

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
In my experiences, there are people out there who will (at first) claim to be pro-choice and understanding of one's plights and troubles, however, don't be fooled or let your guard down. These people try to gain your trust and agree with you until you drop your guard and then they turn around to be as pro-life as possible. This isn't limited to simply religious people, but secular people as well. I'm speaking from experiences I had with people IRL. One of the more recent examples is earlier this year, I had some camaraderie with someone and while I never mentioned anything even close to death, euthanasia, suicide, that guy turned the conversation on it's head against me and tried to utilize the 'fake concern' card on me. He said "wait, should I be worried about your welfare?" Like excuse me, what makes you think that I'm at risk or anything. He tried to calmly play it off, but I can see where he is trying to intrude on my life and get involved in my business. I haven't really talked to him much and wouldn't like to either.

So this is just one of my experiences with these people who claim to be pro-choice (with many things) but when it comes to certain things, they become pro-lifers. Wolves in sheep's clothing, so beware of people like that in your life or those you associate with. While I could argue that they are hypocrites, I'd say that they are essentially closeted pro-lifers, but claim to be pro-choicers just to try to sneak into a pro-choicer's life and dictate what one does.
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Mar 22, 2019
I've had to deal with close minded pro-lifers who refuse to look at it from both ends. I can relate to '' turned the conversation on it's head against me and tried to utilize the 'fake concern' card on me''. I hate when people do that they try to undermine your argument by questioning your mental state. It's like you're considered ''weird'' if you don't follow the sheep and don't go along with the bs.
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Jul 26, 2020
I think some of them also try to spread doubt about the reliability of certain suicide methods. I dont want to call names because its probably against the forum rules but its strange that some report failure and only mention later that i was because of vomiting or being "saved". I even had someone tell me that it is almost impossible to cbt by hanging. smh
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Feb 11, 2020
Yeah I totally agree. I had a similar situation where I "joked" about committing suicide and my mate said "95% of suicides fail so you shouldn't even try" like,,, wtf on so many levels. :pfff: there's so many causal pro lifers that just shoot made up statistics to support their closed minded POV
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Dec 20, 2019
On the Instagram page against the forum, when the survey was around, the poster on the page didn't hide the fact that the survey was sent to them. I don't know if he/she intentionally did that but it makes it possible that some members might run into them here

It's kind of a sick tactic to play in my opinion -- in life and around the forum. I don't get it
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