CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
ne big reason here all place people ignorant fight etc people prolife no empathy suffer many terrble this all educat play big role. System no give clear not ok this make student puppet not more no free knowledg keep puppet no think make cruel process worth noty many ctb reason school uni all terrible system not real teach.ttell examp here everywhere many fighting reason education terrible not give propee physic mathmativ Chem bio understand ,peple think material only uni go out be moneky again no think this provi shallow study not give proper way. Proper way know people see nonsense life bio terrible see physic cruelty see Chem method see math programmi how talk fight reason nothing word can ai makecbetter result. Education prolife full lie that why world even here no advance keep still lock no free way think many repeat same no real way think, all need free prochoice educ that important free knowledge free choice
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
They call it education, but it's more like a factory designed to churn out a specific unit to endlessly turn the cogs of our society. If true critical thinking were taught, people would start to question all sorts of things, including the very nature of wage slavery, mindless procreation and various other values of our culture. Worse, we would see that our culture is just another culture, and conformity to it is no grounds for feeling superior to others.

Teaching children to feel empathy, or to care about the cruelty that runs rampant in our world, would be a whole different education, and would lead to even more disruption to society.
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Dwelling within darkness
Mar 18, 2021
Traditional education that the majority went or are currently going through is based on the outdated education system since the Industrial Age of the XIX century. Still remains largely unchanged, and no doubt that it was created with one purpose: to become an employee for someone else. In the public education system, governments are free to edit, revise or modify their own curriculum that is imposed in all of their primary and secondary schools. Most of the education in post-secundary institutions (college or university) also largely follow this. They're in charge what topics would be necessary for the enrolled students to know.

In all of these institutions in the traditional system, only thing that matters is the grades. Writing, projects, and particularly quizzes and exams are divided by points according to the teacher's or professor's style of teaching and how they execute it regarding the type of assignments they decide to incorporate in their teaching, of which later gets all summed up to get the final grade of the entire class or course. Works under a set time period as per semester (6 months), per trimester or per quarters (12 weeks, which is around 3 months and by far the most stressing one for slower learning students). As such, is important for the schools and post-secundary institutions to encourage people to get good grades for building their own image or reputation as a competitive or "good" school, college or university with "great education". As an university student on its 3rd year based on obtained credits, I have heard so many people getting concerned about their grades, some which might be a factor for those contemplating CBT.

Even if the chosen curriculum is based on a specialty career (like majoring in Computer Sciences or Business Administration, for example), is so similarly structured like those in primary and secondary schools based on my own point of view, with exception that one is obligatory by law in many countries and is for the younger people, thus when I was on High School I often call those "juvenile prisons" that shove unnecessary topics down your throat instead of teaching useful and practical knowledge.

Plus, is no doubt that most don't decide to incorporate the topic suicide in their curriculum (particularly in health classes and because they think is taboo) and is instead mostly offered as scheduled optional meetings, conferences or events that talks about the topic of suicide; and obviously by how society works, is mostly focused in the prevention of the act (a pro-life belief).

Even if one tries to design the curriculum towards working by one self or themselves as their own boss (as if freelancing or starting your own business) approach and "critical thinking", still can be thinked of as an employee factory for business owners by how the system was made in the first place.
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