Hi, Essie and Taylor. My heart breaks for both of you. Thank you both for responding. It is was a long time want for me to start such a thread with fellow pain sufferers. Unfortunately, as you move up in age, your prospects decline; eventually it becomes a fight against the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
One man once said that pain is a "void", it follows you wherever you go. It becomes you.
I think both you can attest that mere depression doesn't reach the level as deep as the depression from chronic pain.
I am not here dismantling the "just depressed" crowd as I can fully understand their position. There is a special name in psychiatry for these groups, they call them "worry wellers". They are extremely recipient to pharmaceuticals and the focus for the green shirt groups with pom-poms, otherwise knowin as "suicide prevention" groups.( I had a few suicide preventers come up to me a few weeks ago, which is why I want to rage in terror of their obvious ignorance of the matter at hand).
All 3 of us has a daily strife with an innumerable condition no one around us Can understand.
We are the perfect targets for suicide prevention groups to jump on.
Unfortunately, it is us having to take the punches from such groups. I once called "beyondtheblue.com.au". This is a Government funded organisation but is an apparent cash cow. For anyone who doesn't know them, they are apparently a 'non-profit' Organisation - that is what they call themselves - aimed to reduce suicide attempts( but they are one of largest revenue centric bossinesses in Australia). They focus all their articles on "mental illness" and twirl every reason to want to die as "unreasonable.". To them, it is better to stay alive in a dire pitfall from chronic pain, than to die. I do not quite understand the logic that these groups adhere to, but this is pretty much what their status quo is: there is a chance you might get better, therefore it is better to live a full life than die earlier than one should. Not hard to see why the Government works hand-in-hand with these groups to keep individuals between the devil and the deep blue and strip them of cash even further.
The same argument as: 'give me a die with enough sides, and I can create a chance value low enough and make it happen.'
The problems with such arguments is that they posit a straw man fallacy. They do not show or address "unreasonableness" in its philosophical form or ethical form, and also turf on human morality; every human is here without his own consent - why would he/she wanting death be irrational if their whole lives are based upon the actions of 2 people who once had sex and on the very decisions of that moment?
If we are morally free people then, we SHOULD have the choice to continue than to struggle. Although opinions might differ, it should still be our choice and our decisions alone.
These arguments are all prima facie and based on intuition that human lives are always better to endure, instead of the unquestionable synthesis that proof needs to be established to show that this is in fact always the case. That is an if and only if statement.
In a recent article on Psychologytoday, it was mentioned that Sweden enforced suicide prevention where an apparent "liberal" Govenment goes over the moon to put rails on every bridge to cease ALL suicides as well as ceasing firearms from all suspicious suicidal people. It is also now a felony to own a gun if you are suicidal. SO the question becomes "why the numbers of suicidal lives?" Are these people suddenly smiling because they cannot "act out" their option? Ehh, I think not...
But thanks to dunces as politians, we are being mass controlled and disrespected to live in an anarchy(which the world is).
Doesn't this seem worse than Nazi/Boer concentration camps? And this is a country where the liberal law should entice an individual to live or die as he/she wishes it to be. So where does "ethical freedom from morality" comes from then?
Thanks to Sweden, if I do not want to live, there is no escape. I better live till old age or die trying. It is a mere rejection of human rights and privacy as stated by Roman/Teutonic laws which they apparently operate on. As the Roman philosopher Cato said "suicide is as a matter for individual choice ..."
I truly wish there to be a special place in hell for such lots. I wont reserve the name "people" for them.
However the focus on suicide prevention, these groups are nothing new. It is strange that these groups collect so much coin, that the president of beyondtheblue.com is in fact a bussinessman without any consent for suffering individuals and rather bragged about the total revenue it made that year. I think around 5 Billion dollars. Its a shock that such a continuous amount doesn't get stipended into a Medical/Dental or parmaceuticals( things we know helps to battle the cause of suicide in the first place), but works its way into fat-cat politicians and democrats. That the billions of dollars instead goes into "funding" for suicide prevention instead of brick-work to support those that consider suicide. It is obvious that pro-lifers and their Governments are equally wicked.
Although suicide is seen as a public health issue, it was never seen as a chrime; preventing suicide does not actually address the cause of why any individual choose to follow such a stray path. Life has many horrors and sometimes possibilities to improve are few and far between.
I want to end this off by saying I am here for both of you. I understand it is a struggle, and I choose to stay. I do not stay because of the lines of the suicide prevention maniacs, or the pro-life concentration camps. I choose to stay at the current time because of people around me and people like you guys who make life worthwhile for me.
As for me, I keep myself busy studying philosophy, ancient languages, cryptography, martial arts, and music. What makes you "escape" momentarily from the horrors of your pains, if I may ask?