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Dec 17, 2019
I'd recommend a more relaxed fasting practice, considering posts. This was well-mentioned in Stan's guide & replies. The reasoning is quick gastric emptying for fluids and simple sugars, return to normal pH an hour after emptying, and partially empty intestines sufficient for cause (explained in first quote).

Fasting timeline
  • Eat a light meal 5h before SN intake, and start fasting.
    • Some may consider 4h as enough, others will want 6h, etc.
    • Avoid alcohol.
      • Very few members may have indulged in a small serving (later ingested SN fatally), but it irritates stomach for few hours, changes acidity, slows metabolism.
  • Next 3 hours: You can drink water or non-acidic juices – in moderation.
    • For example juices/shakes made with either carrot, aloe, cabbage, beet, watermelon, spinach, cucumber, pear, etc.
      • That is a glass or two top. Don't drink a lot.
    • Avoid acidic, carbonated, caffeinated, fatty drinks.
      • If you really must have these, and really can't control it, drink 3h before SN intake (at most 2h).
    • If you must eat something:
      • Snack a simple non-acidic fruit/veg.
      • For example: apples are acidic and have fibers (long travel in intestines), but 1 small apple 4h before SN should be ok (know your body).
      • Candy: Simple sugars, no fat, up to ~ 100 calories.
  • Next 1 hour: Minimize water intake. But don't put yourself in discomfort. Drink some water if you feel like.
  • Next 1 hour: Complete fast – no drinking.
  • After SN intake: May have a small chocolate tablet, for taste; don't overdo – may cause nausea. Can use mint etc.

Original (extended) timeline is:
  • Light meal 8h before intake, start fasting.
  • Next 6 hours: Some water . If you must drink something – small amounts of non-acidic juices.
  • Next 2 hours: Complete fast – no drinking

Considering we're talking about 50ml SN absorbed within 1.5h – we don't need full emptying of entire small intestines. A good goal is to empty stomach and most of the small intestines. That is usually achieved within 5-6h after a modest meal. For a light meal it usually takes stomach 1h and intestines 6-7h to fully empty.

Liquids travel rather quickly. Water in stomach empties into intestines within 5-10m. It undergoes no processing, absorbed to blood within 30-60m (osmosis).
Water could be minimized 2h before – and halted 1h before.

Small amounts of simple sugars are relatively quick. But they do involve some stomach churning/breakdown (~15m). They do change pH (for ~ 1.5h). And they take longer to be absorbed in intestines (~ 1.5h-2h).
Simple sugars could be minimized 4h before – and halted 2h before.

That said coke is not just water+sugar, but it's not far off. Stomach pH returns to balance around 1h after it empties. As mentioned, intestines empty of sugars within 2h. You can draw your own conclusion.

If I really really really had to – I would drink a glass 2h before, at most. That should be rather safe to empty 90% intestines and return stomach pH to balance.

See graph – we're interested in hours 3.0-4.0, where pH (green) return to normal:

Some people have medical conditions that mean fasting has a negative effect on them. Sources say that 8 hours is needed. I would suggest individuals know their own metabolism better than a book. If you know that your stomach feels empty after 4 hours, then I suggest you have a 4 hour fast. Try to avoid eating anything large and heavy. Avoid drinking anything two hours prior to drinking the SN. If you need to, then just plain water.

Notes on fasting :
Having an empty stomach allows for faster absorption of the drug (N).

"Guide to a Humane Self-Chosen Death" (book) mentions a 12 hour fast.

Peaceful pill handbook doesn't explicitly state fasting, but suggests having something light to eat 1 hour before taking the drug "so your stomach is not empty", implying your stomach would otherwise be empty, so implying a fasting period (but no duration is stated).

The "New Formula as Alternative to Seconal and Nembutal" document by Death with Dignity, suggests a 5 or 6 hour fast during which water or juices can be drunk. It says to avoid acidic / carbonated / caffeinated / fatty drinks.

A fasting period of 5 to 12 hours should be used.
8 hours is likely enough for most people, provided the meal before fasting isn't too large.
Those wanting to be extra careful could go with 12 hours.

If you want to go for the lower end (eg 5 hours), then eat a lighter meal before starting the fast (obviously ensure no other large meals were eaten soon before that light meal, e.g. huge meal, wait 30 minutes, light meal, 5 hour fast, is clearly no good)

During the fast you can drink water or non-acidic juices, such as :
carrot / aloe vera / cabbage juice, freshly juiced drinks made with beet / watermelon / spinach / cucumber / pear.
But drink juices in moderation, and have mainly water.

The times shown in the "Sample regimes" in the guide assume an 8 hour fast, so adjust accordingly if doing a shorter/longer fast.

Possible tips to help with fasting (optional) :
Drinking black coffee prior to fast (but not during - see note above about caffeinated drinks)
Drinking ice cold water

After completing the fast, you will eat something light (as per sample regimes in guide), and follow the remaining steps in the regime.

Besides taking antacids, there's more you can do to minimize the amount of HCl present in your stomach when you ingest SN - looks like nobody has mentioned it on this thread:

Avoid an environment with exposure to the sight and smell of food; don't even think about food, don't chew gum. As much as 30-50% of the total postprandial gastric acid secretions produced is stimulated by anticipation of eating, the smell or taste of food, the acts of eating (chewing and swallowing) during the cephalic phase of gastric acid secretion [1]. Signaling of this process is involuntary, so you can't control it with your mind or will [1].

Fast and use only enough water that allows SN to completely dissolve. About 60% of the total acid for a meal is produced during the gastric phase [5]. The acid secretion is stimulated by distension of the stomach and amino acids present in food [2]. The remaining 10% of gastric acid is secreted when chyme (the semi-fluid mixture of partly digested food and gastric juice) enters the upper portion of the small intestines during the intestinal phase [5][2]. If your living situation doesn't allow you to fast, avoid foods rich in protein, caffeine, etc [3].

Here's a helpful diagram on what stimulates and what inhibits gastric juice secretion:

However, even if you're fasting and manage to stay away from the sight, smell, thought and the act of eating food, there's still a small continuous basal secretion of gastric acid [4].

If being found and interrupted isn't a concern, I actually think doing the stat dose first thing in the morning is better than taking it at midnight as Stan suggested. Fasting for 8 hours during your sleep is a piece of cake; whereas fasting during the day when you're awake is unpleasant and would make your stomach extra sensitive to the stimulation of the thoughts, smell, sight of food [16]. In addition, when people fast for an extended period of time, like during the two-day regimen or fast throughout the entire day, many people already feel nauseated from hunger, compounded with ingestion of SN will just make them even more nauseated due to HCl buildup in the stomach and chemical balancing act of the "hunger hormones" in the body gets thrown out of whack [15]. FYI, if the hunger signals aren't ignored for too long, the hunger hormones (leptin & ghrelin) stay in balance [15].

I don't think "fasting for 8-hr" is one size fits all, either. 8 hr may be too long for some people. Stan actually hinted this in his SN guide. You need an empty stomach when taking SN. It usually only takes 4-5 hrs for the stomach to empty after a full meal - even takes less time under the prokinetic effect of meto. But of course, it varies depending on how much and what kind of food you ate. The problem of fasting for too long is that, the chemical balancing act of the "hunger hormones" can be thrown out of whack if you ignore your hunger signals for too long - that's why many people start to feel nauseated from an extended period of fasting. https://www.livescience.com/why-nauseous-when-hungry.html
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Antinatalism + Efilism ❤️
Nov 4, 2019
People should come by here before asking questions :)


Dec 20, 2019
Hey I wanted to know if I can just empty my stomach by vomiting before taking SN?


I'll put pennies on your eyes and it will go away.
Feb 3, 2020
@Quarky00 Thanks again for the information!
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Dec 17, 2019
Hey I wanted to know if I can just empty my stomach by vomiting before taking SN?
Lack of knowledge with basics of SN. Intestinal absorption. Read Stan Guide & SN journey in the GI.
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Jan 20, 2020
@Quarky00 just wanted to let you know the information, layout, and structure of your guides is awesome. They provide the level of satisfaction and pleasure only the most sugary of fatty snacks can provide.
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Dec 17, 2019
They provide the level of satisfaction and pleasure only the most sugary of fatty snacks can provide.
:haha: :haha:

"Never have data tables been so pleasurable .
Have a break . Have a row .
Now in new addition -- merged double columns! "
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Dear Flabby

Please listen to “Across the Universe”
Feb 20, 2020
:haha: :haha:

"Never have data tables been so pleasurable .
Have a break . Have a row .
Now in new addition -- merged double columns! "
My heart races at the very thought.
(See tachycardia)
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Dec 17, 2019
Absorb the aroma of the front .
My heart races at the very thought.
(See tachycardia)

"Dark brown texture , mmm , it's bloody delicious!"

(oh nothing will top that 'heart races';)
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