Have any of you guys ever had an upper endoscopy? Im a bit worried cause I have nausea, a pretty bad gag reflex, and severe emetophobia to top it all off. I know they numb your throat and stuff and put you on relaxers but don't you still feel it? Im not in recovery, but i figured itd be better to post this here.
I have had digestive endoscopy 3 times, in December 1998, September 2004 and the last one on December 29, 2020 (this one with a colonoscopy at the same time).
The first two times I was only lightly sedated but the last time I was put straight to sleep with Propofol and I didn't know anything. I should have done more before this one, but I had a really bad time and refused to do it for years.
If you want to know anything else you can ask me anything you want.
D'endocòpies digestives me n'han fet 3 vegades, el desembre del 1998, el setembre del 2004 i l'última el 29 de desembre del 2020 (aquesta amb colonoscòpia alhora).
Les dues primeres vegades em van sedar només lleugerament però a la darrera em van adormir directament amb Propofol i no em vaig assebentar pas de res. Me n'hauria d'haver fet més amb anterioritat a aquesta, però ho passava força malament i m'hi vaig negar durant anys.
Si vols saber res més em pots preguntar el que vulguis.