

Apr 8, 2020
I have been been reading about how to join Exit International and I discovered I am ineligible due to my age of being 26 years old, you have to be 50 and over to join. When the read the requirements to join honestly Exit International its one big money making operation and the founder Philip Nitschke is actually a horrible person. Philip Nitschke helped a physically healthy but depressed in 40s called Nigel Brylay kill himself, Brayley was being investigated for his wife's death and Australian police suspected he killed her. Brayley also two other women friends of his had also died and one of is still missing. Nitschke didn't know about the investigation and ha even said the man "had made a rational decision to commit suicide rather than face long imprisonment." That tells you everything you need to know about him. Nitschke in the past even said convicted murders serving life sentences should have the right to kill themselves which sparked outrages from victim support groups who have lost families to murder.

●Exit International have an online community and to join the community you MUST own a copy of the Philip Nitschke Peaceful Pill Handbook otherwise you cant join and you must be a member of EXIT International. The book cost $95 and its difficult to buy, you can only buy it on EXIT Internationals website which has restrictions and makes its difficult for you to buy and download. In some countries the book is banned, in Nitschke country Australia it is banned. In the UK a person brought the book and UK customs confiscated the book .

● To be a member of EXIT International you must a pay an annual membership fee. The fees vary.
-Individual Membership - $100

-Double Membership - $150

-Life Membership -$1000

EXIT International have so many suicide workshops to acess these you must be a paying member and pay other fess too. This is a lot of money if you are suicidal person or severely ill person on low income and need help to die. Is it right to charge high sums of money to suffering people who want relief from their pain ? Remember Nitschkes members are vulnerable elderly people with Cancer and other severe illness and disabilities causing them to be in pain all the time. I can understand making the book expensive and difficult to acess after it all his medical research and he has the right to decide who gets this information but making everyone have a copy just to be a member of his club is just wrong and smacks of money making. Morally it is wrong to keep asking for high sums of money from people who are in deep pain and suffering. EXIT International just care about making money. Philip Nitschke is just a self righteous man who keeps acting holier than thou.
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Death is the solution to unsolvable problems.
Sep 13, 2023
We live in a civilization where goods and services are sold in exchange for money.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I don't think anyone is surprised by this. We live in a world where a lot of people's main goal in life is to bring in a large profit. It doesn't matter what the service they are providing is, the ethics behind what they are doing, or how it may end up harming others, so long as the person providing said service can make a large sum of money from it. Exit International doesn't exist out of true care for bodily autonomy. It exists because death is something that can be profited off of.
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Apr 21, 2024
We live in a civilization where goods and services are sold in exchange for money.
For how much Nitschke talks about killing oneself as a fundamental human right for everyone, & how right to die laws are universally restrictive, I would say that it's hypocritical to ask an exorbitant amount of money to access the knowledge to maintain that "fundamental human right" — it's either a good or service, or it's something everyone has the right to.

"Such [right to die] laws serve to alienate those who are most vulnerable: those who slip between the strictest of strict qualification criteria" — from his webpage.
Except he also has an extremely strict qualification criteria, ones just as alienating as the general right to die laws as his criteria implies only certain people (those over 50 who can afford it) are to be awarded this fundamental human right.
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Mi Mi

No One Special
Mar 18, 2024
Can't afford to live
Can't afford to die
Painful realization
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Apr 8, 2020
We live in a civilization where goods and services are sold in exchange for money.
@DEATH IS FREEDOM I wouldn't have problem if the founder was NOT such a self righteous man.

Philip Nitschke believes only over 50s should have the right to kill themselves I am sorry but why over 50s ? If a person has had enough of life and tired of it all then they should decide to end it all. I do believe young adults in their 20s should be allowed the right to assisted suicide and euthanasia because at the age you know if life is for you.

Philip Nitschke even criticises this site and its members being so holier than thou. What he was he expecting to happen when he wrote the book? In this day and age information easily gets circulated. His group even reports this site and other sites similar to the police. This hypocritical piece of shit complains about police harassment he experiences over his community but is happy to report other websites doing similar to what he is doing.
For how much Nitschke talks about killing oneself as a fundamental human right for everyone, & how right to die laws are universally restrictive, I would say that it's hypocritical to ask an exorbitant amount of money to access the knowledge to maintain that "fundamental human right" — it's either a good or service, or it's something everyone has the right to.

"Such [right to die] laws serve to alienate those who are most vulnerable: those who slip between the strictest of strict qualification criteria" — from his webpage.
Except he also has an extremely strict qualification criteria, ones just as alienating as the general right to die laws as his criteria implies only certain people (those over 50 who can afford it) are to be awarded this fundamental human right.
@godbody Philip Nitschke is a hypocritical who keeps playing holier than thou.

His group even reports this site and other suicide website sites similar to the police. This hypocritical piece of shit complains about police harassment he experiences over his work but is happy to report other websites doing similar to what he is doing.

If he genuinely believed in right to die he wouldn't be interfering in the work other suicide websites do. When he wrote the book what was he expecting to happen? In this day and age information easily gets circulated. Writing a book like that will spark curiosity and it will be shared by others. He is another person who refuses to take responsibility for what happens when stuff doesn't go their way.
I don't think anyone is surprised by this. We live in a world where a lot of people's main goal in life is to bring in a large profit. It doesn't matter what the service they are providing is, the ethics behind what they are doing, or how it may end up harming others, so long as the person providing said service can make a large sum of money from it. Exit International doesn't exist out of true care for bodily autonomy. It exists because death is something that can be profited off of.
@EvisceratedJester Exit International is his club and like any club there will be rules but my problem with Philip Nitschke is the holier than thou behaviour and refusal to take responsibility.

he has the audacity to complain and whine how it is not fair that his book information has been accessed by this site and other suicide websites and even going after the websites and reporting them to the authorities. When he wrote that book the information on it will be circulated especially in this day and age.

When the Anarchist Cookbook was published the writer who wrote it when he was a young man disillusioned with authority and the political system in his country USA. The man then later on in his old age began to regret writing the book due to the fact the information in the book explains how to create a bomb. This book banned in many countries .This book has been read by teenagers and young men who have done school shootings in USA and other public places.

Anyone who publishes information that can help a person die is very valuable information and it will always be circulated but Philip Nitschke refuses to acknowledge this and tries to blame other people but never himself. He cares for money and believe grannies and grandpa's should have the right to kill themselves if they pay a fee and buy his magic book.
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Deleted member 65988

If a person has had enough of life and tired of it all then they should decide to end it all. I do believe young adults in their 20s should be allowed the right to assisted suicide and euthanasia because at the age you know if life is for you
Broadly speaking, we don't live in a world that thinks this way, ask anyone if by their 20s, anyone should be able to decide for themselves that ctb is the right call and of course, a lot of people out there would respond with a NO because they'll use the argument that you never know if your life can turn around in your 30s or 40s, long before you get to a half century of being alive, Nistchke just seems to be following that model because it's a societal perspective that seems to be where only people are older, who've lived enough of a life to where they can start potentially looking at exit strategies in the meantime, not necessarily to use in their 50s but maybe their 60s, 70s or 80s.

Whilst I do agree with you, upon careful and rational thinking that anyone in their 20s may decide to ctb, we still don't live in a world that respects that decision, hell even in your 30s, people wouldn't agree that you should look to end your life just yet.

Now Hypothetically, if Exit International were to broaden its membership to people in their 20s, it'll no doubt be received with confusion and anger because then people will ask if they'll now open their membership to teenagers next or something. We don't live in a world that is quite ready to accept that people that young can and should be allowed to their exercise their option provided other avenues have been explored first.
Philip Nitschke even criticises this site and its members being so holier than thou. What he was he expecting to happen when he wrote the book? In this day and age information easily gets circulated
True, but I know why he does it, he doesn't want Exit to be seen in the same light as SS so he obviously joins in the crowd that criticizes this website to appease those who may view Exit the same way, just for older people.

His group even reports this site and other suicide website sites similar to the police. This hypocritical piece of shit complains about police harassment he experiences over his work but is happy to report other websites doing similar to what he is doing.
Less competition I guess, on a more serious note, I think that's really wrong of him because more than anything pertaining discussion of ctb methods, this place is a community and there are just some people out there who have no respect for that.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Charging a yearly fee to update the book, I can understand, due to the time and effort it takes to do research for new versions and to update the manuscript with the latest information. That makes sense from a practical and logistics POV, even if the prices are fairly steep.

I have no idea why they don't offer discounts for low income or returning members though, as many elderly people especially the infirm and sick do often struggle financially.

However, what I strongly disagree with is the gatekeeping attitude, and the insistence that only people over the age of 50 can be seriously ill. The founder is a doctor and should know better than this, deep down I used to believe he probably doesn't agree with such restrictions but has to maintain such a facade in the public eye to avoid bad optics and controversy.

Yet, this new information you've shared about the prisoner really sours my opinion of the entire organisation and their ethos. Younger people who have spent years with incurable and persistent illnesses don't have a right to die, but murderers escaping a prison sentence do? What a complete joke.

I do think if we have the right to live we have the right to die, and this includes prisoners facing death row. But acting like all people younger than 50 are irrational and don't deserve this right regardless of their circumstances while assisting a murderer with no deemed physical illnesses whatsoever is pure hypocrisy.
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Deleted member 65988

But acting like all people younger than 50 are irrational and don't deserve this right regardless of their circumstances while assisting a murderer with no deemed physical illnesses whatsoever is pure hypocrisy.
It truly is, I don't even know to according to what standard one has more of a right to die over the other, the age barrier thing is really unnecessary but indicative of a world that doesn't think the issues of people that young aren't enough to justify ctb I suppose.
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Apr 8, 2020
Broadly speaking, we don't live in a world that thinks this way, ask anyone if by their 20s, anyone should be able to decide for themselves that ctb is the right call and of course, a lot of people out there would respond with a NO because they'll use the argument that you never know if your life can turn around in your 30s or 40s, long before you get to a half century of being alive, Nistchke just seems to be following that model because it's a societal perspective that seems to be where only people are older, who've lived enough of a life to where they can start potentially looking at exit strategies in the meantime, not necessarily to use in their 50s but maybe their 60s, 70s or 80s.

Whilst I do agree with you, upon careful and rational thinking that anyone in their 20s may decide to ctb, we still don't live in a world that respects that decision, hell even in your 30s, people wouldn't agree that you should look to end your life just yet.

Now Hypothetically, if Exit International were to broaden its membership to people in their 20s, it'll no doubt be received with confusion and anger because then people will ask if they'll now open their membership to teenagers next or something. We don't live in a world that is quite ready to accept that people that young can and should be allowed to their exercise their option provided other avenues have been explored first.

True, but I know why he does it, he doesn't want Exit to be seen in the same light as SS so he obviously joins in the crowd that criticizes this website to appease those who may view Exit the same way, just for older people.

Less competition I guess, on a more serious note, I think that's really wrong of him because more than anything pertaining discussion of ctb methods, this place is a community and there are just some people out there who have no respect for that.
@Goku Black The thing was I really did try my best to improve my life because I wanted to live. I am so sick and tired of nothing working out and I don't want to be alive for another decade or more. All my life when things were difficult I never gave up. My experiences have shown me life is not everyone and society needs to stop saying like life it is for everyone. This is the reality of mental illness you fight and try but nobody sees how hard you tried nor cares enough. 20s is enough to decide is the best option. I have lived and now want to die.

When I was builled at school I fought back against the people bullying and still went to school everyday. I got loads of detentions despite everything I still managed to get into university. At university I had issues with depression and anxiety in my final year and still managed to graduate. Months after graduating the pandemic and In lockdown I regretted my wasting my early 20s and post lockdown I fought so hard to give myself a good life to make up for the 20s I messed up. Post lockdown I went travelling and had so many wonderful experiences. When things were extremely difficult in my last job i was so determined to make everything work out because I really wanted to overcome all my challenges at work. Getting fired was very tough because I fought so hard to give myself a good life post lockdown and getting fired I felt everything I worked hard for was being ripped away from me. I have experienced the worst heartbreak during that year and I have tried so hard to get over him. I still love him even though he was so cruel and disrespectful.

2023 has been the worst year of my life since 1st January everything has been going wrong everywhere in my life. Getting into that masters degree programme was the only good news I had this year and being forced to defer after that I just gave up on life, all year i was looking to this and been preparing now i have nothing to look forward too. I fought so hard agaisnt the all challenges of this year because I am not a quitter but losing my dream has finally been too much. All I ask for is one bit of happiness and this year I have not had that.

Right now I should have been in university lectures, preparing for exams and my life on track. I am so angry I am starting a masters a year late because of last minute issues over tuition fees last year. I won't even enjoy my masters degree course anymore because the time I start I should have been preparing for graduation and getting a job. All I am now reminded of whenever I vist the university I will be attending is everything I have missed out and everything I could have had. Seeing everyone else getting settled in careers and relationships I feel like an enormous failure that nothing has worked out for me.

Getting into that university was the only good thing that happened to me in that awful year of 2023 and to have that not fulfilled I finally gave up on life. Then people in my life tell me "everything happens for a reason". That was the final straw and has put me on the path of suicide.
Charging a yearly fee to update the book, I can understand, due to the time and effort it takes to do research for new versions and to update the manuscript with the latest information. That makes sense from a practical and logistics POV, even if the prices are fairly steep.

I have no idea why they don't offer discounts for low income or returning members though, as many elderly people especially the infirm and sick do often struggle financially.

However, what I strongly disagree with is the gatekeeping attitude, and the insistence that only people over the age of 50 can be seriously ill. The founder is a doctor and should know better than this, deep down I used to believe he probably doesn't agree with such restrictions but has to maintain such a facade in the public eye to avoid bad optics and controversy.

Yet, this new information you've shared about the prisoner really sours my opinion of the entire organisation and their ethos. Younger people who have spent years with incurable and persistent illnesses don't have a right to die, but murderers escaping a prison sentence do? What a complete joke.

I do think if we have the right to live we have the right to die, and this includes prisoners facing death row. But acting like all people younger than 50 are irrational and don't deserve this right regardless of their circumstances while assisting a murderer with no deemed physical illnesses whatsoever is pure hypocrisy.
@KuriGohan&Kamehameha Nitschke is just a snob.

His members are all geriatric middle class and rich people just like himself whereas Sanctioned Suicide members are mixture of poor, working class and middle class people. If Sanctioned Suicide was full of members that were middle and wealthy Nitschke wouldn't dare look down upon this site and go as far as reporting it to the police. He wouldn't dare because middle class and wealthy have too much leverage in society, friends in high places and get away everything. Its the truth

Sanctioned Suicide and Exit International both provide information on suicide methods. Nitschkes is not any better than the moderators and users of this site but he plays holier than thou. He is a shameless man.
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