

Jun 25, 2019
They say that if a teenager (especially a woman) has kids before the graduate high school, both the mother and child have a high chance of being in poverty. If someone got a vasectomy/hysterectomy or tubal litigation when 18 and then was kicked out, do they have a lower chance of becoming poor than someone who isn't?

I'm thinking of this as I may be kicked out myself.


Apr 7, 2019
I guess it all depends on how much self control you have when it comes to partners. Honestly I think a pack of condoms could also do the trick.


Feb 8, 2019
In most places (in the US at least) there are some pretty strict requirements about getting tubal litigation and pretty sure age is first on that list so at 18 you could not.

That said there is likely truth in that. Children are soul sucking vampires that cost a ton of money im amazed anyone has children at all.

It's like paying forever to have extra responsibility, less energy, less of a life, and a commitment of a minimum of 18 years. No thanks.

Otherwise though yes having children substantially increases your likelihood of being poor if you are not prepared and at 18 most people are not. Hell at 25 most people are not. One way ticket to poverty town and it's worse if you already live there
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