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Sep 13, 2023
just curious, i do find dreams quite interesting
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
just curious, i do find dreams quite interesting
Stupid question: Do you mean dreams as in the ones you get when you go to sleep or do mean dreams as in your aspirations?


Sep 13, 2023
Stupid question: Do you mean dreams as in the ones you get when you go to sleep or do mean dreams as in your aspirations?
yes i meant it literally like actual dreams when you're asleep lol

i would have shared one of my own, but I don't feel like typing everything right now
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Hellish Ore

Hellish Ore

Mould on bread
Nov 5, 2023
I have a lot of dreams in which I'm hanging myself. Although this is not my preferred method, I always felt a certain connection to it. I can't explain why.
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syrup ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

syrup ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Jul 6, 2024
I had this dream where I had this lovely little alien girlfriend and we had so much fun together until a bunch of scientists came and dissected her and sold her body slices on an auction, like in the image. It's not that recent of a dream but I still remember it like yesterday.

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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
A couple nights ago I had a dream that I was browsing on this site as usual but everyone had AI generated profile pictures instead.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I don't have dreams much but, the last time I had a dream, I was dreaming about an explosion that happened on earth. The earth was getting destroyed and people were evacuating to a new planet on some weird spaceships. Everywhere, all I could see was bright flashes of yellow-orange lightning and people fearing for their lives. I evacuated on one of the spaceships but, for some reason, I wanted to go back to get something. I couldn't remember what exactly but I had to go back. Suddenly, I randomly teleported into my own house and there was about to be an explosion in my house. The explosion resembled the yellow-orange lightning and was swirling around. I thought it was over for me but time randomly froze where it was. After a few seconds, time unfreezed and I thought I was about to die but...

...I randomly woke up at around 6 am and the dream stopped. I was super tired so I slept again and the dream continued with me in the spaceship. It was like the explosion in my house never happened. I was about to land on a new planet but, before I could, I woke up again at around 9 am hence the dream stopped for real.

I don't understand this dream at all. It was so weird and arbitrary. It had nothing to do with what I was doing in my life or what content I was consuming. Not to mention that it's also my most vivid dream yet. Whenever I do dream, it's always vague, I have no control in it and I forget the dream a few hours after I wake up but this is an exception to that. It's so strange to me
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I don't have dreams much but, the last time I had a dream, I was dreaming about an explosion that happened on earth. The earth was getting destroyed and people were evacuating to a new planet on some weird spaceships. Everywhere, all I could see was bright flashes of yellow-orange lightning and people fearing for their lives. I evacuated on one of the spaceships but, for some reason, I wanted to go back to get something. I couldn't remember what exactly but I had to go back. Suddenly, I randomly teleported into my own house and there was about to be an explosion in my house. The explosion resembled the yellow-orange lightning and was swirling around. I thought it was over for me but time randomly froze where it was. After a few seconds, time unfreezed and I thought I was about to die but...

...I randomly woke up at around 6 am and the dream stopped. I was super tired so I slept again and the dream continued with me in the spaceship. It was like the explosion in my house never happened. I was about to land on a new planet but, before I could, I woke up again at around 9 am hence the dream stopped for real.

I don't understand this dream at all. It was so weird and arbitrary. It had nothing to do with what I was doing in my life or what content I was consuming. Not to mention that it's also my most vivid dream yet. Whenever I do dream, it's always vague, I have no control in it and I forget the dream a few hours after I wake up but this is an exception to that. It's so strange to me
Maybe it's a premonition 👀
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five lives too late, and there's blood in my hair
Jan 27, 2024
i was in the catacombs of prague or some other european country (i think prague because i saw some of the monuments and architecture and i was excited to explore), deep in the tunnels and sewers, a dreadful damp environment. i was with a group, and i think these tunnels were for people addicted to deliriants and they were everywhere, and i kept hallucinating that different sections of the tunnels were normal places with normal people like one big space was a gym hall and people were playing basketball but it was just a hallucination and moving away back to the tunnels revealed it was fake. screams everywhere in the background constantly, though it didn't really phase me. i believe i entered in from the side of an art gallery.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Maybe it's a premonition 👀
That would be one insane premonition if it were to be true and, honestly, I wish that it would actually become true. Humanity should be wiped out
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
That would be one insane premonition if it were to be true and, honestly, I wish that it would actually become true. Humanity should be wiped out
Unfortunately, humanity will just colonize Mars
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
Well, I don't remember today's dream at all.

I don't know if it counts, but yesterday I had sleep paralysis again (nothing new).
I saw 2 shadows around me and heard some sounds (hallucinations).

I don't remember any other dream from the last few days.

I just forget the details of dreams very quickly.
Even if those dreams were pleasant.
I only remember a few dreams from the past that were most memorable to me.

Generally, I like to dream.
It's a pity that dreams are short-lived and the memory of them is fleeting.
Stupid question: Do you mean dreams as in the ones you get when you go to sleep or do mean dreams as in your aspirations?
I see it's not just my problem.
I have additional difficulties because I use a translator that automatically translates the entire page.
Very often the word "dream" is translated incorrectly.
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I luv dolls
Nov 4, 2023
3 really hot guys fighting over me, then it switched to us in a car shooting British mafia. I then felt really sick and it switched to a bathroom and I peed garlic oil, turns out garlic oil is human waste and me and the guys decided to expose the truth to be public. In the end we blow up some fruit market and I kiss one of the guys, I wake up like wtf is my mind
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
3 really hot guys fighting over me, then it switched to us in a car shooting British mafia. I then felt really sick and it switched to a bathroom and I peed garlic oil, turns out garlic oil is human waste and me and the guys decided to expose the truth to be public. In the end we blow up some fruit market and I kiss one of the guys, I wake up like wtf is my mind
Yikes, I thought my dream was wild but this is something else entirely. This is pure vomit material over here


flower, water
Jun 20, 2024
I have many interesting dreams. Maybe I will share them gradually.

One time I dreamed about an ancient advanced civilisation in a universe long before ours. This universe existed within the spine of a godly creature, which burned like a phoenix one day and the ancient civilisation evacuated. Upon waking my brain felt melting hot like it was on fire and something akin to a song rang in my head. It was like music but it did not feel like I was hearing it, or even seeing it. The being I was in the dream did not have senses like us. I remember coming back to the burning universe hoping to save something like a young plant.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
My sleep usually isn't dreamless but I don't remember most of it when I wake up. There are few ones though that I remember vividly even days and weeks after. I rarely dream about a suicide attempt but this one, from a few weeks back, I was so disturbed by it I talked about it with someone over pm, I'll just copy paste it here...

I dreamt that I took SN and after so long I couldn't fall unconscious but my heart was beating so fast it just stunned me, the whole family and a few other people i knew that i don't remember now were with me and I tell them to go looking for methylene blue because the poison i took wasn't working, they all seemed unfazed by it and just continued doing what they do and tell me my uncle is out there looking for it. Then they ask me are you sure you took a poison, I don't remember the process of taking it but i was sure I took it, then i tell them, unless I died and now am thrown back to this reality with you guys, I don't know if this is the heaven or hell part of it...then I start to worry why my heart is beating so fast but the SN still didn't make me unconscious......then I woke up to my heart about to beat out of my chest.
Normally my resting heart beat reaches tachycardia but that one, added to the dream i had, was the most awful feeling I had.


Jul 19, 2024
I used to write down my dreams every day. It increases recall a scary amount. Once you've done it for a while you'll recall every dream in great detail, sometimes multiple dreams every night. This thread makes me want to start again.

Lately my dreams have been strange jealous dreams about my ex's FWB. I'm in bed, he's in my home and talking to me, making fun of me or something. Lol.


At Eternity's Gates
Feb 14, 2024
I often dream of school, perhaps with mixed classmates with classmates that I had in different school levels, then I often dream that I have to graduate but I don't want to or I'm not prepared even if I already have a diploma, it's as if I wanted to try again to improve my score and end up with classmates younger than me but in the end I give up.

I also often dream of arguments with my father and the extended family in general.
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Sep 21, 2020
I was lucid dialoguing with myself about whether I should catch the bus and a terrifying malevolent sounding voice said to me "You're already dead", suggesting that I should ctb because in any case I'm actually already dead. It was a scary dream unfortunately but with time I have come to want to dialogue with that voice again and suspect it is something most accurately understood within a Jungian framework.

(but also possibly a real entity in another dimension who I might communicate with)
I often dream of school, perhaps with mixed classmates with classmates that I had in different school levels, then I often dream that I have to graduate but I don't want to or I'm not prepared even if I already have a diploma, it's as if I wanted to try again to improve my score and end up with classmates younger than me but in the end I give up.

I also often dream of arguments with my father and the extended family in general.
apparently this is a common dream. i have had variations of this dream throughout my life. it seems to be the product of persistent anxiety about graduating and being accepted, no doubt intermingling with various feelings of inadequacy and fear of being unable to survive in the man vs the world storyline...sort of like ptsd.
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flower, water
Jun 20, 2024
This is a long one.

I dreamt that I time traveled to somewhere that looked like Japan's Heian era court 1000 years ago, as part of some special team who must ensure the timeline stay correct. We all infiltrated into different positions inside the palace and I became one of the court ladies serving a young prince, around primary schooler age. The child didn't have his father's favour and wasn't very well-liked in court. He had a reputation for being feeble-minded, disrespectful, and too calculating for his age. According to history, he was to be killed soon. But the child was adorable. He was so well-behaved. I hardly had to do anything as a maid and mostly just talked and played with him. And he was fun to talk to. The prince was a kind-hearted kid, he knew a little too much and wasn't clever enough to keep it all to himself; a little slow and awkward at times but otherwise like any other innocent child. I began to actively work against my team to save this child. It was very oppressive. I wanted to take the prince, fake his death then make a short timeskip to somewhere he could live as a normal citizen. The most difficult part was hiding from my teammates' constant inspection and pretending that i was doing my mission. One guy (who was acting as a low ranked court official) on the team figured me out. He could see how much I liked the kid. He kept running into us on purpose when we were together. He was always accompanying higher ranked actual Heian officials, and the prince could never greet them properly. It just cemented his reputation in those nobles' eyes. Finally, on the night I was to carry out my plan, that teammate came with another official and stalled us in a talk. He gave the prince a pair of glasses. Coincidentally, this was the clearest part of my dream. The child fumbled with the strange device, I wanted to help him clean the lenses, but he was too focused on figuring out how they worked himself. His expression was serious, as if compelled by an inexplicable, single-minded resolve. When he put on the glasses, his eyes widened in genuine joy and wonder. This whole time he was slow, clumsy, didn't greet people and couldn't tell anyone apart because he was nearsighted. Affection and sorrow welled up in my heart. I looked at my teammate, not bothering to hold back my sad expression, silently pleading him to reconsider, to have some pity on us. He didn't have to do anything. I had it all sorted out. Just, turned a blind eye, with half a mind, and an innocent child can live. The man smiled. "What a shame, you have actually always been a good kid," he said, stood up and disappeared. I was bolted to my seat. Flames erupted around us, this being a Heian castle, they ate through the wooden structures in matter of seconds. With both arms I reached out to the child I loved next to me and held him tight as I started to cry.


Jul 1, 2024
I just had the best dream and would love to share it.

So, I met a girl and she invited me over to her place. She had curly hair, was about 5'8 and had piercing blue eyes. She was beautiful.

We were lying in her bed and she just wanted to chill out and get to know me more. She hugged me and said, before we go any further, I just want you to know to know that this is how I feel about you. My soul filled with warmth.

After that, we were talking about music and she shared some of the songs she loves with me.

I asked her if she liked hip-hop and she said she didn't. Then I asked her if she liked horror and she said yes as she was a bit goth.

I told her about my favourite group and shared with her a song from them from their first album and she loved it. It turns out they were playing that night in town and she was interested in going. But it was 4:00 PM and we would just catch the end of the show because she wanted to watch a movie first. Which I was totally okay with, I just wanted to spend time with her.

She went to the bathroom and I checked her phone (because we were using it to listen to music) and it was a custom version of Android. I was impressed because of this fact and wondered if she was a hacker or something.

Then we watched a movie together and cuddled. She pirated movies as well, which was awesome.

We ended up watching Poor Things with Emma Stone which had a watermark on it.

I woke up with a smile on my face. Perhaps love isn't out of the question for me.

At least in my dreams...

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