Sure. But to repackage it from the large bottle, just get a needle/syringe and some empty, sterilized vials with a topper and transfer it between the two. Also, double check the label as I think the three European ones I recall had a breakdown of 390mg and the other two had something like 362-364 mg pentobarbital so not truly a full 400mg/ml thus make sure the math is done based on the actual amount. (Not sure what you meant by repack in vacuum -- it's a liquid but maybe I am misunderstanding the question).
Edit to add* definitely check the labelling as I do vaguely remember seeing one brand which was a 250ml bottle and had a higher mg/ml. But the other ones had the numbers I mentioned. Main point/bottom line: check the package insert data to see the exact amount/breakdown and yes you can transfer vials.
Hope you find everything you are looking for and peace & serenity.