Let me go
Mar 3, 2024
Existence is very unfair and cruel, in my opinion. I resent that we are burdened by a random existence where there is no limit to the harm we can inflict on each other and the suffering we endure. The way existence operates—a cycle of survival where everyone inflicts and endures massive harm—is driven by greed and fear. All of this is beyond understanding, unfair, unnecessary, hopeless, cruel, and sadistic.

The limitations people face leave them feeling hopeless and scared, often turning to God for help out of desperation. It's extremely tragic and heartbreaking that existence has shaped this way.

Negative news is more common and 'interesting' than positive news. In fact, most news focuses on negative events. Humans constantly cause harm, fight, kidnap, rape, murder, torture, and enslave others endlessly. Even if the modern world tries to conceal it, it's clear that this world isn't perfect. I can't label it 'good' because that's subjective, but objectively, it's flawed, with far more evil than good. This is why many people turn to religion and seek paradise; they recognize the harsh reality of this world. This world is considered a 'test' because even pro-life advocates can't deny the presence of evil.

The saddest thing is that nobody truly cares as we lack the empathy to understand each other. Sympathy is different—it's what therapists use to help cope. We can't feel each other's pain unless we experience the same thing or are closely related.

Suicide is viewed as immoral because humans depend on each other to survive. If suicide were more accepted, more people would follow, leading to an increase in suicides.

Existence follows its own program that we cannot control. One major issue is the survival instinct, which is difficult to overcome with full awareness. The defense mechanism to save each other from death is deeply ingrained, and even the modern world cannot alter this natural coding of living beings.

Pro-life viewpoints are commonplace, and you can't fault contented individuals for keeping you here; it's hardly their choice. Suffering will cease only when existence ends, and you can only rely on yourself.

Open end-of-life services would ultimately lead to humanity's extinction, a fate that nature—and by extension, people—resists. Convincing others is akin to talking to oneself; it's futile.

Only CTB can end suffering, as existence inherently includes suffering. This thread simply vents my thoughts. I don't advocate for anything. Each person determines their own opinions and life path.

TL;DR: I believe existence is beyond our comprehension of reality, good, and evil. There is nothing to truly understand about it, which is why I believe we should be pro-choice and accepting of each other's beliefs, as no one is above another. Sure, liberalism has its downsides too, but the law exists to provide balance. Being accepting won't hurt, that's for sure.
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Accentuate the Positive
Sep 19, 2023
It's becoming clear that you're right about empathy. It's a fiction we tell ourselves but everyone is out for only themselves in the end. They only feign understanding to get what they need.

Sure you can actually empathize but it's not worth a damn to you and only hurts you unless you parlay it into some benefit or favor. Better to just sympathize and shield yourself.


Let me go
Mar 3, 2024
It's becoming clear that you're right about empathy. It's a fiction we tell ourselves but everyone is out for only themselves in the end. They only feign understanding to get what they need.

Sure you can actually empathize but it's not worth a damn to you and only hurts you unless you parlay it into some benefit or favor. Better to just sympathize and shield yourself.
Healthier for sure. We're just used to what has been normalized and share most of the same morals because that's what the majority thought was necessary. It is what it is; I just wish we had more natural understanding and respect. So much hate still exists even though most of us live in a 'free' and 'democratic' world. That proves there's no real understanding; whatever they try to make up, humans will be humans.