

Dec 26, 2020
So, I've been trying to find ways to keep track of my dreams. In doing though I've been fascinated by the contents of my dreams and decided to expand on them in the form of stories. I know this isn't a forum meant for fan fictions (there are places meant for that) but I felt like sharing it here for some reason. I don't know if I'll be doing this often, but I felt like doing this today. Definitely let me know if this isn't the place for this

05/03/2023: Pizza Restaurant

I was standing in a pizza parlor. The atmosphere was lively. People were seated in sets of 2 or more. Talking and laughing amongst themselves, while munching on pizza and other food items. Waiters and waitresses dressed in tuxedos and black attire rushed back and forth; carefully balancing food and utensils. As I stared at the commotion, a man sitting beside me placed his hand on my lower back.

"Hey Water-Lily"

I jumped slightly. I looked over at my right and saw a brown light skinned man staring back at me. His eyes were a dark black color. His thin pink lips curled slightly to one end, creating a smile. A red headband adorned his forehead. Dark greasy hair folded over the top of the band. A black choker with a crescent moon was around his neck. He wore a red open vest with a short black sleeve top underneath. He wore matching black pants that were ripped at the knees. His sneakers were red with red laces.

His hand rubbed my lower back. I could feel a ring on his index finger, along with the fabric of his fingerless black gloves

"You ok? You've been standing here for the last few minutes"


Another guy sitting across from him scooted over to the right. He had on a V neck light blue shirt. It complimented his blue jeans pants that were not ripped. He also wore brown sneakers. His complexion, like the bandana guy, was light brown. His black hair shaved down and he had brown eyes.

He scooted close to another guy who was typing away on his phone. His hair was blonde with tight curls. They rested atop his white forehead. Pink freckles were scattered around his nose. He wore a green T-shirt with a yellow lightning bolt in the center. His short brown pants rested atop his knees.

The guy with the shaved hair patted the open seat next to him.

"Come on. Sit down with us"

I instinctively sat down. It was one of those connected seated spaces where a person could easily slide in and sit down. It was green and somewhat rubbery, but comfortable nonetheless. After being seated comfortably the man with the bandana spoke

"Seriously though, you ok?"

I looked down at the table. Four pieces of bitten pizza crusts adorned the space in front of me. The man who created space for me placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Yo. Is everything alright? Are you hungry?"


I wasn't sure how to respond. I didn't even know where I was or why I was even here. Moreover, who these men were. They seemed familiar and friendly, but I couldn't remember who they were.

"I…um…what place is this?"

The two guys looked at each other confused. The one on his phone kept typing away. The bandana man spoke.

"Mariana's Pizza Parlor. Are you sure everything's ok?"

"Yeah. You seem like you have amnesia or something"

"I…I don't know. I really don't know how I even got here…"

The bandana man clapped his hands

"Alright then. Let's do this. My name is Antonio. The guy next to you is Edward and next to him is Bob. His names actually Buster but since he hates it, we just call him Bob"

Bob looked up from his phone. He stared annoyingly at Antonio. Antonia laughed awkwardly.

"Anyways, does that all ring a bell now?"

It didn't. For whatever reason I was more confused than ever. How do these guys know me? Are we all friends? If so, why don't I remember their names?

Edward picked up a menu and opened it

"Are you hungry?"

My stomach made a small grumble. I nodded

"Cool. Get whatever you want"


I instinctively checked my pockets. My casual pink dress has two pockets by the side. There was only a cell phone, no cash on hand. I didn't even have a purse or handbag.

"I don't…have any money"

Antonio waved his hand

"No problem! It's on us"

"Are you sure? I feel bad not having money on me"

Edward jumped in

"It's no problem. We figured maybe you were having a bad day or something"

"Thank you all for being understanding"

Edward and Antonio smiled. Bob continued to type in his phone.

(Does he not like me?) I thought to myself

Antonio, picking up on my thoughts, reassured me

"Don't worry about Bob. He's just very into his phone"

"Oh, ok"

"More importantly, you should get something to eat"

Edward gave me the menu. There were many items. From various pizzas to appetizers and drinks. It was all overwhelming. Just as my eyes darted back and forth, a waiter walked up to our table

"Are you all done here?"

"No. We're gonna order something else" said Antonio

"Understood. I'll take up the used utensils in the meanwhile. Do you know what you'd like to order?"

As the waiter picked up the utensils and put them onto a large saucer, I continued to look at the menu

"Um, I'm not sure what to order…"

"I would recommend a slice of our cheese pizza. Paired with cane sugar soda and meatballs as a side order. We recommend for first time comers"

"Oh yeah. The meatballs are really good here. You'll definitely love it" said Edward

"Ok. Then I guess I'll have that"

"Splendid. Anything for you gentlemen?"

"Nope. We're all good" said Antonio

"Got it. I'll be back with your order ma'am"

The waiter swiftly left with the utensils in hand

"Ooof, I gotta take a leak" said Antonio

"Same here. You gotta go too Bob?" asked Edward

Bob shook his head

"Alright then. We'll be back"

I got out of my seat so Edward could get out. He and Antonio walked towards the bathroom. I sat back down. It was now me and Bob

The atmosphere felt awkward. Bob didn't look up at all, besides when Antonio called him Buster. Something about him seemed serious, like whatever was on his phone was more important than anyone else. Just then, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I take it out and turn on the screen

"From Bob:

Hey. Let's talk over text"

I look back up at Bob. He's smiling at me now. The serious stern expression from before seems to be lost. He pointed at my phone. I open into it but I have to put in a passcode

"Um…." I say to myself

Bob taps the table again. This time, he makes numbers out of his hands. Two, one, six, three, four, and zero.

"The passcode?" I ask

Bob nods

I type in the numbers in the order he signed me. My phone opens up

I see various apps. Some seem to be simple app games. Others are social media based. The one that stands out to me is the green messenger app that has a red dot with a "1" in the middle. I tap that one open. Bobs message shows up. I type in response.

"Hey. This is Water-Lily. I don't really know what's going on"

I press send. Instantly bubbles at the bottom show up. Within seconds a message shows up:

"I know you don't. Even if I explained it, you probably wouldn't remember all the details. I didn't want to say it out loud so that why I was on my phone

I wasn't trying to ignore you. I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable"

"Oh. Wait how could you tell I was uncomfortable?"

"It's not hard to read you. It's easy for us to tell when you're not feeling well. We know you well enough. But even then, you're an open book with your emotions"

"I see. That sounds like a bad thing"

"It isn't. At least, we don't feel that way about you. But more importantly, can you remember anything about last night? What did you do before going to bed?"

I stopped and closed my eyes. What was I doing last night? I faintly remember eating a light meal, followed up with brushing my teeth. Afterwards, I think I fell asleep.

"I remember eating, then brushing, then sleeping. I think"

"I figured. I'm guessing you didn't take your pill"

Pill? What pill?

"A pill?"

"Yes. For your memory. I'm guessing you don't know what I'm referring to"

I honestly didn't. I don't remember having to take a pill. And what's wrong with my memory?

"I'm confused. I have a memory problem?"

"Sort of. We've discussed it many times before"

We have?

"You likely don't remember anything but, that's because you didn't take the pill. Listen, I'll send you a picture of what it looks like. That might help jog your memory"

A picture popped up. A white medicine bottle with black font. The font read "For memory stimulation"

"Does you remember anything?"

I continued to stare at the bottle. Then, a memory flashed before my eyes. I remember, after brushing my teeth, I had picked up this very same bottle in my hand. I stared at it and put it back down. My phone was going off with messages at the same time too.

"I think, I remember holding it in my hand. My phone was going off too"

"Right. That was me reminding you to take your pill. You had entrusted me with being responsible for reminding you"

"I don't remember any of that"

"That's ok. I honestly got scared thinking you wouldn't remember anything. But the fact that you picked up on having held the bottle, tells me that your memory is getting better"

"I see"

I didn't know what to say after that. But now I remember holding the bottle in my hand. What I don't get is, why didn't I just take it?

"Do you think I just forgot to take the pill?"

"That's likely what happened. If you don't take it, you forget everything about last week, and even the current day. It's why you were in such a daze earlier"

I guess that makes sense, even though I don't fully understand

"So what do I do now?"

"Just take the pill when you get home tonight. That should help things regain balance. And also take it again at the end of the week. I'll do my part to remind you"

"Ok…I hope I can remember"

"Maybe you need to set a bunch of reminders so you'll know. So, when the end of the week comes, you'll take it even if you are starting to forget"

"That sounds scary"

"I know. But I've got your back. Edward and Antonio too. You know, they offered to also help remind you"

"They did?"

"Yeah. But you told them not to. You didn't want to burden them. Those were the words you used"

"I see. It does feel burdensome"

"It isn't. We all care. Especially Antonio"

I felt warmth in my heart. My face turned slightly pink


"Are you remembering? Your crush?"

"Yeah. I think so…"

Just as I sent that text, Antonio and Edward came back. I got up to let Edward in and then sat back down

"So, are you feeling any better?" asked Antonio

I smiled and stared into his eyes

"Yes. I do. I'm starting to remember"

Antonio and Edward smiled

"How much do you remember?" asked Edward

"Not much. I remember having to take the pill yesterday but didn't. And I also remembered something else too"

"What is it?" Antonio asked

Before I could confess my feelings, the waiter came to present my dish. Pizza, meatballs, and soda

"Your meal ma'am"

"Thank you"

After bowing, he took his leave. I immediately bit into the pizza. It was hot, but the flavors quickly took over my mouth

"Do you like it?" asked Edward

After swallowing, I responded "Yes. It's really good"

"I'm glad"

"Hey? What was the other thing you remembered?"

I blushed and looked away from Antonio's concerned gaze

"I'll tell you later"

"Huh? Is it something bad?"

Bob, smiling, placed his phone into his pocket

"No. But, let's just say, she's remembering her feelings"


Antonio started to blush. His face turned red. Bob and Edward laughed. I chuckled along with them

I hope, this time, I don't forget to take my pill. I don't want to forget these feelings I carry
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Reactions: EmptyVessel42


Jul 24, 2019
So, I've been trying to find ways to keep track of my dreams. In doing though I've been fascinated by the contents of my dreams and decided to expand on them in the form of stories. I know this isn't a forum meant for fan fictions (there are places meant for that) but I felt like sharing it here for some reason. I don't know if I'll be doing this often, but I felt like doing this today. Definitely let me know if this isn't the place for this

05/03/2023: Pizza Restaurant

I was standing in a pizza parlor. The atmosphere was lively. People were seated in sets of 2 or more. Talking and laughing amongst themselves, while munching on pizza and other food items. Waiters and waitresses dressed in tuxedos and black attire rushed back and forth; carefully balancing food and utensils. As I stared at the commotion, a man sitting beside me placed his hand on my lower back.

"Hey Water-Lily"

I jumped slightly. I looked over at my right and saw a brown light skinned man staring back at me. His eyes were a dark black color. His thin pink lips curled slightly to one end, creating a smile. A red headband adorned his forehead. Dark greasy hair folded over the top of the band. A black choker with a crescent moon was around his neck. He wore a red open vest with a short black sleeve top underneath. He wore matching black pants that were ripped at the knees. His sneakers were red with red laces.

His hand rubbed my lower back. I could feel a ring on his index finger, along with the fabric of his fingerless black gloves

"You ok? You've been standing here for the last few minutes"


Another guy sitting across from him scooted over to the right. He had on a V neck light blue shirt. It complimented his blue jeans pants that were not ripped. He also wore brown sneakers. His complexion, like the bandana guy, was light brown. His black hair shaved down and he had brown eyes.

He scooted close to another guy who was typing away on his phone. His hair was blonde with tight curls. They rested atop his white forehead. Pink freckles were scattered around his nose. He wore a green T-shirt with a yellow lightning bolt in the center. His short brown pants rested atop his knees.

The guy with the shaved hair patted the open seat next to him.

"Come on. Sit down with us"

I instinctively sat down. It was one of those connected seated spaces where a person could easily slide in and sit down. It was green and somewhat rubbery, but comfortable nonetheless. After being seated comfortably the man with the bandana spoke

"Seriously though, you ok?"

I looked down at the table. Four pieces of bitten pizza crusts adorned the space in front of me. The man who created space for me placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Yo. Is everything alright? Are you hungry?"


I wasn't sure how to respond. I didn't even know where I was or why I was even here. Moreover, who these men were. They seemed familiar and friendly, but I couldn't remember who they were.

"I…um…what place is this?"

The two guys looked at each other confused. The one on his phone kept typing away. The bandana man spoke.

"Mariana's Pizza Parlor. Are you sure everything's ok?"

"Yeah. You seem like you have amnesia or something"

"I…I don't know. I really don't know how I even got here…"

The bandana man clapped his hands

"Alright then. Let's do this. My name is Antonio. The guy next to you is Edward and next to him is Bob. His names actually Buster but since he hates it, we just call him Bob"

Bob looked up from his phone. He stared annoyingly at Antonio. Antonia laughed awkwardly.

"Anyways, does that all ring a bell now?"

It didn't. For whatever reason I was more confused than ever. How do these guys know me? Are we all friends? If so, why don't I remember their names?

Edward picked up a menu and opened it

"Are you hungry?"

My stomach made a small grumble. I nodded

"Cool. Get whatever you want"


I instinctively checked my pockets. My casual pink dress has two pockets by the side. There was only a cell phone, no cash on hand. I didn't even have a purse or handbag.

"I don't…have any money"

Antonio waved his hand

"No problem! It's on us"

"Are you sure? I feel bad not having money on me"

Edward jumped in

"It's no problem. We figured maybe you were having a bad day or something"

"Thank you all for being understanding"

Edward and Antonio smiled. Bob continued to type in his phone.

(Does he not like me?) I thought to myself

Antonio, picking up on my thoughts, reassured me

"Don't worry about Bob. He's just very into his phone"

"Oh, ok"

"More importantly, you should get something to eat"

Edward gave me the menu. There were many items. From various pizzas to appetizers and drinks. It was all overwhelming. Just as my eyes darted back and forth, a waiter walked up to our table

"Are you all done here?"

"No. We're gonna order something else" said Antonio

"Understood. I'll take up the used utensils in the meanwhile. Do you know what you'd like to order?"

As the waiter picked up the utensils and put them onto a large saucer, I continued to look at the menu

"Um, I'm not sure what to order…"

"I would recommend a slice of our cheese pizza. Paired with cane sugar soda and meatballs as a side order. We recommend for first time comers"

"Oh yeah. The meatballs are really good here. You'll definitely love it" said Edward

"Ok. Then I guess I'll have that"

"Splendid. Anything for you gentlemen?"

"Nope. We're all good" said Antonio

"Got it. I'll be back with your order ma'am"

The waiter swiftly left with the utensils in hand

"Ooof, I gotta take a leak" said Antonio

"Same here. You gotta go too Bob?" asked Edward

Bob shook his head

"Alright then. We'll be back"

I got out of my seat so Edward could get out. He and Antonio walked towards the bathroom. I sat back down. It was now me and Bob

The atmosphere felt awkward. Bob didn't look up at all, besides when Antonio called him Buster. Something about him seemed serious, like whatever was on his phone was more important than anyone else. Just then, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I take it out and turn on the screen

"From Bob:

Hey. Let's talk over text"

I look back up at Bob. He's smiling at me now. The serious stern expression from before seems to be lost. He pointed at my phone. I open into it but I have to put in a passcode

"Um…." I say to myself

Bob taps the table again. This time, he makes numbers out of his hands. Two, one, six, three, four, and zero.

"The passcode?" I ask

Bob nods

I type in the numbers in the order he signed me. My phone opens up

I see various apps. Some seem to be simple app games. Others are social media based. The one that stands out to me is the green messenger app that has a red dot with a "1" in the middle. I tap that one open. Bobs message shows up. I type in response.

"Hey. This is Water-Lily. I don't really know what's going on"

I press send. Instantly bubbles at the bottom show up. Within seconds a message shows up:

"I know you don't. Even if I explained it, you probably wouldn't remember all the details. I didn't want to say it out loud so that why I was on my phone

I wasn't trying to ignore you. I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable"

"Oh. Wait how could you tell I was uncomfortable?"

"It's not hard to read you. It's easy for us to tell when you're not feeling well. We know you well enough. But even then, you're an open book with your emotions"

"I see. That sounds like a bad thing"

"It isn't. At least, we don't feel that way about you. But more importantly, can you remember anything about last night? What did you do before going to bed?"

I stopped and closed my eyes. What was I doing last night? I faintly remember eating a light meal, followed up with brushing my teeth. Afterwards, I think I fell asleep.

"I remember eating, then brushing, then sleeping. I think"

"I figured. I'm guessing you didn't take your pill"

Pill? What pill?

"A pill?"

"Yes. For your memory. I'm guessing you don't know what I'm referring to"

I honestly didn't. I don't remember having to take a pill. And what's wrong with my memory?

"I'm confused. I have a memory problem?"

"Sort of. We've discussed it many times before"

We have?

"You likely don't remember anything but, that's because you didn't take the pill. Listen, I'll send you a picture of what it looks like. That might help jog your memory"

A picture popped up. A white medicine bottle with black font. The font read "For memory stimulation"

"Does you remember anything?"

I continued to stare at the bottle. Then, a memory flashed before my eyes. I remember, after brushing my teeth, I had picked up this very same bottle in my hand. I stared at it and put it back down. My phone was going off with messages at the same time too.

"I think, I remember holding it in my hand. My phone was going off too"

"Right. That was me reminding you to take your pill. You had entrusted me with being responsible for reminding you"

"I don't remember any of that"

"That's ok. I honestly got scared thinking you wouldn't remember anything. But the fact that you picked up on having held the bottle, tells me that your memory is getting better"

"I see"

I didn't know what to say after that. But now I remember holding the bottle in my hand. What I don't get is, why didn't I just take it?

"Do you think I just forgot to take the pill?"

"That's likely what happened. If you don't take it, you forget everything about last week, and even the current day. It's why you were in such a daze earlier"

I guess that makes sense, even though I don't fully understand

"So what do I do now?"

"Just take the pill when you get home tonight. That should help things regain balance. And also take it again at the end of the week. I'll do my part to remind you"

"Ok…I hope I can remember"

"Maybe you need to set a bunch of reminders so you'll know. So, when the end of the week comes, you'll take it even if you are starting to forget"

"That sounds scary"

"I know. But I've got your back. Edward and Antonio too. You know, they offered to also help remind you"

"They did?"

"Yeah. But you told them not to. You didn't want to burden them. Those were the words you used"

"I see. It does feel burdensome"

"It isn't. We all care. Especially Antonio"

I felt warmth in my heart. My face turned slightly pink


"Are you remembering? Your crush?"

"Yeah. I think so…"

Just as I sent that text, Antonio and Edward came back. I got up to let Edward in and then sat back down

"So, are you feeling any better?" asked Antonio

I smiled and stared into his eyes

"Yes. I do. I'm starting to remember"

Antonio and Edward smiled

"How much do you remember?" asked Edward

"Not much. I remember having to take the pill yesterday but didn't. And I also remembered something else too"

"What is it?" Antonio asked

Before I could confess my feelings, the waiter came to present my dish. Pizza, meatballs, and soda

"Your meal ma'am"

"Thank you"

After bowing, he took his leave. I immediately bit into the pizza. It was hot, but the flavors quickly took over my mouth

"Do you like it?" asked Edward

After swallowing, I responded "Yes. It's really good"

"I'm glad"

"Hey? What was the other thing you remembered?"

I blushed and looked away from Antonio's concerned gaze

"I'll tell you later"

"Huh? Is it something bad?"

Bob, smiling, placed his phone into his pocket

"No. But, let's just say, she's remembering her feelings"


Antonio started to blush. His face turned red. Bob and Edward laughed. I chuckled along with them

I hope, this time, I don't forget to take my pill. I don't want to forget these feelings I carry
That was wholesome :) well done


Dec 26, 2020
That was wholesome :) well done
Thank you. While writing it, I considered making it into a darker tone. But I wanted to end the story in a wholesome way

I'm glad you liked it
  • Like
Reactions: EmptyVessel42


Jul 24, 2019
Thank you. While writing it, I considered making it into a darker tone. But I wanted to end the story in a wholesome way

I'm glad you liked it
Looking forward to your next entry! 👏

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