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the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
honestly I am just seeking validation with this question.

I feel extremely conflicted towards my parents. I hate them, I grew up loathing them, still now that I'm a little bit older I empathize with them, I understand some of their motives, I feel sorry for them, I don't want to hurt them when I cbt. I can't forgive them, I hate them, yet I care for them.

I want to cbt but their feelings are THE obstacle for me.

Please, can anyone relate?
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Oct 3, 2020
I can't relate to having abusive parents, so I can't imagine how terrible that must have been, sorry. But I did entertain for some time the thought of ctb so I could 'get back at them' for particular situations. Not sure if it helps, but here's my opinion: your life is yours, they don't have a say in it. You didn't ask to be born. When I think that I'll be upsetting my parents by committing, I think that anyway, I won't be there to see it happen. I would recommend seeking help from them (mentioning you're suicidal, that you're struggling mentally, etc.), if that's an option so they know what's going on, if not you could write about your motives in a suicide note so they know you didn't want to hurt them. Wish you the best.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I absolutely relate. I have so much compassion for what caused my parents to be the way they are, and for how blind they are and how badly they fuck up, all the while believing they're right. I've written several threads working through a slightly different issue -- their feelings aren't a block, but the issue was whether or not to leave a letter as I know they will be impacted, yet no matter what I say, their filters will skew it.

I was being internally beaten up about how they're going to suffer and my ostensible need to address it, yet no matter what I do that is honest and doesn't take away from my self respect, it won't make the impact I desire. I'm 49 years old, and I have simultaneously loved and hated my parents my whole life. It varies in intensity and I'm much more grounded than I've ever been, but I'm still impacted by it. I try to stick with non-attached compassion -- I care, but I didn't cause their problems, I can't cure them, and I can't control them. I have to let them deal with their own emotions and problems.

Although they will experience it this way, if I suicide, I am not doing anything to them. They think everything I do is something I do to them, especially doing anything for myself, anything that is freedom or establishing a boundary, anything to do with my own autonomy, or even making a mistake that only impacts me. It's fucking insane. And they claim to be so normal and moral.

I have no idea if it will serve you, but I have an active thread in Off Topic about my parents. We have not been in contact for several years and they pushed a boundary to the point that it required me to enforce some pretty serious consequences. It wasn't easy, I took no joy in it, but it was necessary. If you care to read it, there's a letter in a spoiler in that thread. I sent it to some of their friends and our extended family. What's particularly relevant when I think of you is the paragraph toward the end about silence. It's about what they believe they have the right to do, and that I'm no longer allowing it. It's helped me make a mental shift, perhaps there's something in that thread or in that paragraph that can serve you.

Anyhow, I've written multiple threads processing about my parents. SS has been a great place for me to do that. I'm really glad you posted this thread, and I'm glad I was able to relate. I hope you get something great out of having posted, if not from me, than from someone else.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I don't hate my parents, but I still cry sometimes when I have flashbacks of some things.
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Oct 11, 2020
honestly I am just seeking validation with this question.

I feel extremely conflicted towards my parents. I hate them, I grew up loathing them, still now that I'm a little bit older I empathize with them, I understand some of their motives, I feel sorry for them, I don't want to hurt them when I cbt. I can't forgive them, I hate them, yet I care for them.

I want to cbt but their feelings are THE obstacle for me.

Please, can anyone relate?
For me, I have to do what's best. I won't be here anymore so who cares about the feelings of others in this regard. Others don't know the second-to-second challenges I face just to be here. You try to explain to them and they brush it off, condemn you for not being "normal" or happy or they ridicule you, bully you. I am speaking for myself. If my parents were abusive, that would be a clear indicator they don't love me and I wouldn't care how they feel. That's just me.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
My parents killed me but they didn't mean to and that's what I always try to bare in mind. She thinks I've put her through hell I think she's put me through hell. Both of us waiting for the other to make the first move resulting in a stalemate. I gambled with my life that they loved me.
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Feb 14, 2019
I can relate. I have hated my dad a long time (I love my mom she has tried so hard). They both had faults though. My dad was always very absent in my life. He didn't show much love or care about me. He has mental issues himself (asperger's...i guess that's were I got it from) so now I do sympathize with him... I'm trying to understand. I'm just mad he won't help me even though he has the financial means to.He knows I'm suicidal but won't help! I'm so mad over it! My poor mom was just driven mad by his mean words. I understand why she was always crying and why she had anger. It's sad because children take after their parents and learn behaviors. They both know they screwed up raising me and I have issues because of it.

But in the end I forgive them (my abusive ex I'll never forgive though) I want to die forgiving them..my mom is literally the only reason I'm still here so this is so hard on me.
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Jun 6, 2020

My mom has died of cancer about 2 years ago, and though she pushed me to suicide so many times, I knew where it came from. Her hatred towards me was a reflection of her hatred towards herself. Every time she beat me and my brother, it was as if she was hurting the broken girl inside of her. Nonetheless, it is not excusable but gives me insight
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
I personally hate my parents. They could come to me on their hands and knees begging me to take them back and I'd spit at them. They took everything from me. They took my life away before I had a chance to live. I'll never forgive them.


Sep 28, 2020
I've sacrificed a lot for my abusive mother and she's changed or helped me back one bit. I'm wanna commit suicide just so I can get far away from her. I don't forgive her, I used but now I don't I never hurt or abused her my dad but she takes out on me
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
The way the treat me makes me so white hot with rage I can fully understand why some bullied kids become school shooters. I feel like Im an object to them.
But at the same time cant help but think its me who made them this way. Caretaker burnout is a thing, and Ive been torturing them for years with my inability to die and my endless bullshit.
They might have made unforgivable mistakes, but there are two sides to the coin.
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the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
But at the same time cant help but think its me who made them this way. Caretaker burnout is a thing, and Ive been torturing them for years with my inability to die and my endless bullshit.

no trying to say that i know better than you about your own life, but i mean.. you didn't ask to be born, it's not your fault they were not ready to deal with their choice to have a child...


The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
no trying to say that i know better than you about your own life, but i mean.. you didn't ask to be born, it's not your fault they were not ready to deal with their choice to have a child...

Yeah (antinatalism ftw), but it still doesnt excuse the shitty things I have done in the past. Morality isnt selective, I drove them up a wall time and time and time again.
I did things that Im lucky they didnt disown me and permanently put me away into an institution.
It just hurts that now that Im trying to get better, they no longer give a shit, because they had enough.


Oct 15, 2020
I went through the empathy stage. I'm over it. Fuck her and her helplessness.

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