

Feb 10, 2020
I hate how everytime I think things can't get worse they do. My anxiety is mostly as bad as ever, but some aspects of it, like social anxiety, are worse.

Sorry, this is probably sounding like a repeat of my recent deleted threads. I suppose there is some overlap, but there's more to it, I swear.

My social anxiety has been really bad here on SS lately. I don't really know how it is with in person interactions since between avoiding people because of covid and my own normal everyday people avoidance, I haven't had many interactions outside of my family for months.
I imagine it would probably be the same or likely even worse.

I've become very irritable lately, which sometimes turns into full blown anger. Any little thing sets me off. For example yesterday my mom was drinking coffee and she slurped once, and my mind just screamed "Omg stop it!!!" I kept my mouth shut though. Things like this have been happening a lot lately.

Another thing yesterday; I was cleaning out my closet and couldn't find a box to put all the clothes that don't fit me now but I want to keep for "someday." I ended up angrily throwing it all in a garbage bag and tossing it into a corner in the basement.
Then when I went back to my room my cat came in and I yelled at him to go away, and he ran out scared (this is not a normal thing I do at all). I feel so bad for taking my frustrations out on him.
After that I just layed on my bed, doing nothing because I couldn't trust myself to be around anyone or anything.

I'm sure all of these other feelings stem from my anxiety, and it sucks because in turn all this irritability, frustration, and anger causes me to have more anxiety. It's a vicious circle.

I did toy with the idea that I might be going through withdrawal after weaning off Lexapro and getting fully off it last week. I'm not sure what made me think of it, but I did a little research. Increased anxiety and irritability are symptoms of it, along with becoming more emotional (crying) and trouble concentrating, which I've also been experiencing.
I believe this all started getting worse within the past couple weeks. (Note: I only listed the symptoms that are relevant to me.)

I don't know if it's even likely that that's the cause of all this. I think I'm just trying to blame anything but myself for the way I am. Anything that might mean this worsening of things might not be permanent, like it's always been in the past. Any valid reason for this other than that I'm just a freak.

Another frustrating thing that doesn't seem like it's going to change is that my mom has been waking up earlier, like before the time I'd need to leave the house to ctb, every day this week. I don't know what I'm going to do if she keeps this up. I won't be able to sneak out of the house if she's awake.
It seems like nothing can go right lately.
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Beautiful moon, take me away.
Sep 23, 2020
This past week everything has been going wrong, so I can relate. Everything is becoming more difficult.

I'm sorry your plans aren't working. That has to be so frustrating. I'm still stuck here too, even though I was supposed to be gone this Sunday :(
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Oct 25, 2020
My social anxiety has been really bad here on SS lately. I don't really know how it is with in person interactions since between avoiding people because of covid and my own normal everyday people avoidance, I haven't had many interactions outside of my family for months.
I imagine it would probably be the same or likely even worse.
I can relate :hug: :hug::hug:
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Aug 19, 2019
Yeah another delayed bus here. Don't blame yourself for your feelings!
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Apr 1, 2020
Rue, what had your diagnoses been, I forgot? If you don't mind me asking. It's okay to be irritable from time to time, I see nothing wrong. Hugs!
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Feb 10, 2020
Rue, what had your diagnoses been, I forgot? If you don't mind me asking. It's okay to be irritable from time to time, I see nothing wrong. Hugs!
Depression and anxiety disorders. Also asperger's.
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Apr 1, 2020
Depression and anxiety disorders. Also asperger's.
Much strength to you, young soul. You're kind and pure and nice to everyone, as I'm sure you are IRL. Don't be hard on yourself, we all have demons and all sorts of problems :hug:
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Apr 8, 2020
I've become very irritable lately, which sometimes turns into full blown anger. Any little thing sets me off. For example yesterday my mom was drinking coffee and she slurped once, and my mind just screamed "Omg stop it!!!" I kept my mouth shut though. Things like this have been happening a lot lately.
You're not a bad person for feeling this way - such irritability is common with issues such as anxiety and depression. It sucks that your cat seemed scared, but if it helps... I've yelled at my cat like that a few times when she gets annoying and I'm already anxious af and irritable. Animals tend to be very forgiving though :)
I think I'm just trying to blame anything but myself for the way I am.
I personally didn't get this vibe from you. You're in a very tough spot right now, and I'm so sorry. Is there anything that you can delve into for a while to try and distract yourself? As you said, the anxiety and irritability are a vicious cycle, and I've found that the more I focus on it (beating myself up and calling myself a bitch, etc) the worse it becomes.
Don't be hard on yourself, we all have demons and all sorts of problems :hug:
Very well said :)
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Sep 21, 2020
It's probably just temporary so i wouldn't worry too much. The covid lockdown is causing a lot of people's moods to worsen and as you pointed out, you've weaned yourself off of lexapro only recently. I'm sure your cat is okay and if you just pet him again he'll realize you were just in a bad mood. Very nice analysis of the situation though, I like your introspection. Just don't blame yourself for everything, you're definitely a likable person.
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Feb 10, 2020
I personally didn't get this vibe from you. You're in a very tough spot right now, and I'm so sorry. Is there anything that you can delve into for a while to try and distract yourself? As you said, the anxiety and irritability are a vicious cycle, and I've found that the more I focus on it (beating myself up and calling myself a bitch, etc) the worse it becomes.
I've tried reading, listening to music, playing games on my phone, going for a walk, and cuddling with my cat (he's forgiven me). None of these things have been helping lately.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Another thing yesterday; I was cleaning out my closet and couldn't find a box to put all the clothes that don't fit me now but I want to keep for "someday." I ended up angrily throwing it all in a garbage bag and tossing it into a corner in the basement.
Feeling stressed out can make me do things like this sometimes. We, you and I, probably have no way to relax and find some enjoyment each day. I never have any fun or go anywhere or do anything pleasant. It's taking a toll on me.

It used to be that I would go out and drive some place, maybe to a coffeeshop each day and sit outside. It was a pleasant interlude where I could relax and strike up nice conversations sometimes. Nothing like that ever happens in my life now.
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