to make some money online because after this quarantine my plan is find a job live alone traveling around the world and when i can't deal anymore ctb is the answer, but the most important thing is going away from them. they hurt me so much. anybody can tell me what i can do online? and also i'm interested in knowing bitcoins and tradex but please don't cheat i need serious answers and help. thank you all guys i love you ❤
  • Hugs
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
Have you ever thought of getting in the "translation business"?
Assuming you are italian and you seem to handle yourself with english, why not seek out some translation work on line?
It's a very long way from chemistry but it's something.
I'm finishing a law degree and, while my family isn't as cruel to me as yours is to you, my mental health would also greatly benefit from getting out of my mom's house.
It's funny that i always assumed you were a guy (no offense).
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catching the bus
Aug 4, 2018
thank you so much for the help ❤️ i feel myself like a guy that's what gender dysphoria does. but yeah i don't think it's bad for others people because it's my life. do you think i'll be able to live alone translating in this period of the year with this shit virus? also somebody can help my with trader or bitcoins? something that allows me to be indipendent


All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
thank you so much for the help ❤ i feel myself like a guy that's what gender dysphoria does. but yeah i don't think it's bad for others people because it's my life. do you think i'll be able to live alone translating in this period of the year with this shit virus? also somebody can help my with trader or bitcoins? something that allows me to be indipendent
I'm not sure translation will net you enough to live by yourself, at least in a short term prognosis.
But, given your situation, it would definately help to have some self made money in your pocket- i should know because that's what i'm striving for.
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catching the bus
Aug 4, 2018
I'm not sure translation will net you enough to live by yourself, at least in a short term prognosis.
But, given your situation, it would definately help to have some self made money in your pocket- i should know because that's what i'm striving for.
thank you so much, really. you're the only one who helped me for now. i hope i can find some smartworking to go away after this quarantine
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I believe @jgm63 posted a guide to bitcoins. Do a site search with bitcoin/s in the title and @jgm63 as the user.

Regarding the shit show that is your family, I highly recommend the book Boundaries.

I just want to cuss so bad about all the UTTERLY RIDICULOUS things they are saying, storm in there and set them straight (maybe "straight" isn't the best word, haha), and give you a big, supportive hug.


All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
As to the Bitcoins try this guide: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/simple-bitcoin-beginners-guide.26742/


Feb 10, 2020
Don't know anything about Bitcoin.
What about medical transcriptionist? Pretty decent money working at home(and translating, too)

Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Go into the black market bc 90% of jobs will be gone soon. This lockdown is not something that's going to just go away and things will be back to business as usual. Watch dollar vigilante on YouTube, or bitchute for more information on what the globalists are planning. This is just the beginning of the psychopaths destroying the economy.
  • Aww..
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
Go into the black market bc 90% of jobs will be gone soon. This lockdown is not something that's going to just go away and things will be back to business as usual. Watch dollar vigilante on YouTube, or bitchute for more information on what the globalists are planning. This is just the beginning of the psychopaths destroying the economy.
Do you think they deliberately created this aiming, among other things, to decimate the older parts of the population thus ridding the governments of having to pay their retirement welfares/benefits and pensions?

Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Do you think they deliberately created this aiming, among other things, to decimate the older parts of the population thus ridding the governments of having to pay their retirement welfares/benefits and pensions?
That's one reason but definitely not the only one. You have to understand that the people who rule over us have no sense of real obligation to the US citizens and the citizens of other countries as well. They do not have a conscience, these people are psychopaths. They tricked and brainwashed us for many years to be able to get this one world government prison finally imposed. All they care about is power and keeping a slave class that they can rule over. It always ends badly and this keeps repeating throughout history because people forget how dangerous government is. It starts out small and then gradually grows it takes over and wants to restrict all freedom. More and more laws get created to the point where most people are committing crimes just because they have no choice and have to survive. Since they make everything illegal just about. The worst people are the ones who buy into this system and think it's ok to violate other people's rights for a paycheck. There's many of them too. The people who get paid or subsidized through government to carry out the harm on the citizens.
Last edited:
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
That's one reason but definitely not the only one. You have to understand that the people who rule over us have no sense of real obligation to the US citizens. They do not have a conscience, these people are psychopaths. They tricked and brainwashed us for many years to be able to get this one world government prison finally imposed. All they care about is power and keeping a slave class that they can rule over. It always ends badly and this keeps repeating throughout history because people forget how dangerous government is. It starts out small and then gradually grows it takes over and wants to restrict all freedom. More and more laws get created to the point where most people are committing crimes just because they have no choice and have to survive. Since they make everything illegal just about. The worst people are the ones who buy into this system and think it's ok to violate other people's rights for a paycheck. There's many of them too. The people who get paid or subsidized through government to carry out the harm on the citizens.
But if the virus came out of China how likely is the US government to be responsible for it?
I'm sorry for my ignorance but i'm in europe?


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
All they care about is power and keeping a slave class that they can rule over. It always ends badly and this keeps repeating throughout history because people forget how dangerous government is. It starts out small and then gradually grows it takes over and wants to restrict all freedom.

I'd love to see these recent comments copied to the covid megathread and continue the discussion there. But for now (and my apologies for derailing)...

I think there is another reason why this keeps repeating throughout history.

In general, the people, the slaves, are powerless. Their resources are focused on supporting themselves, their families, and those in closest proximity. They are not privy to what goes on at higher levels and they are generally powerless to have an impact. The personal power of voting is, imo, a psychological maniplation -- a diversion and a panacea. When people get fed up enough for a revolution, leadership is required, and it's generally not safe people who respect boundaries who lead, it is people who also want power, and a new system will continue to control and abuse, even if in different ways. Their inspiration doesn't come from Buddhism and the ethics of Stoicism and kumbaya, it comes from Lao-Tzu's Art of War and Machiavelli. The MLKs and Gandhis may effect change in existing structures, but they ultimately do not transform and lead the populace in governing. And if they did, such power could potentially corrupt them. At such high levels of power, one needs to make concessions to get even close to an ideal, which always gets watered down and altered into something only marginally resembling the goal. To me, for the individual, the slave, it is hopeless. The slave needs someone powerful to take their side, and power is inherently corrupting, if not already in some way corrupt.

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