
Aug 18, 2020
I think the phenomenon is called doomscrolling.

Doomscrolling or doomsurfing is the act of spending an excessive amount of screen time devoted to the absorption of negative news. Increased consumption of predominantly negative news may result in harmful psychophysiological responses in some cases

Here is an article about it.
Here some quotes.

"People are drawn to doomscrolling because they feel like they have a sense of being able to control any of that bad news,"
(I rather cannot relate to that.)

"The overall impact doomscrolling has on people can vary, but typically, it can make you feel extra anxious, depressed, and isolated"

"Yeager recommends trying to limit the amount of time you spend on your devices. So, maybe you put aside 15 minutes for you to cruise social media but, when the time is up, you put your phone down and don't do it again for the rest of the day. And, if even that makes you feel stressed, don't do it."

I think I am a news junkie. And I am a mental wreck. But personally I doubt very much this is the reason for it. I can relate to the point about social media. I experienced how toxic this can be. But I think I am kind of immune to the presented negativity. Maybe this is arrogance. Or an overestimation I am probably not fully immune.

I rather follow the news because I am genuinely interest how the things develop. Which thingas are going on in the world. I am very much into power politics and I am highly interested in the chess moves of the global players. Maybe I lack some empathy and this is the reason why I am more immune to all the negativity. When I see horrible things happen in the news I rather think at least I am not alone with my nightmarish existence. I know some have it worse than me. But I am hating my life or a huge part of it since I am very young. I know how cruel life can be. Not to be alone with this fate can be kind of comforting.

Moreover I am interested to explore the world. And to understand how things work. How other cultures differ and how the thinking patterns differ all around the world. The bigger problem is for me that I have the bias the media would always reflect/mirror the full truth. The media has a lot of biases and I try to be more aware about that. I obtain too much information solely from the media but at least I am using a diverse spectrum of outlets.

The world is so intricate and I am curious how things are. What truth is and which biases or stereotypes I have. For me watching the news is exciting. I know many people cannot relate to that. Many people turn cynical when they understand how the world works. I try to resist that but I am not good at that. It is hard to have some faith into concepts when you experience how many promises before an election gets broken after every election.


Aug 24, 2019
I rarely check the news for this very reason. Negative news is pushed more often and gets more clicks compared to positive news articles.

I follow a few positive new sources that speak about scientific advancements and that's basically it but even those I barely check.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Excess of pointless information I can't do anything about is why I avoid most things. On the other hand people who consume way too much just stop caring since that's the only way they can cope. It's better to just not know


Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
I try not to, but I live in the U.S. Worse yet, I live in Florida which seems to be the epicenter for a lot of the truly insane shit going on in this country so its hard to avoid it COMPLETELY. And yes, what few things that do get through are horribly depressing and pretty much kill any hope I have for humanity's future.


Apr 15, 2022
Yes, most definitely, but I feel it important to stay informed about things going on in this world.

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