I think it's very easy to turn it around and believe they are hyper-critical of suicide because that criticism is focused inward. They believe in and espouse such values because they don't want themselves to 'succumb' to suicide and that's what drove them through their depressive phases. Of course there's not an excuse for lashing out at others with blanket statements that trivialize their experiences, but even these people saying such things deserve to be heard and reasoned with and trying to find exactly why they feel the way they do. And of course, you can't be expected to go into a full therapy session with each random individual on Reddit. It's much easier to say they're an idiot and move on. I do it all the time.
I've lashed out at others for displaying qualities and attributes that I find contemptuous about myself. I've heard on this forum that there is not one singular way to be suicidal, that each person has a range of experiences and factors that contribute to their own unique situation. I think that also extends to depression. Of course, 'depression' has become a tag word for any bout of sadness that somebody experiences in our 21st century therapy lingo, but it's also impossible to see inside somebody's head at all their experiences and determine exactly if they're valid or invalid in their assessment of their own mental states. Saying that they're 'fake' or 'not depressed' because they made a tasteless comment like this in a vacuum such as a Reddit comment isn't very fair. Just like the things they're saying aren't very fair.
I would like the strength to treat each individual that says these things with reverence, and I always give others the benefit of the doubt. I'm trying to be compassionate and understanding, even when met with comments like this that devalue the experiences of others and try to take them down. If I could, I would like to speak with everybody that makes a comment like this and try and go through their life experiences to try and find out why they think the way they do. That's impossible, given my limited time on this Earth, an individual's unwillingness to open up to an internet stranger, and my own lack of emotional fortitude, but it's always a nice dream.
It's very difficult to talk about all of this because there's so many factors. I'm sorry for my lack of articulateness.