
Apr 8, 2018
Hello everyone,

Unfortunately, I am still here. I haven't posted in a while, but have been feeling rather isolated lately, so decided to start posting and really being a part of the SS community.
will always be until I either CTB or die of natural causes or in some sort of accident.

Since I'm the one who brought up this rather nutty topic, I'll share about my friends.

Bryan was the first friend who came to me. Well, he didn't just come, I created him with my imagination from babyhood. The other four came to me already formed.

Bryan is a tree. He is nearly thirteen years old. December nineth is his birthday, so coming right up!

I created him the day after I found out my father passed away. My father passed away on December eighth, 2006, just two weeks after my sixteenth birthday.

I was devastated when I found out the horrible news. My father was the only one in my family that I could confide in and trust with all of my secrets. Everyone else either didn't have the time to listen for one reason or another, or they would blad everything to my mom, who was not a nice mother, to say the least.

Bryan hatched from a shell, like birds hatch from eggs. He had to push his way out, eventually breaking through the shell's heavy
Thanks to the mod who enabled my account, allowing me to post new threads again. I am eternally grateful to all of you for keeping this site up and running.

I know this question sounds crazy, and it probably is, lol! I never said I wasn't crazy, lol!

Anyway, I have five imaginary friends, and I was wondering if anyone else has them currently or has had them as children.

Mind you, I am not a child. I am almost twenty-nine years old, but they are with me, nevertheless. I couldn't survive without them: they are a constant in my life and they always be until I either catch the bus or die of natural causes or in an accident.

Since I'm the one who brought up such a nutty topic, I'll share about my imaginary friends.

Bryan came to me first when I was sixteen. Well, actually, he didn't just arrive, I created him from babyhood. The other four friends who came after him, however, arrived on their own, with fully formed bodies, minds, etc. So, they weren't babies.

Bryan is a tree. His birthday is December ninth, and he was born in 2006, on a very chilly but sunny morning. I created him the morning after I found out the terrible news from my stepfather at the time, that my biological father had passed away. It was just two weeks after my sixteenth birthday that he died.

I was devastated by the news. My father was a very kind and generous man. He was the only one who I could confide in with full confidence, the only one who would actually listen to what I had to say. No one else in my family could be trusted to do that. They either didn't "have time" to listen, or they blabbed things I said to my mom that I had wanted to remain confidential.

My mom was not a kind mother. Her temper was very bad, and her fuse very short. We never were close, and we still aren't.

Bryan hatched from a shell, like the way a bird would hatch from an egg. He had to push his way out of the shell until he finally managed to break through its thick, hard, protective layers. When he finally popped out, I was overjoyed. I held him in my palm and just gazed down at him with admiration and love.

I am blind, but I have some sight. I imagined him as a tiny, green dot, which was what he was the size of.

"Welcome to the world, Bryan," I whispered to him, and then I set him very gently into imaginary soil that was wetted just a touch with refreshing, cool, clear water in my other hand. Later, after he had adjusted to his surroundings, I brought him outside so he could thrive on the sun's bright, powerful rays.

Since it was December, the sun didn't put out much warmth, but I knew the light itself was beneficial and that he would stay warm in the palm of my hand.

Bryan required a great deal of care. It was a wonderful distraction from the terrible grief that ripped and tore mercilessly at my very vulnerable and already traumatized heart. I honestly don't know what I would have done without Bryan, especially in those first days and weeks.

People kept asking why I wasn't crying or showing any outward emotion, but I could never tell them. I knew it would be considered crazy, and even taboo, to have an imaginary friend, so I just told them I was relying on the strength of God to get me through, and they were satisfied enough with that explanation.

Now, Bryan is a huge tree. He stands about fifty feet tall, and he provides great comfort to me on a daily basis. I call him my tree of laziness because, when I am feeling overly anxious, or can't sleep due to insomnia, I imagine him lifting me up into one of his higher branches, and then I just chill out there while he takes me for a stroll in the park. I imagine the branch that I am perched on rocking soothingly, and, eventually, I fall aseep or start to feel more grounded.
and on its own. It's almost like the computer is its own entity, like it has a mind of its own, just like my imaginary friends.

Well, bye for now. Feel free to share any of your imaginary friend stories or questions for me if you have any.

It doesn't always work, but it works about fifty percent of the time. When it doesn't work, it still comforts me to know that he is nearby and will come when I call him.

I have to post this thread now because my computer keeps erasing my thread if I let it get too long, but I'll post about the others in replies to this thread. Sorry to the mods if this creates trouble, but my screen reader is difficult to use. It keeps doing things I don't want it to do
Hello everyone,

Unfortunately, I am still here. I haven't posted in a while, but have been feeling rather isolated lately, so decided to start posting and really being a part of the SS community.
will always be until I either CTB or die of natural causes or in some sort of accident.

Since I'm the one who brought up this rather nutty topic, I'll share about my friends.

Bryan was the first friend who came to me. Well, he didn't just come, I created him with my imagination from babyhood. The other four came to me already formed.

Bryan is a tree. He is nearly thirteen years old. December nineth is his birthday, so coming right up!

I created him the day after I found out my father passed away. My father passed away on December eighth, 2006, just two weeks after my sixteenth birthday.

I was devastated when I found out the horrible news. My father was the only one in my family that I could confide in and trust with all of my secrets. Everyone else either didn't have the time to listen for one reason or another, or they would blad everything to my mom, who was not a nice mother, to say the least.

Bryan hatched from a shell, like birds hatch from eggs. He had to push his way out, eventually breaking through the shell's heavy
Thanks to the mod who enabled my account, allowing me to post new threads again. I am eternally grateful to all of you for keeping this site up and running.

I know this question sounds crazy, and it probably is, lol! I never said I wasn't crazy, lol!

Anyway, I have five imaginary friends, and I was wondering if anyone else has them currently or has had them as children.

Mind you, I am not a child. I am almost twenty-nine years old, but they are with me, nevertheless. I couldn't survive without them: they are a constant in my life and they always be until I either catch the bus or die of natural causes or in an accident.

Since I'm the one who brought up such a nutty topic, I'll share about my imaginary friends.

Bryan came to me first when I was sixteen. Well, actually, he didn't just arrive, I created him from babyhood. The other four friends who came after him, however, arrived on their own, with fully formed bodies, minds, etc. So, they weren't babies.

Bryan is a tree. His birthday is December ninth, and he was born in 2006, on a very chilly but sunny morning. I created him the morning after I found out the terrible news from my stepfather at the time, that my biological father had passed away. It was just two weeks after my sixteenth birthday that he died.

I was devastated by the news. My father was a very kind and generous man. He was the only one who I could confide in with full confidence, the only one who would actually listen to what I had to say. No one else in my family could be trusted to do that. They either didn't "have time" to listen, or they blabbed things I said to my mom that I had wanted to remain confidential.

My mom was not a kind mother. Her temper was very bad, and her fuse very short. We never were close, and we still aren't.

Bryan hatched from a shell, like the way a bird would hatch from an egg. He had to push his way out of the shell until he finally managed to break through its thick, hard, protective layers. When he finally popped out, I was overjoyed. I held him in my palm and just gazed down at him with admiration and love.

I am blind, but I have some sight. I imagined him as a tiny, green dot, which was what he was the size of.

"Welcome to the world, Bryan," I whispered to him, and then I set him very gently into imaginary soil that was wetted just a touch with refreshing, cool, clear water in my other hand. Later, after he had adjusted to his surroundings, I brought him outside so he could thrive on the sun's bright, powerful rays.

Since it was December, the sun didn't put out much warmth, but I knew the light itself was beneficial and that he would stay warm in the palm of my hand.

Bryan required a great deal of care. It was a wonderful distraction from the terrible grief that ripped and tore mercilessly at my very vulnerable and already traumatized heart. I honestly don't know what I would have done without Bryan, especially in those first days and weeks.

People kept asking why I wasn't crying or showing any outward emotion, but I could never tell them. I knew it would be considered crazy, and even taboo, to have an imaginary friend, so I just told them I was relying on the strength of God to get me through, and they were satisfied enough with that explanation.
Now, Bryan is a huge tree. He stands about fifty feet tall, and he provides great comfort to me on a daily basis. I call him my tree of laziness because, when I am feeling overly anxious, or can't sleep due to insomnia, I imagine him lifting me up into one of his higher branches, and then I just chill out there while he takes me for a stroll in the park. I imagine the branch that I am perched on rocking soothingly, and, eventually, I fall aseep or start to feel more grounded.
and on its own. It's almost like the computer is its own entity, like it has a mind of its own, just like my imaginary friends.

Well, bye for now. Feel free to share any of your imaginary friend stories or questions for me if you have any.

It doesn't always work, but it works about fifty percent of the time. When it doesn't work, it still comforts me to know that he is nearby and will come when I call him.

I have to post this thread now because my computer keeps erasing my thread if I let it get too long, but I'll post about the others in replies to this thread. Sorry to the mods if this creates trouble, but my screen reader is difficult to use. It keeps doing things I don't want it to do
Phew, my first thread posted. Now I can write about the others.

By the way, sorry my first post was screwed up. Like I said, my computer keeps jumping, so some of the first post is kind of messed up. I don't know how to edit it, sorry! I guess you don't have to read my threads if they are too hard to follow. In the meantime, I'll try and fix whatever's making my computer whakki. Or, maybe it's just me and my own stupidity of not knowing to use it, lol!

Anyway, Nevaeh came shortly after Bryan. She came four months later. March 12 is the actual day she came, and that is when I celebrate her birthday.

Nevaeh is heaven spelled backwards. Her name has a weird pronnounciation, it's pronnounced nuh-vay-uh.

Anyway, she came to me fully formed in mind, body, and spirit. She is a doll, the size of a key chain doll or worry doll, the kind you put under your pillow at night while you are sleeping so it can gather up your worries and carry them off into the night.

Nevaeh has no hair. Her arms and legs are very tiny. It's a good thing she is imaginary, or else I might have broken her on accident.

She loves to be carried in a pocket or ride on my shoulder. We both love to perch on one of Bryan's lazy branches and have him take us for an imaginary ride.

Nevaeh came to me the day after a horrible fight broke out at my house. It was a fight between my mother and her and her boyfriend at the time. There was lots os shouting, swearing, and slamming doors. My mom also started throwing his things and his son't things off the porch, while shouting all sorts of obsenities.

Eventually, the cops were caled and it broke it up, but not before traumazing me all over again.

While they fought, I hid in my bedroom. I had the door shut and locked and just sat on the edge of my bed, rocking back and forth, humming softly to Bryan, who was even more frightened than I was because he was just a baby, only four months old and only ankle high.

The doors were slamming so hard that the whole house shook and vibrated with the angry energy. My drums rattled with all the racket, which only added to my sense of great anxiety and helplessness.

Bryan was hiding under the bed for quite a long time, but, eventually, he edged his way out and came to sit on my lap. I kept on rocking and humming to him while stroking his branches, and told him everything would be ok, though in my mind, I didn't really know if things would ever be ok again, or if they ever were to begin with..

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Apr 8, 2018
breaks in the thread.Anyway, back to Nevaeh....

Nevaeh gives me courage to do and say things that are difficult. For instance, she helped me confide in my aunt about my grandma's X boyfriend doing inappropriate things with me sexually.

It had been happening for a long time, almost two months. The reason why I didn't say anything about it before Nevaeh gave me courage is because I felt ashamed and confused about what was happening.

I don't want to go into the situation now, but I shudder to think what might have happened if I hadn't told.

Anyway, Nevaeh came to me on March twelth during one of my colege classes. I was attending the running start program and was taking a computer class. I had just been given a computer with Jaws not long after, and I was trying to learn how to use it.

Jaws is a screen reader for the blind..

The class was going well. I was learning how to compose an email, when, all of a suddden, Nevaeh jumped right up on my shoulder from another computer in the classroom. I remember admiring her gracefulness when she landed.

I wasn't afraid or startled by her sudden presence. I could immediately feel the love and warmth that immenated from her. I knew right away that she belonged and welcomed her with a big smile and a nod of approval so she knew she could stay.
Hello everyone,

Unfortunately, I am still here. I haven't posted in a while, but have been feeling rather isolated lately, so decided to start posting and really being a part of the SS community.
will always be until I either CTB or die of natural causes or in some sort of accident.

Since I'm the one who brought up this rather nutty topic, I'll share about my friends.

Bryan was the first friend who came to me. Well, he didn't just come, I created him with my imagination from babyhood. The other four came to me already formed.

Bryan is a tree. He is nearly thirteen years old. December nineth is his birthday, so coming right up!

I created him the day after I found out my father passed away. My father passed away on December eighth, 2006, just two weeks after my sixteenth birthday.

I was devastated when I found out the horrible news. My father was the only one in my family that I could confide in and trust with all of my secrets. Everyone else either didn't have the time to listen for one reason or another, or they would blad everything to my mom, who was not a nice mother, to say the least.

Bryan hatched from a shell, like birds hatch from eggs. He had to push his way out, eventually breaking through the shell's heavy
Thanks to the mod who enabled my account, allowing me to post new threads again. I am eternally grateful to all of you for keeping this site up and running.

I know this question sounds crazy, and it probably is, lol! I never said I wasn't crazy, lol!

Anyway, I have five imaginary friends, and I was wondering if anyone else has them currently or has had them as children.

Mind you, I am not a child. I am almost twenty-nine years old, but they are with me, nevertheless. I couldn't survive without them: they are a constant in my life and they always be until I either catch the bus or die of natural causes or in an accident.

Since I'm the one who brought up such a nutty topic, I'll share about my imaginary friends.

Bryan came to me first when I was sixteen. Well, actually, he didn't just arrive, I created him from babyhood. The other four friends who came after him, however, arrived on their own, with fully formed bodies, minds, etc. So, they weren't babies.

Bryan is a tree. His birthday is December ninth, and he was born in 2006, on a very chilly but sunny morning. I created him the morning after I found out the terrible news from my stepfather at the time, that my biological father had passed away. It was just two weeks after my sixteenth birthday that he died.

I was devastated by the news. My father was a very kind and generous man. He was the only one who I could confide in with full confidence, the only one who would actually listen to what I had to say. No one else in my family could be trusted to do that. They either didn't "have time" to listen, or they blabbed things I said to my mom that I had wanted to remain confidential.

My mom was not a kind mother. Her temper was very bad, and her fuse very short. We never were close, and we still aren't.

Bryan hatched from a shell, like the way a bird would hatch from an egg. He had to push his way out of the shell until he finally managed to break through its thick, hard, protective layers. When he finally popped out, I was overjoyed. I held him in my palm and just gazed down at him with admiration and love.

I am blind, but I have some sight. I imagined him as a tiny, green dot, which was what he was the size of.

"Welcome to the world, Bryan," I whispered to him, and then I set him very gently into imaginary soil that was wetted just a touch with refreshing, cool, clear water in my other hand. Later, after he had adjusted to his surroundings, I brought him outside so he could thrive on the sun's bright, powerful rays.

Since it was December, the sun didn't put out much warmth, but I knew the light itself was beneficial and that he would stay warm in the palm of my hand.

Bryan required a great deal of care. It was a wonderful distraction from the terrible grief that ripped and tore mercilessly at my very vulnerable and already traumatized heart. I honestly don't know what I would have done without Bryan, especially in those first days and weeks.

People kept asking why I wasn't crying or showing any outward emotion, but I could never tell them. I knew it would be considered crazy, and even taboo, to have an imaginary friend, so I just told them I was relying on the strength of God to get me through, and they were satisfied enough with that explanation.
Now, Bryan is a huge tree. He stands about fifty feet tall, and he provides great comfort to me on a daily basis. I call him my tree of laziness because, when I am feeling overly anxious, or can't sleep due to insomnia, I imagine him lifting me up into one of his higher branches, and then I just chill out there while he takes me for a stroll in the park. I imagine the branch that I am perched on rocking soothingly, and, eventually, I fall aseep or start to feel more grounded.
and on its own. It's almost like the computer is its own entity, like it has a mind of its own, just like my imaginary friends.

Well, bye for now. Feel free to share any of your imaginary friend stories or questions for me if you have any.

It doesn't always work, but it works about fifty percent of the time. When it doesn't work, it still comforts me to know that he is nearby and will come when I call him.

I have to post this thread now because my computer keeps erasing my thread if I let it get too long, but I'll post about the others in replies to this thread. Sorry to the mods if this creates trouble, but my screen reader is difficult to use. It keeps doing things I don't want it to do
Phew, my first thread posted. Now I can write about the others.

By the way, sorry my first post was screwed up. Like I said, my computer keeps jumping, so some of the first post is kind of messed up. I don't know how to edit it, sorry! I guess you don't have to read my threads if they are too hard to follow. In the meantime, I'll try and fix whatever's making my computer whakki. Or, maybe it's just me and my own stupidity of not knowing to use it, lol!

Anyway, Nevaeh came shortly after Bryan. She came four months later. March 12 is the actual day she came, and that is when I celebrate her birthday.

Nevaeh is heaven spelled backwards. Her name has a weird pronnounciation, it's pronnounced nuh-vay-uh.

Anyway, she came to me fully formed in mind, body, and spirit. She is a doll, the size of a key chain doll or worry doll, the kind you put under your pillow at night while you are sleeping so it can gather up your worries and carry them off into the night.

Nevaeh has no hair. Her arms and legs are very tiny. It's a good thing she is imaginary, or else I might have broken her on accident.

She loves to be carried in a pocket or ride on my shoulder. We both love to perch on one of Bryan's lazy branches and have him take us for an imaginary ride.

Nevaeh came to me the day after a horrible fight broke out at my house. It was a fight between my mother and her and her boyfriend at the time. There was lots os shouting, swearing, and slamming doors. My mom also started throwing his things and his son't things off the porch, while shouting all sorts of obsenities.

Eventually, the cops were caled and it broke it up, but not before traumazing me all over again.

While they fought, I hid in my bedroom. I had the door shut and locked and just sat on the edge of my bed, rocking back and forth, humming softly to Bryan, who was even more frightened than I was because he was just a baby, only four months old and only ankle high.

The doors were slamming so hard that the whole house shook and vibrated with the angry energy. My drums rattled with all the racket, which only added to my sense of great anxiety and helplessness.

Bryan was hiding under the bed for quite a long time, but, eventually, he edged his way out and came to sit on my lap. I kept on rocking and humming to him while stroking his branches, and told him everything would be ok, though in my mind, I didn't really know if things would ever be ok again, or if they ever were to begin with..

Hello everyone,

Unfortunately, I am still here. I haven't posted in a while, but have been feeling rather isolated lately, so decided to start posting and really being a part of the SS community.
will always be until I either CTB or die of natural causes or in some sort of accident.

Since I'm the one who brought up this rather nutty topic, I'll share about my friends.

Bryan was the first friend who came to me. Well, he didn't just come, I created him with my imagination from babyhood. The other four came to me already formed.

Bryan is a tree. He is nearly thirteen years old. December nineth is his birthday, so coming right up!

I created him the day after I found out my father passed away. My father passed away on December eighth, 2006, just two weeks after my sixteenth birthday.

I was devastated when I found out the horrible news. My father was the only one in my family that I could confide in and trust with all of my secrets. Everyone else either didn't have the time to listen for one reason or another, or they would blad everything to my mom, who was not a nice mother, to say the least.

Bryan hatched from a shell, like birds hatch from eggs. He had to push his way out, eventually breaking through the shell's heavy
Thanks to the mod who enabled my account, allowing me to post new threads again. I am eternally grateful to all of you for keeping this site up and running.

I know this question sounds crazy, and it probably is, lol! I never said I wasn't crazy, lol!

Anyway, I have five imaginary friends, and I was wondering if anyone else has them currently or has had them as children.

Mind you, I am not a child. I am almost twenty-nine years old, but they are with me, nevertheless. I couldn't survive without them: they are a constant in my life and they always be until I either catch the bus or die of natural causes or in an accident.

Since I'm the one who brought up such a nutty topic, I'll share about my imaginary friends.

Bryan came to me first when I was sixteen. Well, actually, he didn't just arrive, I created him from babyhood. The other four friends who came after him, however, arrived on their own, with fully formed bodies, minds, etc. So, they weren't babies.

Bryan is a tree. His birthday is December ninth, and he was born in 2006, on a very chilly but sunny morning. I created him the morning after I found out the terrible news from my stepfather at the time, that my biological father had passed away. It was just two weeks after my sixteenth birthday that he died.

I was devastated by the news. My father was a very kind and generous man. He was the only one who I could confide in with full confidence, the only one who would actually listen to what I had to say. No one else in my family could be trusted to do that. They either didn't "have time" to listen, or they blabbed things I said to my mom that I had wanted to remain confidential.

My mom was not a kind mother. Her temper was very bad, and her fuse very short. We never were close, and we still aren't.

Bryan hatched from a shell, like the way a bird would hatch from an egg. He had to push his way out of the shell until he finally managed to break through its thick, hard, protective layers. When he finally popped out, I was overjoyed. I held him in my palm and just gazed down at him with admiration and love.

I am blind, but I have some sight. I imagined him as a tiny, green dot, which was what he was the size of.

"Welcome to the world, Bryan," I whispered to him, and then I set him very gently into imaginary soil that was wetted just a touch with refreshing, cool, clear water in my other hand. Later, after he had adjusted to his surroundings, I brought him outside so he could thrive on the sun's bright, powerful rays.

Since it was December, the sun didn't put out much warmth, but I knew the light itself was beneficial and that he would stay warm in the palm of my hand.

Bryan required a great deal of care. It was a wonderful distraction from the terrible grief that ripped and tore mercilessly at my very vulnerable and already traumatized heart. I honestly don't know what I would have done without Bryan, especially in those first days and weeks.

People kept asking why I wasn't crying or showing any outward emotion, but I could never tell them. I knew it would be considered crazy, and even taboo, to have an imaginary friend, so I just told them I was relying on the strength of God to get me through, and they were satisfied enough with that explanation.

Now, Bryan is a huge tree. He stands about fifty feet tall, and he provides great comfort to me on a daily basis. I call him my tree of laziness because, when I am feeling overly anxious, or can't sleep due to insomnia, I imagine him lifting me up into one of his higher branches, and then I just chill out there while he takes me for a stroll in the park. I imagine the branch that I am perched on rocking soothingly, and, eventually, I fall aseep or start to feel more grounded.
and on its own. It's almost like the computer is its own entity, like it has a mind of its own, just like my imaginary friends.

Well, bye for now. Feel free to share any of your imaginary friend stories or questions for me if you have any.

It doesn't always work, but it works about fifty percent of the time. When it doesn't work, it still comforts me to know that he is nearby and will come when I call him.

I have to post this thread now because my computer keeps erasing my thread if I let it get too long, but I'll post about the others in replies to this thread. Sorry to the mods if this creates trouble, but my screen reader is difficult to use. It keeps doing things I don't want it to do

Phew, my first thread posted. Now I can write about the others.

By the way, sorry my first post was screwed up. Like I said, my computer keeps jumping, so some of the first post is kind of messed up. I don't know how to edit it, sorry! I guess you don't have to read my threads if they are too hard to follow. In the meantime, I'll try and fix whatever's making my computer whakki. Or, maybe it's just me and my own stupidity of not knowing to use it, lol!

Anyway, Nevaeh came shortly after Bryan. She came four months later. March 12 is the actual day she came, and that is when I celebrate her birthday.

Nevaeh is heaven spelled backwards. Her name has a weird pronnounciation, it's pronnounced nuh-vay-uh.

Anyway, she came to me fully formed in mind, body, and spirit. She is a doll, the size of a key chain doll or worry doll, the kind you put under your pillow at night while you are sleeping so it can gather up your worries and carry them off into the night.

Nevaeh has no hair. Her arms and legs are very tiny. It's a good thing she is imaginary, or else I might have broken her on accident.

She loves to be carried in a pocket or ride on my shoulder. We both love to perch on one of Bryan's lazy branches and have him take us for an imaginary ride.

Nevaeh came to me the day after a horrible fight broke out at my house. It was a fight between my mother and her and her boyfriend at the time. There was lots os shouting, swearing, and slamming doors. My mom also started throwing his things and his son't things off the porch, while shouting all sorts of obsenities.

Eventually, the cops were caled and it broke it up, but not before traumazing me all over again.

While they fought, I hid in my bedroom. I had the door shut and locked and just sat on the edge of my bed, rocking back and forth, humming softly to Bryan, who was even more frightened than I was because he was just a baby, only four months old and only ankle high.

The doors were slamming so hard that the whole house shook and vibrated with the angry energy. My drums rattled with all the racket, which only added to my sense of great anxiety and helplessness.

Bryan was hiding under the bed for quite a long time, but, eventually, he edged his way out and came to sit on my lap. I kept on rocking and humming to him while stroking his branches, and told him everything would be ok, though in my mind, I didn't really know if things would ever be ok again, or if they ever were to begin with..

Ok, I'm back. Sorry for all the

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Apr 8, 2018
breaks in the thread.Anyway, back to Nevaeh....

Nevaeh gives me courage to do and say things that are difficult. For instance, she helped me confide in my aunt about my grandma's X boyfriend doing inappropriate things with me sexually.

It had been happening for a long time, almost two months. The reason why I didn't say anything about it before Nevaeh gave me courage is because I felt ashamed and confused about what was happening.

I don't want to go into the situation now, but I shudder to think what might have happened if I hadn't told.

Anyway, Nevaeh came to me on March twelth during one of my colege classes. I was attending the running start program and was taking a computer class. I had just been given a computer with Jaws not long after, and I was trying to learn how to use it.

Jaws is a screen reader for the blind..

The class was going well. I was learning how to compose an email, when, all of a suddden, Nevaeh jumped right up on my shoulder from another computer in the classroom. I remember admiring her gracefulness when she landed.

I wasn't afraid or startled by her sudden presence. I could immediately feel the love and warmth that immenated from her. I knew right away that she belonged and welcomed her with a big smile and a nod of approval so she knew she could stay.

Phew, my first thread posted. Now I can write about the others.

By the way, sorry my first post was screwed up. Like I said, my computer keeps jumping, so some of the first post is kind of messed up. I don't know how to edit it, sorry! I guess you don't have to read my threads if they are too hard to follow. In the meantime, I'll try and fix whatever's making my computer whakki. Or, maybe it's just me and my own stupidity of not knowing to use it, lol!

Anyway, Nevaeh came shortly after Bryan. She came four months later. March 12 is the actual day she came, and that is when I celebrate her birthday.

Nevaeh is heaven spelled backwards. Her name has a weird pronnounciation, it's pronnounced nuh-vay-uh.

Anyway, she came to me fully formed in mind, body, and spirit. She is a doll, the size of a key chain doll or worry doll, the kind you put under your pillow at night while you are sleeping so it can gather up your worries and carry them off into the night.

Nevaeh has no hair. Her arms and legs are very tiny. It's a good thing she is imaginary, or else I might have broken her on accident.

She loves to be carried in a pocket or ride on my shoulder. We both love to perch on one of Bryan's lazy branches and have him take us for an imaginary ride.

Nevaeh came to me the day after a horrible fight broke out at my house. It was a fight between my mother and her and her boyfriend at the time. There was lots os shouting, swearing, and slamming doors. My mom also started throwing his things and his son't things off the porch, while shouting all sorts of obsenities.

Eventually, the cops were caled and it broke it up, but not before traumazing me all over again.

While they fought, I hid in my bedroom. I had the door shut and locked and just sat on the edge of my bed, rocking back and forth, humming softly to Bryan, who was even more frightened than I was because he was just a baby, only four months old and only ankle high.

The doors were slamming so hard that the whole house shook and vibrated with the angry energy. My drums rattled with all the racket, which only added to my sense of great anxiety and helplessness.

Bryan was hiding under the bed for quite a long time, but, eventually, he edged his way out and came to sit on my lap. I kept on rocking and humming to him while stroking his branches, and told him everything would be ok, though in my mind, I didn't really know if things would ever be ok again, or if they ever were to begin with..


Ok, I'm back. Sorry for all the
I don't know when Nevaeh's real birthday is. She won't tell me. Whenever I ask, she just smiles and says, in that squeaky voice of hers that it is "her secret!"

So, I've long since given up asking her when her birthday is. I just celebrate it on March 12, because that's when she blessed me with her warm and refreshing presence.

Nevaeh and Bryan were my light at the tunnel and they still are. Whenever I think about CTB, I always think about them and wonder what would become of them when I die. I mean, I know they will die with me because they aren't really real, but their memor
breaks in the thread.Anyway, back to Nevaeh....

Nevaeh gives me courage to do and say things that are difficult. For instance, she helped me confide in my aunt about my grandma's X boyfriend doing inappropriate things with me sexually.

It had been happening for a long time, almost two months. The reason why I didn't say anything about it before Nevaeh gave me courage is because I felt ashamed and confused about what was happening.

I don't want to go into the situation now, but I shudder to think what might have happened if I hadn't told.

Anyway, Nevaeh came to me on March twelth during one of my colege classes. I was attending the running start program and was taking a computer class. I had just been given a computer with Jaws not long after, and I was trying to learn how to use it.

Jaws is a screen reader for the blind..

The class was going well. I was learning how to compose an email, when, all of a suddden, Nevaeh jumped right up on my shoulder from another computer in the classroom. I remember admiring her gracefulness when she landed.

I wasn't afraid or startled by her sudden presence. I could immediately feel the love and warmth that immenated from her. I knew right away that she belonged and welcomed her with a big smile and a nod of approval so she knew she could stay.

Phew, my first thread posted. Now I can write about the others.

By the way, sorry my first post was screwed up. Like I said, my computer keeps jumping, so some of the first post is kind of messed up. I don't know how to edit it, sorry! I guess you don't have to read my threads if they are too hard to follow. In the meantime, I'll try and fix whatever's making my computer whakki. Or, maybe it's just me and my own stupidity of not knowing to use it, lol!

Anyway, Nevaeh came shortly after Bryan. She came four months later. March 12 is the actual day she came, and that is when I celebrate her birthday.

Nevaeh is heaven spelled backwards. Her name has a weird pronnounciation, it's pronnounced nuh-vay-uh.

Anyway, she came to me fully formed in mind, body, and spirit. She is a doll, the size of a key chain doll or worry doll, the kind you put under your pillow at night while you are sleeping so it can gather up your worries and carry them off into the night.

Nevaeh has no hair. Her arms and legs are very tiny. It's a good thing she is imaginary, or else I might have broken her on accident.

She loves to be carried in a pocket or ride on my shoulder. We both love to perch on one of Bryan's lazy branches and have him take us for an imaginary ride.

Nevaeh came to me the day after a horrible fight broke out at my house. It was a fight between my mother and her and her boyfriend at the time. There was lots os shouting, swearing, and slamming doors. My mom also started throwing his things and his son't things off the porch, while shouting all sorts of obsenities.

Eventually, the cops were caled and it broke it up, but not before traumazing me all over again.

While they fought, I hid in my bedroom. I had the door shut and locked and just sat on the edge of my bed, rocking back and forth, humming softly to Bryan, who was even more frightened than I was because he was just a baby, only four months old and only ankle high.

The doors were slamming so hard that the whole house shook and vibrated with the angry energy. My drums rattled with all the racket, which only added to my sense of great anxiety and helplessness.

Bryan was hiding under the bed for quite a long time, but, eventually, he edged his way out and came to sit on my lap. I kept on rocking and humming to him while stroking his branches, and told him everything would be ok, though in my mind, I didn't really know if things would ever be ok again, or if they ever were to begin with.
breaks in the thread.Anyway, back to Nevaeh....

Nevaeh gives me courage to do and say things that are difficult. For instance, she helped me confide in my aunt about my grandma's X boyfriend doing inappropriate things with me sexually.

It had been happening for a long time, almost two months. The reason why I didn't say anything about it before Nevaeh gave me courage is because I felt ashamed and confused about what was happening.

I don't want to go into the situation now, but I shudder to think what might have happened if I hadn't told.

Anyway, Nevaeh came to me on March twelth during one of my colege classes. I was attending the running start program and was taking a computer class. I had just been given a computer with Jaws not long after, and I was trying to learn how to use it.

Jaws is a screen reader for the blind..

The class was going well. I was learning how to compose an email, when, all of a suddden, Nevaeh jumped right up on my shoulder from another computer in the classroom. I remember admiring her gracefulness when she landed.

I wasn't afraid or startled by her sudden presence. I could immediately feel the love and warmth that immenated from her. I knew right away that she belonged and welcomed her with a big smile and a nod of approval so she knew she could stay.

Phew, my first thread posted. Now I can write about the others.

By the way, sorry my first post was screwed up. Like I said, my computer keeps jumping, so some of the first post is kind of messed up. I don't know how to edit it, sorry! I guess you don't have to read my threads if they are too hard to follow. In the meantime, I'll try and fix whatever's making my computer whakki. Or, maybe it's just me and my own stupidity of not knowing to use it, lol!

Anyway, Nevaeh came shortly after Bryan. She came four months later. March 12 is the actual day she came, and that is when I celebrate her birthday.

Nevaeh is heaven spelled backwards. Her name has a weird pronnounciation, it's pronnounced nuh-vay-uh.

Anyway, she came to me fully formed in mind, body, and spirit. She is a doll, the size of a key chain doll or worry doll, the kind you put under your pillow at night while you are sleeping so it can gather up your worries and carry them off into the night.

Nevaeh has no hair. Her arms and legs are very tiny. It's a good thing she is imaginary, or else I might have broken her on accident.

She loves to be carried in a pocket or ride on my shoulder. We both love to perch on one of Bryan's lazy branches and have him take us for an imaginary ride.

Nevaeh came to me the day after a horrible fight broke out at my house. It was a fight between my mother and her and her boyfriend at the time. There was lots os shouting, swearing, and slamming doors. My mom also started throwing his things and his son't things off the porch, while shouting all sorts of obsenities.

Eventually, the cops were caled and it broke it up, but not before traumazing me all over again.

While they fought, I hid in my bedroom. I had the door shut and locked and just sat on the edge of my bed, rocking back and forth, humming softly to Bryan, who was even more frightened than I was because he was just a baby, only four months old and only ankle high.

The doors were slamming so hard that the whole house shook and vibrated with the angry energy. My drums rattled with all the racket, which only added to my sense of great anxiety and helplessness.

Bryan was hiding under the bed for quite a long time, but, eventually, he edged his way out and came to sit on my lap. I kept on rocking and humming to him while stroking his branches, and told him everything would be ok, though in my mind, I didn't really know if things would ever be ok again, or if they ever were to begin with..


Ok, I'm back. Sorry for all the
I'll share more about Nevaeh and the others later. I need to rest my fingers.

Thanks for reading if anyone did. I know I wrote a lot. Sorry again for all the mistakes in my posts.
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
I'm not trying to be mean but I think you need to see a therapist. And a psychiatrist. You're much too old to have these imaginary friends. You're substituting real relationships for imaginary ones and that is not healthy or normal at all. It's actually really disturbing. Youre not 4 years old but this can be an indication that you are stuck mentally in your childhood. I don't think you know these people your mind has created aren't real because you keep making up all these detailed scenarios about them. Like neveah wouldn't tell you when her birthday is? Because she isn't real. I'm sorry but this really is very scary and I think you should get help as fast as possible and be completely honest with the shrink and therapist. And you said you're worried about what is going to happen to the if you die. They aren't real.
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Apr 8, 2018
Hello Sweet Emotion,

I dam not taking gyour post personally or taking offense.

I have seen a handful of therapists and several psychiatrists. They can't really help me. All they managed to do was diagnose me with bipolar disorder, type 1, with psychosis and dope me up on meds. Which I don't take anymore because they make me physically sick.

I've also been diagnosed with borderline, depression, PTSD, anxiety, pretty much anything you can think of that is in the diagnostical booklet for mental illness, they diagnosed me with.

I do have real relationships in my life. I even have a partner and three kids, so I have real relationships, too. My eldest daughter, who is five, knows about my imaginary friends, but she knows they are pretend, at least to everyone else. My partner knows about them, too, as do my closest friends.

I know they aren't real to other people, but they are real to me. It's hard to explain...

You may be right, though, I probably am stuck mentally in a childlike state, but I need my friends. They are the only ones who truly encourage me and lift me up.

I apologize if I have disturbed anyone. That wasn't my intention.
I'm not trying to be mean but I think you need to see a therapist. And a psychiatrist. You're much too old to have these imaginary friends. You're substituting real relationships for imaginary ones and that is not healthy or normal at all. It's actually really disturbing. Youre not 4 years old but this can be an indication that you are stuck mentally in your childhood. I don't think you know these people your mind has created aren't real because you keep making up all these detailed scenarios about them. Like neveah wouldn't tell you when her birthday is? Because she isn't real. I'm sorry but this really is very scary and I think you should get help as fast as possible and be completely honest with the shrink and therapist. And you said you're worried about what is going to happen to the if you die. They aren't real.
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
Hello Sweet Emotion,

I dam not taking gyour post personally or taking offense.

I have seen a handful of therapists and several psychiatrists. They can't really help me. All they managed to do was diagnose me with bipolar disorder, type 1, with psychosis and dope me up on meds. Which I don't take anymore because they make me physically sick.

I've also been diagnosed with borderline, depression, PTSD, anxiety, pretty much anything you can think of that is in the diagnostical booklet for mental illness, they diagnosed me with.

I do have real relationships in my life. I even have a partner and three kids, so I have real relationships, too. My eldest daughter, who is five, knows about my imaginary friends, but she knows they are pretend, at least to everyone else. My partner knows about them, too, as do my closest friends.

I know they aren't real to other people, but they are real to me. It's hard to explain...

You may be right, though, I probably am stuck mentally in a childlike state, but I need my friends. They are the only ones who truly encourage me and lift me up.

I apologize if I have disturbed anyone. That wasn't my intention.
I'm glad you have family and friends who support you. And as long as it isn't harming anyone I guess there's no problem with it.


Sep 15, 2019
Your friends sound very nice. I'm glad you have them for support.

I have an "imaginary" mother. She's the kindest, strongest, most beautiful person I know. She's tall and she has long, flowing golden brown hair and olive green eyes. Her name is Lilith but of course I just call her mama. She lives outside in a beautiful, ancient natural garden near the ocean. I'm not sure where she came from, and when I ask her she just says that she's always been there. I say "imaginary" because in this world shes in my mind, but I know she's real and I know when I die I'll be with her in the garden where she can protect me and take care of me.
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Oct 1, 2019
I think to myself like an audience is listening or watching and discuss topics with my brain as if its another entity, but i feel like this is a normal way of thinking, is it? or is it unique?
I think like "what do you think i should do?"
then I guess I am answering myself not someone else
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Apr 8, 2018
Hello Sweet Emotion,

I dam not taking gyour post personally or taking offense.

I have seen a handful of therapists and several psychiatrists. They can't really help me. All they managed to do was diagnose me with bipolar disorder, type 1, with psychosis and dope me up on meds. Which I don't take anymore because they make me physically sick.

I've also been diagnosed with borderline, depression, PTSD, anxiety, pretty much anything you can think of that is in the diagnostical booklet for mental illness, they diagnosed me with.

I do have real relationships in my life. I even have a partner and three kids, so I have real relationships, too. My eldest daughter, who is five, knows about my imaginary friends, but she knows they are pretend, at least to everyone else. My partner knows about them, too, as do my closest friends.

I know they aren't real to other people, but they are real to me. It's hard to explain...

You may be right, though, I probably am stuck mentally in a childlike state, but I need my friends. They are the only ones who truly encourage me and lift me up.

I apologize if I have disturbed anyone. That wasn't my intention.
Oh Mamasgirl, your friend sounds lovely! I absolutely LOVE how you know that she will be with you when you die and will take care of you.

That's such a lovely thought. I worry a lot about how my friends will feel when I die or whether I'll be able to be with them and thought I probably wouldn't. I like your thought of our friends being with us when we die, though. I guess that IS a possibility, and one that makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

I sometimes fear that they will all be forgotten when I go, but your outlook gives me hope.

Thank you so much for sharing about your lovely friend and for reading my horribly formatted post, lol!

Concrete Jungle, I like your thought about an audience. To my way of thinking, it is "unique" as you say, not crazy or abnormal. Well, to some it might seem crazy, but I think it's unique, a coping mechanism to help us cope with shitty reality.

Sweet Emotion, I don't think me having imaginary friends harms anyone. Some people think I'm a bit crazy, and I suppose I am, but I never intend to harm anyone. Thank you for your concern, though, and I do apologize if I disturbed you. Like I said, it's one of my coping mechanisms because reality is too harsh and brutal for such a sensitive soul as mine is.

Keep the replies coming! I love your responses so far. And, I think I fixed the glitch in my computer, so my threads should be more readable
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May 31, 2019
I think to myself like an audience is listening or watching and discuss topics with my brain as if its another entity, but i feel like this is a normal way of thinking, is it? or is it unique?
I think like "what do you think i should do?"
then I guess I am answering myself not someone else
I do the exact same thing!! I thought I was the only one lol. Like sometimes I do feel like my inner self is detached from my body? I dunno, it's hard to explain.

Also, OP, I don't see the harm if they bring you comfort, just as long as they don't interfere with your day to day life. Sometimes the world of our imaginations is a nice break from the real one.
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Apr 8, 2018
I do the exact same thing!! I thought I was the only one lol. Like sometimes I do feel like my inner self is detached from my body? I dunno, it's hard to explain.

Also, OP, I don't see the harm if they bring you comfort, just as long as they don't interfere with your day to day life. Sometimes the world of our imaginations is a nice break from the real one.
Woopy, it's good to know that I'm not alone in this! You know, this is one of the reasons why I love and appreciate SS so much. It's a place where I find I have so much in common with other people on here and feel like this is a safe place to talk.

Thank you to all the mods, admins, and members who keep this site alive!

Chrissie is awaiting her turn. I thought I had more to tell about Nevaeh, but she thinks I've said enough about her. As I said, she is my mysterious one. I don't know her age, her birthday, or others whom she has been friends with, but that's ok. Mysteries are cool, too. Brings some suspense to life, kind of spices up what otherwise would be an even duller and more horrible existance for me.

Chrissie is my beanie baby friend. If you want to know what she looks like, just google Ginger Beanie Baby kids, and her picture will come up. That is who Chrissie is.

Her roll in my life is to help me stand up for myself and to rebuke people's abuse. My self confidence has always been pretty much non-existent, but it would be zilch without her.

Whenever I am under attack by family or friends, Chrissie tells me how to handle them. Sometimes, it takes her a while to think out how a certain situation should be handled, but she always comes up with a good solution.

She is the reason I was brave enough to cut my toxic family out of my life. We do talk some, but even that is becoming less and less. I am trying to narrow it down to just semails now.

I'd cut myself off from them completely, but I am on social security, so I need them around a little bit for help financially. I do not have an in person relationship with any of them, though, and that is largely due to Chrissie helping me realize how toxic and abusive they truly are, and how much less anxious I am when I'm not around them.

Chrissie's birthday is on October third, but she came to me on or very near Valentines day. I can't remember the exact day she came to me like I do Nevaeh and Bryan, to my great sorrow, because I was pretty mentally checked out when she entered my secret imaginary family. With my dad passing and then the horrible and confusing experience with my grandma's x boyfriend happening that Nevaeh helped me get out of by telling my aunt about it, I was in so much emotional pain and confusion that my mind literally was shutting down. It's called disassociation.

Chrissie keeps trying to get me to remember the day I took her in, but there's just a mental block there that I can't shove out of the way, and neither can she, or any of the others, for that matter.

Chrissie hasn't given up, though. Like me, she is very persistent, and she is quite jealous that I remember, in full detail, the arrival of Bryan and Nevaeh, but not her or the others.

I'll tell you how she came to me in another reply. I think I'd better post this before my computer does something on its own or before I write above the limit of twenty thousand characters.

Woopy, it's good to know that I'm not alone in this! You know, this is one of the reasons why I love and appreciate SS so much. It's a place where I find I have so much in common with other people on here and feel like this is a safe place to talk.

Thank you to all the mods, admins, and members who keep this site alive!

Chrissie is awaiting her turn. I thought I had more to tell about Nevaeh, but she thinks I've said enough about her. As I said, she is my mysterious one. I don't know her age, her birthday, or others whom she has been friends with, but that's ok. Mysteries are cool, too. Brings some suspense to life, kind of spices up what otherwise would be an even duller and more horrible existance for me.

Chrissie is my beanie baby friend. If you want to know what she looks like, just google Ginger Beanie Baby kids, and her picture will come up. That is who Chrissie is.

Her roll in my life is to help me stand up for myself and to rebuke people's abuse. My self confidence has always been pretty much non-existent, but it would be zilch without her.

Whenever I am under attack by family or friends, Chrissie tells me how to handle them. Sometimes, it takes her a while to think out how a certain situation should be handled, but she always comes up with a good solution.

She is the reason I was brave enough to cut my toxic family out of my life. We do talk some, but even that is becoming less and less. I am trying to narrow it down to just semails now.

I'd cut myself off from them completely, but I am on social security, so I need them around a little bit for help financially. I do not have an in person relationship with any of them, though, and that is largely due to Chrissie helping me realize how toxic and abusive they truly are, and how much less anxious I am when I'm not around them.

Chrissie's birthday is on October third, but she came to me on or very near Valentines day. I can't remember the exact day she came to me like I do Nevaeh and Bryan, to my great sorrow, because I was pretty mentally checked out when she entered my secret imaginary family. With my dad passing and then the horrible and confusing experience with my grandma's x boyfriend happening that Nevaeh helped me get out of by telling my aunt about it, I was in so much emotional pain and confusion that my mind literally was shutting down. It's called disassociation.

Chrissie keeps trying to get me to remember the day I took her in, but there's just a mental block there that I can't shove out of the way, and neither can she, or any of the others, for that matter.

Chrissie hasn't given up, though. Like me, she is very persistent, and she is quite jealous that I remember, in full detail, the arrival of Bryan and Nevaeh, but not her or the others.

I'll tell you how she came to me in another reply. I think I'd better post this before my computer does something on its own or before I write above the limit of twenty thousand characters.
I rescued Chrissie from a second hand shop about three months after my eighteenth birthday. We were there on an errand because my grandma has a on my mother's side of the family has a hoarding problem, and finally had to rent a shelf at the store to try and sell some of her junk. She only had a one bedroom condo at the time, and was running out of room to even walk around in there.

Of course, no sooner did she get rid of something, she was out buying more junk, but that's beside the point.

Anyway, I wandered away from her to the back of the store with Nevahh on my shoulder and Bryan outside of the store. Because he is a tree, Bryan prefers to be outside.

I found Chrissie in the back of the store, chained to one of the shelves. She was rocking back and forth very slowly, and her head was hanging all the way down to her chest. Her hora was so defeated that my heart went out to her immediately, even before she noticed I was there and had noticed her.

When she did notice me and was aware that I noticed her, hope began to bloom in her heart.

She told me that her name was Chrissie and that she had been left there by her former friend. When I asked why she had been left there, she said that her former friend had claimed that Chrissie was a troublemaker, a bad influence on her, and that she, meaning the former friend, wanted nothing more to do with her.

When Chrissie argued, the friend got very upset and brought her into the store, stalked to the very back of it, and tied her up on the highest shelf to prevent Chrissie from following her out of the store.

Chrissie had been left there, unnoticed, for the better part of a month, and was very stiff, hungry, thirsty, and lonely.

"Please help me!" Chrissie begged me.

"Please let me be a part of your clan. Nobody else here seems to know I even exist. If you don't take me out of here, I might be here forever!"

"I'll help you," I promised her.

"But I need you to wait a minute. I'm too short to reach you, so I need to call Bryan."

When she asked who Bryan was, I just smiled and said" You'll see. Wait here, I promise I'll be back.""

"Wait, you don't need Bryan," said Nevaeh.

"I can get her down."

She hopped right off my shoulder, climbed up to Chrissie's prison, and began working the knots out with her tiny, expert little fingers.

She made good on her word. In one minute, Chrissie was freed.

She tried to stand, but she was so stiff she could barely move. So Nevaeh gave her a big push and called down to me "Catch her, here she comes!"

I did catch her and, when I did, I began rubbing her body roughly, getting the beans inside of her moving around to encourage flow of circulation to start up again. Then, when she became less stiff, I just held her for a long time and hugged her. I told her she could stay with me and my family as long as she pleased, and that I was very glad to have found her.
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Oct 31, 2019
I've got imaginary beings too. Apparently nobody else can see them but I know they're real.
I just call them ants, 'cause they're black small ant-sized creatures. They aren't ants tough 'cause they walk on two legs like humans. I usually see them from the corner of my eye or from a distance of two or three meters. They don't talk and aren't that friendly but I've learned to live with them.
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Oct 1, 2019
I do the exact same thing!! I thought I was the only one lol. Like sometimes I do feel like my inner self is detached from my body? I dunno, it's hard to explain.

Also, OP, I don't see the harm if they bring you comfort, just as long as they don't interfere with your day to day life. Sometimes the world of our imaginations is a nice break from the real one.
I feel like it could be caused by lonliness ? im not sure, like a way of feeling like you have people? idk man


Nov 15, 2019
I never had imaginary friends, but I have "imaginary life". since I was a child, I spend hours of the day imagining my life as it would be like I wanted to. In my imagination I have the perfect appearance and the talents that most envy me in those who own them. It slowly erodes me, I'll never be any of that.
Forest Fire

Forest Fire

Jul 19, 2019
I never had imaginary friends, but I have "imaginary life". since I was a child, I spend hours of the day imagining my life as it would be like I wanted to. In my imagination I have the perfect appearance and the talents that most envy me in those who own them. It slowly erodes me, I'll never be any of that.
I was going to write something similar to this. I've had a few imaginary lives since I was in primary school. When I was at primary school i'd be thinking about throughout the day but as I've got older it's only at night in bed as it makes me feel fucked that I do it. Its the same cycle every night,
Drift into the imaginary life for a bit
Realise how fucked I am
Cry and think of Beachy Head instead
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