

May 17, 2024
Have you tried everything in life and found that it doesn't work out or you just don't like it? I have and I'm ctbing because of it. There's nothing for me to do in life, life has nothing to offer me. I tried everything, from art to mathematics. I don't want to live my life miserable with a job I hate.
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kiki <3

kiki <3

MtF extraordinaire
Mar 26, 2023
i sadly never seem to stick to anything, which angers me and furthermore exhausts me, lowering my chances of into stepping into anything new or close/similar to my interests.

perfumery is one of my hobbies. i would love to get a degree in fragrance creation. currently saving up but god knows if i will make it through. i feel like a ticking bomb.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
I don't know what fulfillment would look like. Seeing the lives of other people, I never feel any sense of, "Oh, wouldn't that be nice." No envy. No motivation. No desire. No nothing.

Generally, I look at them and instead feel dread. Dread at what it would be like living their life. Like, show me the happiest person in the world and I'll pick their life apart as if they just encountered a black hole. This is partly why I keep my distance from people -- I don't want to drag anyone down.

These antidepressants are working wonders today. I beg your pardon.

Yes, I suppose it could be said I feel unfulfilled... But I don't care. Or maybe I do care, but it's buried under all this darkness. Can't see it. Can't feel it. Nothing.
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Misfortune incarnate
Sep 9, 2024
For me I'd rather die if I can't living an enjoyable life. And it is true for me. I can't. I tried everything and I'm tired.
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Potential Former Person
Aug 21, 2024
Have you tried everything in life and found that it doesn't work out or you just don't like it? I have and I'm ctbing because of it. There's nothing for me to do in life, life has nothing to offer me. I tried everything, from art to mathematics. I don't want to live my life miserable with a job I hate.
You have surely not tried everything, fuck me this forum sometimes man. There is a whole world out there go explore it. Unless you have something that constrains you from doing that
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Oct 10, 2023
I tried so many things for many years when younger. There are a lot of things to try and a lot more around now than there was back then. Eventually I settled on my passion for the environment. I focused on my desire to help the environment and that inturn helped me get through the depression and difficulties I had. I studied and became an environmental educator. I loved my work and it was a joy to make a living from it. It went bad, but I least I know I tried. Sometimes it takes a lot of time, but I wouldn't give up if I was you.


Apr 18, 2023
Have you tried everything in life and found that it doesn't work out or you just don't like it? I have and I'm ctbing because of it. There's nothing for me to do in life, life has nothing to offer me. I tried everything, from art to mathematics. I don't want to live my life miserable with a job I hate.
I've told my story so I'll cut to the chase yeah my issue is and why im here all meaning and fulfillment and future meaning/fulfillment has been taken from me. There's no climbing out from it. So yeah life has nothing for me. I've said before and I'll say it again people destroy themselves seeking an escape. Sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling, whatever. Some good most bad. The good forms have been pretty much been taken from me too. So when you are only left with destructive choices and desperate for an escape why not cut to the chase? Better then dealing with possible repercussions.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I don't feel fulfilled, not because I tried everything in life but because I believe that life was never meant for me in the first place. Even when I was a child, I dreaded adulthood and other people's lives. Back at school, everybody talked about having a dream job and some passion regarding life but I never had any desire to work or to do anything in life. It took a while to understand myself but I now understand that I simply want to be lazy and be free from responsibilities. I never wanted to go to school or college or university and I definitely don't want to work. I just want to be lazy. Since I can't be lazy, I feel unfulfilled.

Many people say that they enjoy challenges and hardships to which I say "to each their own" but I know that I'm not like them. I don't like challenges or hardship at all. Actually, there isn't even anything in life that I do like in the first place. There isn't anything that I can do about it since life is cruel. The only solution to my issues is death


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I understand, for me personally I just don't see existing as desirable in general, in my case I only wish for non-existence, under no circumstances would I wish to exist, I'm not meant for the cruel and futile burden of existing, I don't wish to be conscious and aware, in my case I suffer simply from existing and wish I never existed at all more than anything. To me existence just feels like a mistake which is why I find it so painful how I cannot just have a death like never waking again to escape from all the suffering.


À ma manière 🪦
Aug 18, 2024
Life never seemed interesting to me even in the past. But first I had a great love, my partner, a reason to continue fighting. In July he decided to leave me by taking his own life after more than 20 years of being together. From that moment everything ended for me, I feel like I'm falling into the abyss more and more every day and I don't see a future without him, I don't want a future without him. Everyone tells me I have to move on. Where should I go? I feel lost and without a 'why' to do anything. They tell me it was his choice and that I couldn't do anything about it. Well, it was his choice. Can I make my choice? Or do I always have to suffer those of others? I don't want to live anymore, I just want to return to nothingness... to that place from which I came without a 'why'. I just want to die soon.
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Oct 29, 2023
Yep. My entire life I've been surrounded by people who had ambitions and passions and who were willing to do whatever it took to achieve their goals. And when I looked at myself, I had absolutely none of that. At best, I feel passionate about certain video games and daydreaming, or the occasional subject in passing. But I can't do anything with those. Hated trying programing and hate writing too. I don't know how other people do it, it feels like I'm just floating through life watching others get what they want and being happy for them, but never myself, because everything that I have achieved has been stuff I feel forced to do. At best, it's relief that I haven't disappointed someone
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Sep 13, 2024
yeah. no matter how much i scroll. no matter what games i play. no matter how much i draw, sculpt, or crochet, nothing fulfills me anymore. it's really sad but i think it's time for me to go.


Mar 18, 2024
You have surely not tried everything, fuck me this forum sometimes man. There is a whole world out there go explore it. Unless you have something that constrains you from doing that
Easier said than done for a multitude of reasons, it could be financial, not motivated due to depression, the list goes on and on. I agree with your statement as a generality, but some of us aren't able. One thing I've concluded after 60 years on the rock is, anyone who's not suffered from depression, just aren't able to relate. I know they try hard, but the pain in the mind is awful. So "trying harder" is doable for some and not others. Imho


Potential Former Person
Aug 21, 2024
Easier said than done for a multitude of reasons, it could be financial, not motivated due to depression, the list goes on and on. I agree with your statement as a generality, but some of us aren't able. One thing I've concluded after 60 years on the rock is, anyone who's not suffered from depression, just aren't able to relate. I know they try hard, but the pain in the mind is awful. So "trying harder" is doable for some and not others. Imho
Thanks for managing to make my one sentence of "Unless you have something that constrains you from doing that." Into a paragraph that just repeats it.

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