I am in the process of euthanasia here in holland and i got approved for it also.
So yes its set up the system and also for elderly people there are ways out.
This is the article that's about it only in Dutch. Many people even those who are not ill want to die. Mostly because they don't like the getting old part and lonely partt of it.
Zo’n 43.000 mensen in Nederland hebben een actieve doodswens, zonder dat ze ernstig ziek zijn en ze hebben hier ook al serieus over nagedacht. Binnen deze groep zijn er zo’n 10.000 mensen die hun leven daadwerkelijk willen beëindigen. Een derde van deze laatste groep zou hier hulp bij willen...
The pill they are talking about is named rhe drion pill. Its mostly hypothetical because its name was use in the 90th to promote and get euthanasia together in a law.
In the years after there have been pharmaceutical companies who had designs of pill ready to produce but it never happened.
See my comment or else on euthanasia my treads about my euthanasia process via my name
Its was just hypothetical the pill nothing has come of it.
It will never be cyanide for the reason that it is not peaceful if they ever make a pill. But its just hypothetical the pill because we have euthanasia with pentobarbital and its effective.