

I can’t ignore the abyss. It is real.
Mar 26, 2020
America (and the world at large) is rotten with eugenicists.

Eugenics has THRIVED in America since its beginnings. America was built on eugenics and continues to thrive on it, though our state has evolved away from the more blatant forms of eugenics that formed its foundations (e.g. exterminating Native Americans like pests, treating black people like a form of cattle).

Today, the CLEAR ableist and ageist language politicians (not just in America but in "Liberal Democracies" all around the world) and their followers have been using during this pandemic says it all. The mass apathy people have presented toward victims and potential victims of COVID19, from peons dismissing mass death on social media, to celebrities and politicians coming as close as diplomatically possible to just saying, "if they don't serve the economy, just let them die" on worldwide broadcasts.

The way we treat workers, prisoners, poor people, homeless people, non-conformists, old, sick, disabled people, etc. Just...the motherFUCKING way we are conditioned and expected to treat each other as people in general...

When it comes time to discuss the ethics of executing death row prisoners, it becomes clear that PLENTY of average people are eugenicists at heart, whether or not they'd consider themselves as such, for respectability's sake.

Clearly I live in a eugenicist country that wears a thin mask of altruism and welfare to keep the peace. Politicians and corporatists only use altruistic language as a means of coercion, to gain or keep social capital, gain power, and make people do what you want.

If I am truly free, then why can't I be free to make the ultimate decision to continue living or not continue living, without the threat of involuntary hospitalization, if I am open about my desires? Without the fear and pain of attempting to die alone?

Is it because maybe I'm not actually free, but just free to *imagine* I'm free, within relatively wide limits? Is it because maybe my life isn't actually mine, because I'm actually just an asset of my state, which runs on thinly veiled puritanical values and allows people at the top of the cultural monolith to shape the world to their narrative and say fuck all to any ideologies that challenge their status quo?

I'm not here to debate the ethics of eugenics as an ideology. Who am I? My voice doesn't matter enough to debate anything.

But this constant dissonance is painful. The constant dissonance of living in a world that is essentially meritocratic and eugenicist until it really comes down to matters of self-determination over one's very existence, and then the language flips. Suddenly everyone "cares about YOUR wellbeing" when they force you into psychiatric hospitalization,

so that whatever person found you attempting to kill yourself or admitting to wanting to die, can wipe the liability off their hands and hand you off to the state

so that the mental health workers you encounter can get paid and prove to themselves they're good humanitarians, while they take away your rights and attempt to shove whatever ideology (and experimental psychotropic drugs) they want to shove into your mind, to make you fall back in line and obey,

so that the state can prove itself to the prevailing domestic and international ideologies and maintain power by saying "we do all we can to protect our peoples' lives, even from themselves," even though that logic is so twisted and so demeaning to people for whom suicide might logically seem the only option or simply the best option available to them.

You aren't "protecting" a person from suicide, unless they're being coerced to suicide by someone with authority over them, or are COMPLETELY out of control of their actions - like in a state of severe hallucinatory psychosis or something. And even then, who am I to say that a person in a state of psychosis doesn't have their own logic for wanting to end it? Maybe their psychosis really fucking hurts and they don't have any real options for assimilating long term.

Who is ANYONE to take away someone's liberty over their own LIFE, to force one's own beliefs on someone else?

If I am to believe that I live in a truly Liberal state ("Liberal" like John Stuart Mills Liberal, not "liberal" as in Democratic Party liberal), shouldn't it just be the state's responsibility to protect people from each other, NOT from themselves?

State sponsored hospitalization isn't about protection or personal well-being; it's about liability.

And then, a couple weeks or months later, as soon as everyone's done washing their hands of your suicidal stench and shaming you for ever choosing to want to die, it's back onto the streets - the real world, where people are apathetic, exploitative, elitist, and casually eugenicist all the motherfucking time.

Back to totalitarian workplaces.
Back to authoritarian governance.
Back into the heartless machine.

Why can't we just be honest eugenicists if that's what we must be?

If my existence is SUCH a problem for this world, why shouldn't I be allowed to exit with dignity, openly, with open access to safe and effective methods, rather than having to go through hoops to find subpar methods that might fail or cause me great pain, forced by cultural stigma to do it completely alone?

I've been telling people around me for years that I want to die, but it's such a pathologized condition that I've slowly gotten quieter and quieter about it and just drifted away from the people I love in slow preparation for a REAL attempt to just go out alone.

But when I do finally do it, I will be forced by my culture to do it alone. And everyone's going to have to be caught off guard and grieve even harder than they would if voluntary euthanasia for mental distress were something I could be honest about, do respectably and with the knowledge and/or support of people I care about, just like someone going through voluntary euthanasia for a physical illness.

But no, even in this world that is constantly labeling certain people erratic, deficient, not meritous enough, too this or too that to belong...choosing to acquiesce to the eugenicist mindset of America's mass subconscious, and removing yourself as a defect in the system, is essentially forbidden.

Suicide CAN'T be logical, peaceful, or respectable, because in this cultural narrative the suicidal person is always to be perceived tragically and sympathetically but never to be truly empathized with or personified.

If I'm going to live in a eugenicist state, we might as well just stop bullshitting ourselves and go full throttle - set up state sponsored voluntary euthanasia centers like in the movie Soylent Green (minus the cannibalism part, unless environmental collapse absolutely brings humanity to that).

This dissonance is unbearable. I feel like the whole world is just packed full of lies. I'm so scared, but I know I've got to get out of this world sooner or later.

Maybe, just maybe if I procrastinate long enough I'll live to see America become either open-minded enough or blatantly eugenicist enough to allow voluntary euthanasia for mental distress.

Or maybe I'll just get lucky enough to catch a stray bullet right to the brainstem before then.
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
"If I am truly free, then why can't I be free to make the ultimate decision to continue living or not continue living, without the threat of involuntary hospitalization, if I am open about my desires? Without the fear and pain of attempting to die alone?"
I will say that again. Dead does not pay taxes, never visits doctors, does not wageslave, does not pay loans, mortgage.
We are just a source of income for them.
Why they don't let us die?
Imagine how much money they can make on us when we are dying in hospital. They want to prolong our life because that's how they make money.
They make it impossible to buy an accommodation on your own, you have to take a mortgage, they want to suck all money from you.
Euthanasia means you will make it cheaper comparing to months when you will be dying in a hospital.
Mortgage will make sure you will work for economy 20-25-30 years.
We are not interesting for them as human-beings, we are interesting as slaves to make their dreams come true.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
It's an oxymoron that eugenics lead to euthanasia. Eugenics require living subjects. So I wouldn't hold out hope for such a development.


I can’t ignore the abyss. It is real.
Mar 26, 2020
It's an oxymoron that eugenics lead to euthanasia. Eugenics require living subjects. So I wouldn't hold out hope for such a development.
Yeah, I guess I've mixed up the specific "eugenics" movement with the broader idea that plainly some people deserve to be alive and others don't.


Feb 19, 2020
I totally agree with everything you say.

None of us are actually free. But if they spit the same propaganda enough most people will lap it up and not question anything.

In my country psychiatry is mainly a money making scheme. Private hospitals like the p****y admit those at their most vulnerable after section because there is hardly any NHS beds anymore. They provide the most basic care but things like therapies are stripped back to ensure maximum profit. They have the legal amount of staff required but no surplus.

The same thing happens in children's homes and children's special needs schools. Some people are on this conveyor belt for life going in and out of institutions from the day dot until the end. Those institutions don't want these people to be made 'better' and function independently because they need re-admissions in order to make profit. And in order to maximise profit they don't treat their patients, they literally just baby sit them and drug them to oblivion/shove them into a padded seclusion cell to make staff's lives easier. But of course it's not sold like that. They are dressed up as holistic healing institutions and people suck it up.

These companies have huge monopolies over huge areas of care, education and mental health and no one questions anything. No one questions why the suicide rate in these places / on discharge is so high if they work.

The whole thing makes me ill.

If euthanasia were legalised it could only be used once - there is not much money to be made, and sadly that doesn't serve this capitalist world of ours.

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Oct 14, 2019
There are so many differences because of people who commit suicide impulsively and those who do not but "professionals" pretend not to see them. It's awful. I don't really believe that psychiatrists study so many years successfully and they are not able to see it? Not possible to be dumb and smart at the same time. There is something wrong, they must be somehow manipulated.

Yes, corpses don't pay taxes, they are just a biological waste you can't use. You could make euthanasia near the doctor and cut the person's organs afterwards but wait it's not possible because "euthanasia is bad".
I mean suicide rates would have fallen down (in my opinion) if people were cared about. If people could access some help. Not like in my country where I was waiting for 3 goddamn years to have a "therapy" with a "psychologist". Turned out it was a very bad "psychologist". I wasted 3 years not being helped. I mean it's insane! A person cries for help the society does nothing and when they are jumping off the bridge the society stops them! It's insane! They could have done so much before but they didn't...
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