I think it depends on what you go in expecting, and your knowledge about the different approaches and treatments. Even if you go in believing you'll get better and wanting to participate in whatever work is necessary if you don't have the right therapist it won't work. This goes beyond just the personality of the therapist, and more about how skilled they are too. You can find loads of info out there about how often trauma goes unnoticed and is often misdiagnosed as something else.
I think it's sort of helped me open up because I before it wasn't just that I didn't want to but that I didn't know how anyways. My parents and most adults valued silence from children and never cared about exploring our feelings. That we should be fine and should only feel happiness and be grateful that we had the basic necessities because children in Africa were starving.
I think therapy has helped just not in a way that was expected. It helped with a deeper understanding of myself and explore my inner self which would seem good to the average person if my inner self wasn't saying "You should ctb, because distracting yourself will never work" It's made it so I can explain where a lot of my feelings come from, and why I don't believe I can be talked out of it now and why I know that the pro-life people are all bullshit. Now I feel a bit more comfortable be honest about how awful and shitty everything.
I think this is largely to do with being able to talk to someone and having the focus be entirely on you, and you don't have to pretend or balance out caring about the other person when just want to vent. That you can pretty much say anything and not be made to feel guilty or ashamed, though actively planning suicide or homicide is kinda out the question lol. The reason that talking can help is that for many it's the first time they feel validated or that anyone made them feel like their words mattered. I'm still seeing my therapist, and she's the only person I've talked to longer than 10-15 minutes in the last 5 months. I told her I wanted to quit a few weeks ago, that I didn't see myself improving and honestly was tired of even trying. She just said to let her continue to be there for me, so I have, but she doesn't realize that I'm saying I'll let her be there for me until I ctb. And she probably thinks she just holding off until I want to try to get better again.
I also think medication plays a huge role in it. No medication has felt like a massive improvement, but they have helped alleviate certain things and have left my mind a bit less foggy.
I do see your point of view too though, and totally understand it. The cost and time it takes to find a decent therapist isn't worth it for a lot of people. It can be very painful and exhausting which can lead you to feel worse too. There's the risk that you may get a bad therapist too, which means you reveal your biggest secret to someone you trust only for them to say something doesn't leave you feeling comforted.