

"The snake that cannot shed its skin perishes"
Mar 3, 2023
I'm obsessed with this one particular person, their absence is worse than death and I can't seem to break it due to my OCD

Simultaneously, I think it's interwoven with losing the rest of my support network, alongside my only family I truly cares for

Does anyone feel similarly?
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Constantly Sleepy Catgirl
Dec 28, 2022
I've been in that boat before. I ended up finding someone else to be obsessed with, but the pain from the loss of my former favorite person still remains.
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want to be pretty even when i'm dead
May 6, 2023
yeahh similar thing happened to me when my previous relationship ended, she was my fp and i was so obsessed with her i genuinely couldn't imagine my life without her in any way. she was the center of my universe in my eyes and the day she broke up with me all i wanted do to was to cbt as fast as i can ,, didn't go through w it obviously but my mental health got worse than ever . all that really helped is replacing the positive obsession with a negative one, i still stalk her socials and stuff but for the sake of hating her from a distance instead (..which was also a bad idea on my behalf because i ruined most of my friendships in the process)
besides that for me distancing or finding someone new to obsess over are the only things that ease the pain tbh :( i hope u figure things out n it's gonna be okay
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Feb 22, 2023
Oneitis is a killer.
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Mar 27, 2023
Yes, I can totally relate. I am in love with and obsessed with someone. I think it's a form of self soothing in the sense that thinking about her brings me some comfort. But it also causes me so much pain not being with her. Consequently, I have faltered on some of my planning to CTB because I know it would rule out the chance of ever being with her again, even though that is highly unlikely. Obsession is a cruel and wicked thing.
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I'm more scarred more scarred than my wrist is.
Apr 13, 2023
After me and my FP stopped taking (I broke it off cuz she was treating me like shit) I felt really bad for about a week but since that's the 2nd time we have ended the relationship it was better than the first. Now there are other girls I talk to but it's just not the same, I can't bring myself to care about them at all, although they do kinda care about me, I'm just scared that if I start caring about them they'll end up hurting me like she did. Never considered ctb because of another person even her, even though it still really hurts.,
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Das Nichts

Das Nichts

Dead Man Walking
Apr 8, 2023
That's basically why im here. I've been working on that for last year, to get rid of the feeling of guilt
and working on myself since my way forward can not be to project those feelings on another person.

If I manage to come out of this, I don't want to feel anything even similar to this again, ever.
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Apr 21, 2023
I recently had a 10 year marriage/relationship end with me going to jail for a bit and her taking out a restraining order on me. We had a bad fight, not physical, but she's painting me as an abuser to everyone we knew. Our relationship was complicated, but we were good 99% of the time, though we both had our traumas and mental health problems. My life was built around her the last few years, I lost my jobs for a variety of reasons just before COVID hit but we built a business together and I would take care of the vast majority of the housework. I was an agoraphobic for a few years, never really left my house and I really didn't talk to anyone but her. I don't resent her for her actions, at some level she's just trying to survive and live her best possible life in spite of her trauma. I had my failures and mistakes, I wasn't a perfect partner (neither was she to be clear) but I thought I tried hard most of the time.

Now I'm back at my parents place, feeling like an incredible burden. My obsession with her does not fade. It burns in my mind the second I wake up till I pass out. I have spent the 3 months since things suddenly broke apart searching for any signs of her. She's obviously blocked me on everything, but I can see her tweet count, her instagram post count/follower count, and a few other things. I feel completely insane, this is not the person I want to be. But I feel like I've lost 10 years of life building progress, I got a taste of a nearly perfect domestic life with a beautiful, bright, enthusiastic girl. When I was younger I never had luck with dating, I didn't think I'd ever find anyone, but she kind of fell into my lap after we met at work. Losing her, especially with no real closure, has by far been the toughest thing I've been through. Sometimes I think about how I'd rather be back in jail than wasting away in my family's house being a complete burden who sleeps 16 hours a day, at least it was less lonely.. I am left in far worse condition than when we started dating. No car, No job, No place of my own, No friends (they all think I'm an abuser now), I need extensive dental work and implants, Any former hobbies & interests don't do anything for me, and now I have an arrest record and a very messy family law case.

My obsession, losing the only person I loved & loved me, my current situation being quite bleak, the circumstances of our split and becoming a person I never wanted to become have led me to strongly consider to CTB alongside lifetime mental health struggles that don't ever seem to get better despite decades of therapy and psychiatric care. I'm deeply worn out, remorseful, and I want these feelings to stop & never feel them again. Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? Maybe. But I'm left not really knowing who I even am after this split with no real reason to continue.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I feel sure I've been through a few rounds of limerance. (Obsessive crushes on people.) They really messed me up. I'm really careful now because I know how obsessive I can get with people. I'm sorry- I know how intense and horrible this feels.
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May 29, 2018
yeahh similar thing happened to me when my previous relationship ended, she was my fp and i was so obsessed with her i genuinely couldn't imagine my life without her in any way. she was the center of my universe in my eyes and the day she broke up with me all i wanted do to was to cbt as fast as i can ,, didn't go through w it obviously but my mental health got worse than ever . all that really helped is replacing the positive obsession with a negative one, i still stalk her socials and stuff but for the sake of hating her from a distance instead (..which was also a bad idea on my behalf because i ruined most of my friendships in the process)
besides that for me distancing or finding someone new to obsess over are the only things that ease the pain tbh :( i hope u figure things out n it's gonna be okay
What is an "FP?"


Jul 30, 2020
I know exactly where you are at. I've been there. Even though it has been more than 50 years, he is still in my thoughts a lot (though "obsessed" is no longer the right word, and has not been for many years). There is more to my story than I want to relate here, as some of it is still too painful. There is no "solution" to these kinds of situations, but the passage of time does make them easier to manage. All you can do is hang in there and wait for time to work its magic.


Jul 8, 2020
I'm obsessed with this one particular person, their absence is worse than death and I can't seem to break it due to my OCD

Simultaneously, I think it's interwoven with losing the rest of my support network, alongside my only family I truly cares for

Does anyone feel similarly?
I know that feeling.


Jan 22, 2023
Ughhhh... I know this feeling all too well. Always been somewhat of a shut-in so I never had much contact with people, meaning I haven't experienced love or crushes or that sort of thing. A few months ago I started talking to a girl I met online and I hopelessly fell in love with her within a week of meeting her. Been obsessed with her since then. It doesn't help at all that I have BPD so every moment I'm not talking to her feels like hell.
But yeah, my mood depends 100% on her and how she treats me. If I feel like she's ignoring me, I default into thinking she hates me and that I'm burdening her. It honestly fucking sucks because I can't be a normal human being around her. She definitely would be better without me but I can't live without her, she's my purpose.

Hope you find more people to lean on, op. Depressed people can be too much to handle, so be careful around your FP.

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