

Jul 4, 2024
So through some links I ended up finding my way to Exit International , which I guess is the organization that the Aussie Nitrobrewer MaxDog set up ?

I guess they have support chapters all over the world and I see there's one here locally to me in Vancouver Canada. Im hoping to connect with them to help me along my way and learn all I can about setting up my Nitro HomeBrew :wink: kit.

My question is, are these chapters and people legit. Or should one be wary when reaching out ?

If anyone has contacted their local contact, what's the best way to start a conversation with them. "Hey I see you volunteer with a suicide organization, cool" Seems so awkward. haha.

My local contact seems to one called, Jürgen (Vancouver, Canada). Has anyone had any dealing with this chapter or contact. Are they here in this forum ?

All of this is just so new, right.


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