
Oct 13, 2023
I'm putting this here because it's all leading to me thinking about killing myself. And generally all of this immediately makes me derealized or whatever.

My real question is if I'm aware of the fact that there's no ethical consumption under capitalism and every day I live I am using up resources that other people deserve more and since I don't actually enjoy anything it's all wasted on me . Then what am I actually supposed to do? If I know that I am not capable of strong discipline or meaningful human connection then what else is there. What am I supposed to do besides kill myself.

I think maybe AI is the end of culture. EVERY fellow student I know at uni utilizes AI in some way. I think people younger than me will have no idea how to write or communicate. Already I think communication has been circumvented and distorted. I just think, I can't take the guilt of using AI (it's cheating, it's just creating) and the world is going to leave me behind.

I think everything I do is selfish and I am essentially just a burden on the world. I think my success in academics is wasted on someone who has no actual passion for anything. My parents money and love is wasted on me because everything fills me with shame and I still don't change the way I live. If I feel ashamed and don't change the way I live then I am just pathetic. I'm just useless.

I think it's all going to shit and there's not much point to me. I don't really care about anything and I don't know how to change. What exactly is the point. I feel like I am in a fake world like in dreaming or whatever. It's just nothing, the lightings all wrong.
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May 25, 2023
There is no ethical consumption under any socioeconomic system. Someone will always exploit someone else to get ahead. It feels like that's how humans are wired and have always worked. We inevitably put ourselves into groups/hierarchies and there will always be a group of people that will want to climb them. Exploitation happened in communism, socialism, capitalism, nationalism, fascism (insert any other -ism) along with many many hybrid systems.

As democratic society advances though and gets more prosperous/wealthy/enlightened the rate of exploitation does seem to go down and new laws/organizations/people enter the playing field to prevent it from happening. For example, look at the abysmal horrible exploitative conditions people were in 100 or even 1000 years ago and compare that world to today. Massive difference. It might not feel like it, but look at any graph related to this, things do seem to be moving in a positive direction.

What can you do about it? Fight for it. Get involved in your local town/village politics and contribute. Your contribution will be negligible or even meaningless at first, but as you keep going, learning, adapting you will start seeing some real results. You wont be able to move the direction of your entire village/city/country, but you could make a massive difference in a lot of peoples lives or maybe even just one or two. A few conscious living people who suffered, but were moved to a better life thanks to your impact is BIG! Along with that, appreciate the products that you buy and were made under horrible conditions and use them to remind yourself what you are a fighting for.

In terms of AI, I think its inevitable and out of the box already. There is no closing this thing. So far people are using it as a tool to enhance their own creative process. I think however that there's a difference between a random Joe using AI to make images and talented artists using it to automate the annoying parts of their work and exceed even further at their main goal. For example look at video games industry. Lots of indie companies are using AI to speed up coding/art design which saves a ton of money/time which in turn allows them to focus on their vision including stuff like direction, narrative, scope of the game etc... If companies/people will use AI properly we could be getting A LOT more amazing stuff in a shorter amount of time and much higher quality.

While there's a lot of benefits to this I do see that regulations wont be introduced fast enough, since this technology is moving incredibly fast. Very very smart prominent people are saying that we will likely get AGI by the year 2029... If that happens we will all lose our jobs in a single night and it opens up a giant can of questions. How do we introduce UBI? Do we even need the concept of money anymore? What will we do now with all this extra time now that we are jobless? Will the singularity happen very soon after that? Will the machines kill or enslave us? Will we all morph into one single consciousness? Will it end our culture and completely isolate us into our own neatly designed VR worlds? There are millions of possibilities of where this all takes us, so lets try to steer this giant storm into a positive direction.
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