

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I really believe that nobody should ever have their feelings of wanting to die invalidated and dismissed, and the truth is that everyone's wish to die is valid no matter what and nobody needs to justify their reasons for leaving this world. In fact suicide doesn't need a reason in the first place, if people are able to procreate for no reason other than they very selfishly want to, then why should dying need a reason. We are all going to die anyway, so to suggest that someone needs to meet a certain suffering criteria for their wish to die to be valid is ridiculous. Death is the most normal and expected thing ever after all and it isn't like there are any disadvantages to being dead anyway as I strongly believe that we just cease to exist.

But I cannot stand it when people think that you have to earn the right to die and that suicide 'must be a last resort'. It's like people like this want others to suffer as much as possible. But I just want to say that it's wrong to judge people for wanting to die, because of what they've been through in life or their age or whatever. Only really arrogant people do such a thing like that and I believe that if someone wishes to die then their decision should be respected, not invalidated by pro suffering beliefs. Other people cannot experience life the same way after all so they have no right to act in such a judgemental way.

Pro lifers really irritate me when they dismiss what other people go through with their disgusting toxic positivity, people seriously do make the world a worse place when they refuse to see the wish to die as being valid. It's insane to me when people see suicide as being worse than suffering. I just think that no matter what, a peaceful exit should simply be a human right and it's horrible how people wish to restrict suicide method options from others as much as possible, making their only method options painful and risky. A peaceful exit is what we all deserve the option of after being so unfairly forced into this world in the first place, and of course it would be the kindest thing and would make this world not as hellish if the option to peacefully exit is always there for us without all of the stigma surrounding suicide. Nobody should have to stay in this world a second longer than they wish to.
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Jul 3, 2022
You are the best cheerleader on this board. Sometimes I feel unwanted guilt, doubt or general SI regarding my decision to die, but when I see your posts, I'm back to my senses again. Not for everyone I'm sure, but I like your posts and ideas.
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The Ghost
Nov 13, 2022
I always find it amazing to read your posts and I absolutely agree with them. I found a logical reason to suicide for myself, but nobody ever believes me, I had spent days at psych ward in a hospital, since they believe that I am just mentally ill, but had I spent more than another week there, only then I would have become mentally ill. Although I have to say that I am a bit afraid of choosing which way to suicide.
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Dec 23, 2022
I'm convinced that people are simply driven by their survival instinct when it comes to their shallow view on death. They have no strong argument.
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life is evil
Nov 6, 2020
But I cannot stand it when people think that you have to earn the right to die.
yes, so disgusting. it's a disgrace to say things like this. we were all free before we were born, and now we're being told this crap by crappy people who want to enslave us...
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21st Century Lobotomy
Dec 29, 2022
I don't think anyone is saying nobody deserves to exit, we just think there should be some safeguards to so that people don't make the decision lightly. You call us pro suffering but when people commit suicide there are a lot of people that suffer because of it. I understand you think there should be suicide coffins on every corner of every block but we can't completely write off the fact that suicide does cause harm and is not just some neutral action.
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Sep 28, 2022
I think many have the tendency to dismiss the suicidal feelings of another, mainly due to the fact that it serves as a reminder of the bleak nature of it all. Death and suffering is ever present not only in our lives, but in every organism that exists, or has existed, it doesn't matter whether we are fully aware of it at the moment, or not, some day the fact will manifest itself.

When somebody looks at the case of a suicidal, depressed, or an overall pessimistic person, the main defense mechanism seems to be that of ignorance, even if it happens in an involuntary manner. Most of us think that life is worth preserving and nurturing, and even though sometimes it has painful moments and undesirable situations, overall it's worth living - or, at least, if life is not worth it in this very moment, perhaps it may have its worth in the near future, making it desirable to stick around.

Many have thrived on selling the idea that, even in suffering, life is worth preserving at all costs - countless of self-help books have been sold, a myriad hours of videos have been released on the internet, promising to help you to set your life in order, therefore changing your mindset, growing as a person, and finally obtaining your desired life-goals - many sell that idea for profit, but many also defend that idea because it's a defense mechanism against the horror that is existence.

In reality, life is an effort and constant struggle in order to go through another day - to some, it may be rewarding, while for others, such as myself, it isn't, really. I'm derailing from the topic, but a while ago, I recall that a friend asked me how would my life be if I had the power to shape and change it to whatever I wished in order to alleviate the pain. My reply was plain and sincere - I would change nothing, at all.

Most of my issues with life don't come from my personal experiences - as I have a very limited set of experiences, mainly due to me keeping myself shut inside my house. But rather, it comes from my disgust towards life itself, as edgy as it may sound.

So, yeah. In order to keep ourselves free from the burden of thinking about the horrors of existence, we shut our level of consciousness down - not voluntarily, most of the time, of course. We find ways to ignore the pain, be it ours or the pain of others. We also tend to be very creative, anchoring ourselves to grand narratives, institutions and structures in order to not lose our minds (For some, the thought of going to University in order to 'do something with their lives' is sometimes enough to keep them going without thinking too much. In other words, they are anchoring themselves to something in order to survive.)
Peter Wessel Zappfe, a german philosopher from the 20th century, wrote a really interesting essay on this, called 'The Last Messiah'. It's very short, if someone is interested in checking it.

Now, anchoring and evading the horrors that are possible in this world may work for the majority of people. But for those poor souls who are more aware, or sensible, to the bleakness of it all, well... There's not much on the table.

There's nothing wrong with dismissing or ignoring the horrors - or anchoring through them. What I do find irritating is when people try to push their methods on others - insisting that the suicidal person simply hasn't tried enough and that their way of thinking is a grave mistake. Most of what constitutes therapy is nothing more than building defense mechanisms that can serve in order to ignore or anchor yourself to something, which can be helpful to some individuals, but incredibly harmful if it's assumed as a valid method for everyone, which many do. Reading self-help books and listening to gurus online, or trying to seek help, hasn't actually helped me at all; in fact, it only made it worse by making me realise how much it's required to just live on the basic level. As someone who has a hard time functioning like a 'normal person', whatever that may mean, I'm often disappointed by the lack of acknowledgement towards the suffering of others, be it past, present or future. All I see is platitudes and barren words.

Also, I agree, any feeling is valid, and all forms of suffering are legitimate. Even though my pain, or someone else's may be mild in comparison to what others have to endure, that doesn't invalidate it. Only I can experience my pain, and only you can experience yours; everyone has the right to decide whether it's worth it or not.
As for myself, it's not worth it, but oh, well, the absence of a painless and a hundred percent effective method pushes me back and keeps me cornered in here.

Sorry for the damn wall of text, I kind of got derailed here...
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Nov 16, 2022
I think many have the tendency to dismiss the suicidal feelings of another, mainly due to the fact that it serves as a reminder of the bleak nature of it all. Death and suffering is ever present not only in our lives, but in every organism that exists, or has existed, it doesn't matter whether we are fully aware of it at the moment, or not, some day the fact will manifest itself.

When somebody looks at the case of a suicidal, depressed, or an overall pessimistic person, the main defense mechanism seems to be that of ignorance, even if it happens in an involuntary manner. Most of us think that life is worth preserving and nurturing, and even though sometimes it has painful moments and undesirable situations, overall it's worth living - or, at least, if live is not worth it in this very moment, perhaps it may have its worth in the near future, making it desirable to stick around.

Many have thrived on selling the idea that, even in suffering, life is worth preserving at all costs - countless of self-help books have been sold, a myriad hours of videos have been released on the internet, promising to help you to set your life in order, therefore changing your mindset, growing as a person, and finally obtaining your desired life-goals - many sell that idea for profit, but many also defend that idea because it's a defense mechanism against the horror that is existence.

In reality, life is an effort and constant struggle in order to go through another day - to some, it may be rewarding, while for others, such as myself, it isn't, really. I'm derailing from the topic, but a while ago, I recall that a friend asked me how would my life be of I had the power to shape and change it to whatever I wished in order to alliviate the pain. My reply was plain and sincere - I would change nothing, at all.

Most of my issues with life don't come from my personal experiences - as I have a very limited set of experiences, due to mainly keeping myself shut inside my house. But rather, it comes from my disgust towards life itself, as edgy as it may sound.

So, yeah. In order to keep ourselves free from the burden of thinking about the horrors of existence, we shut our level of consciousness down - not voluntarily, most of the time, of course. We find ways to ignore the pain, be it ours or the pain of others. We also tend to be very creative, anchoring ourselves to grand narratives, institutions and structures in order to not lose our minds (For some, the thought of going to University in order to 'do something with their lives' is sometimes enough to keep them going without thinking too much. In other words, they are anchoring themselves to something in order to survive.)
Peter Wessel Zappfe, a german philosopher from the 20th century, wrote a really interesting essay on this, called 'The Last Messiah'. It's very short, if someone is interested in checking it.

Now, anchoring and evading the horrors that are possible in this world may work for the majority of people. But for those poor souls who are more aware, or sensible, to the bleakness of it all, well... There's not much on the table.

There's nothing wrong with dismissing or ignoring the horrors - or anchoring through them. What I do find irritating is when people try to push their methods on others - insisting that the suicidal person simply hasn't tried enough and that their way of thinking is a grave mistake. Most of what constitutes therapy is nothing more than building defense mechanisms that can serve in order to ignore or anchor yourself to something, which can be helpful to some individuals, but incredibly harmful if it's assumed as a valid method for everyone, which many do. Reading self-help books and listening to gurus online, or trying to seek help, hasn't actually helped me at all; in fact, it only made it worse by making me realise how much it's required to just live on the basic level. As someone who has a hard time functioning like a 'normal person', whatever that may mean, I'm often disappointed by the lack of acknowledgement towards the suffering of others, be it past, present or future. All I see is platitudes and barren words.

Also, I agree, any feeling is valid, and all forms of suffering are legitimate. Even though my pain, or someone else's may be mild in comparison to what others have to endure, that doesn't invalidate it. Only I can experience my pain, and only you can experience yours; everyone has the right to decide whether it's worth it or not.
As for myself, it's not worth it, but oh, well, the absence of a painless method pushes me back and keeps me cornered in here.

Sorry for the damn wall of text, I kind of got derailed here...
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I could identify with them pretty easily. I really like your comments about therapy. It's not always a place for positive reinforcement. I'm also looking for that painless method. I hope you find yours.
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Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
I don´t believe that we have a free will, so words like guilt and responsibility for what I am doing have no meaning for me. I agree, there is no ranking in reasons to commit suicide, dressions are as good as autassassinophilia.

By the way, I like your post too, they are so wonderful death-affirming, you shoud edit them in a book.
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
Hi FC, I just wanted to leave you some support on one of your vent threads, since I know you would do the same for others. I agree, everyone's feelings and reason to ctb for themselves are valid. I hope you have a relatively ok weekend.


Oct 9, 2022
Agreed. Family and friends not included, but random people who don't know me should have ZERO interest in whether I live or die.

How on earth does my existence affect their lives?

There are thousands of people dying RIGHT NOW, at this very moment. And no one gives a shit.

But that one person who's committing suicide is the one you want to "reach" and stop from dying.

Make it make sense. People die, dude. Just accept it.
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Nitrogen Master Race
May 15, 2022
we just think there should be some safeguards to so that people don't make the decision lightly
That's how current euthanasia works, the application is evaluated by doctors thru a long and grueling process, ending in rejection in most cases. Basically something exclusive for very old and sick persons.

Luckily all that crap will end with the Sarco, no doctors needed at all. Dr Philip Nitschke has already said that people will be able to use it without even having to explain the reason why they want to die.
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Jan 14, 2023
Thank you, I needed to read this. Sometimes I think my reasons aren't enough but it's nice to know that there shouldn't be a suffering threshold for ctb.


May 20, 2018
I don't think anyone is saying nobody deserves to exit, we just think there should be some safeguards to so that people don't make the decision lightly. You call us pro suffering but when people commit suicide there are a lot of people that suffer because of it. I understand you think there should be suicide coffins on every corner of every block but we can't completely write off the fact that suicide does cause harm and is not just some neutral action.
If only we recognized the harm that procreation causes, in the same way that suicide is so meticulously scrutinized. Pissing into the wind of biological programming, I know.
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