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May 24, 2024
Tbh, this is just to get it out of my system and rub it on the faces of pro-lifers aka pro-suffering.

I'm 49, my body is completely destroyed by doctors and physiotherapists. I have been tortured in ways worthy of the middle ages, my body twisted and pulled out of place, my pain ignored, not believed, dismissed. This last dose was it, but of course the therapist thinks she did a great job and it's only inflamation and I'll be fine in no time.

But first things first. Almost 6 years ago my cousin convinced me to push an old, really big wood ark. I have hypermobility, that's when muscles stretch a lot but have no strength. I knew it wasn't for me, but didn't want to look bad. Midway through I felt something snap in my back. It didn't hurt then, so I kept pushing... and then spent 4 years pushing fridges, wardrobes, and many other things while remodelling a house. Eventually I began feeling pain when going to the bathroom, but had an echography and it showed nothing, so I kept going. Despite some pain I was almost on good therms with life, free and doing something I liked. Of course it didn't last, it got worse and worse. I went to orthopaedists, neurosurgeons, specialists on internal medicine... no one cared. I couldn't stand straight because my hip was slowly being pulled out of place and pulling my right side down. No one cared. No matter how I tried to explain how serious it was they didn't give a damn, saw my despair as just a stupid woman being over dramatic, exaggerating. None cared to have me do more exams, all they did was push me to do physiotherapy. No actual recomendation, nothing, let the therapists do what they wanted. The first did the absolute worst they could, I got home and couldn't get up for days. They didn't care that tendons are not to be pushed or stretched, that's basic therapy. Im a biologist btw, not the same as a doctor but not ignorant of how things work inside. The 2nd sort of put my hip back in place, by twisting the tendons and pulling the ligaments untill I was in so much pain prescription opioids did nothing. I really wanted to end my life there but found a physiatrist who did relieve the pain a bit. At first was full of ideas on how to help me, by the end of it all he wanted was to have me commited to a psychiatric ward and pumped full of antidressives to accept surviving in this hell. I don't lie, when I said I don't want to exist like this I mean it, and antidepressives don't do s+++ to me. I left.

Paid exams from my own pocket (we have free healthcare here, for all the good it did. The assigned doctor was all about not letting me down at first, but since he didn't see anything wrong he concluded it was just drama and decided to punish me by refusing to call me on my turn and leaving me suffering on the waiting room until everyone else had left, health center workers included), tried another, very well renowned doctor. Waited for 5 hours, spoke to me for 5 mins and, as usuall, though it was something really simple. More physiotherapy! Decided to go to therapy at the same clinic so that at least he knew what was going on. Went to 4 sessions, the therapist had absolutelly no idea what was wrong with me or what to do, so she did nothing (which was actually the best she could have done). Unfortunately, stopped talking to me hopping that if you don't see it maybe it'll go away. A friend recomended another therapist. First 2 sessions were great, she actually removed the initial pain, sadly did so by pulling the tendons and ligaments that were already out of place even more out of place. Now I still have horrible pain on my back and my arms, legs and neck are pulled tight, I can barelly walk or do anything, even writing this. I don't believe there's any chance for me anymore. My dreams and plans have already died. This is not life, it's hell!

Funny thing? I don't drink, smoke, never did drugs, even weed. Hardly ever drink coffee, eat my veggies, have lower blood pressure. The inital issue was my fault, but after that it was doctors and therapists not giving a s+++, not listening, seeing a woman in pain and dismissing it as hysteria and drama that led me to this point. All I can do now is shame them, tell my story and leave comments on google maps, facebook, anywhere I can. One even replied saying he didn't realize I was in so much pain (it was the worst, in those days I honestly wanted to die because it was unbearable) and suggesting a pain specialist appointment. Even now calling me an idiot. I'm a very well read person who always learns very deeply about everything I get involved into. Of course I already went to a pain specialist you idiot!

If there are final conclusions it's trust yourself! If your intuition says not to do it, don't do it! Others' opinions be damned! Don't bother too much about being healthy, death will get you either way! Don't trust doctors and, if you can, leave reviews online about how your appointments went, it's the only way to make them act as human beings, hit them where it hurts, their wallets!
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She wished that she never existed...
Sep 24, 2020
That sounds so incredibly horrible what you've been through, it truly is so hellish how people suffer so much in this existence all through no fault of their own. But anyway best wishes.
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May 24, 2024
That sounds so incredibly horrible what you've been through, it truly is so hellish how people suffer so much in this existence all through no fault of their own. But anyway best wishes.
Thank you FuneralCry, we seem to have a lot in common. It's good finding like minded people in these hard times.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I am so sorry for all of the pain you've been through due to these incompetent doctors. Many are misinformed about hyper mobility conditions like Ehlers Dahnlos and are not equipped to treat conditions sustained by people with connective tissue diseases, because they don't realize how vulnerable and prone to injuries a person like you can be.

They should have a desire to educate themselves and actually help, no matter how rare someone's condition is, but unfortunately many doctors will do anything to get someone in and out the door as quickly as possible. What you've been through shouldn't be happening, but sadly a great deal of medical staff are terrible and are actively being trained to treat pain as an insignificant concern.
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May 24, 2024
I am so sorry for all of the pain you've been through due to these incompetent doctors. Many are misinformed about hyper mobility conditions like Ehlers Dahnlos and are not equipped to treat conditions sustained by people with connective tissue diseases, because they don't realize how vulnerable and prone to injuries a person like you can be.

They should have a desire to educate themselves and actually help, no matter how rare someone's condition is, but unfortunately many doctors will do anything to get someone in and out the door as quickly as possible. What you've been through shouldn't be happening, but sadly a great deal of medical staff are terrible and are actively being trained to treat pain as an insignificant concern.

Thank you so much for your kindness KuriGohan! 🤗 The sad truth is that most doctors don't care, it's always the easiest, least trouble option they go to. Even private doctors were as bad as the one appointed by the health care system (free medical care, look what good it did to me..), don't listen, don't care, or then they sort of starting thinking it may be something and have you have some exams but they look at the them also with the least trouble possible, never listening and trying to find what I've been saying.

I wanted so much to live. I was brought to this world not out of love, but out of fear and selfishness. I was finally almost on good terms with life, thought I could have few good years before I got too old. This world was never for me, I don't want to survive like this.
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Pharma kills
Jun 3, 2024
Same story, my doctors ruined and killed me. Just posted my story about iatrogenic harm.
Sorry it's terrible.

Fukn doctors. I see many here due to their doctors harm. It's complete hidden for the outside world.

I vent the same like you on google reviews and stuff. But even google and youtube is censored. I can't even talk about it or it is deleted.
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May 24, 2024
Same story, my doctors ruined and killed me. Just posted my story about iatrogenic harm.
Sorry it's terrible.

Fukn doctors. I see many here due to their doctors harm. It's complete hidden for the outside world.

I vent the same like you on google reviews and stuff. But even google and youtube is censored. I can't even talk about it or it is deleted.
I'm so sorry that you're aboard the same train lead by careless doctors. It's frustrating and despairing! Did they also try to fill you up with antidepressives to keep you tame and quiet and not complain about their incompetence?


Apr 21, 2024
Psychiatrists effectively lobotomized me then blamed everything else other than Antipsychotic injections, first they said we think he was depressed before it then they said it can't cause anything like I was complaining about and that everyone else who's had it recovered.

If I had have been able to use an iPad which I couldn't for like 3 months after getting the injections I would've found forums full of people complaining about the same problems and probably fought them against getting a third injection ( I was under a cto and they said they'll send cops around to take me back to the hospital if I didn't comply).

When I did eventually get back to using iPad I left negative reviews for the Hospital and the clinic which both got deleted, I've since left more reviews which are still up and I'll make more with their actual names next time, it won't fix anything but I'm going to try to ruin them like they ruined me.
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May 24, 2024
Psychiatrists effectively lobotomized me then blamed everything else other than Antipsychotic injections, first they said we think he was depressed before it then they said it can't cause anything like I was complaining about and that everyone else who's had it recovered.

If I had have been able to use an iPad which I couldn't for like 3 months after getting the injections I would've found forums full of people complaining about the same problems and probably fought them against getting a third injection ( I was under a cto and they said they'll send cops around to take me back to the hospital if I didn't comply).

When I did eventually get back to using iPad I left negative reviews for the Hospital and the clinic which both got deleted, I've since left more reviews which are still up and I'll make more with their actual names next time, it won't fix anything but I'm going to try to ruin them like they ruined me.
That's horrible! And it's unfortunately how doctors work, they're never to blame, it's never their fault! My problem is physical, but of course they refuse to listen when their treatments don't work and, instead of thinking outside the box and looking deeper, they come up with excuses like "well, you're depressed and that makes the pain worse". Yeah, I'm depressed because I'm in pain, have no life or prospects of it, and I'm surrounded by incompetents who happily take my money but come up with every excuse not to actually help me,not the other way around!

I'm glad you're leaving the reviews! It probably won't do much but it'll be a start! None of mine have been deleted so far, but I'll write them again too if they are and my goodbye note is not so much for friends, but the whole story that I hope they'll keep sharing once I'm gone. Unfortunately it won't do anything for us, it's for those who come afterwards.
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Nov 3, 2019
I can really relate. I've been injured by numerous sadistic and or clueless people as well as screamed at by a PT. And then the gaslighting is the cherry on top.

I'm so sorry to hear about all your pain and injuries 😞💔

Back when I was still seeing people, I started to try to look up reviews before hand but yeah, even one of the good ones eventually treated me like I was a fucking head case and not that I'm undiagnosed. Assholes.

If you're still able to move, if you've heard of Bowen therapy or there's another one and they're specifically designed for EDS but out of pocket. It basically has to do with nerve or muscle activation and the brain or something so not even exercises exactly, just focusing on activating the muscles mentally.

I know probably nothing really works though.

The only thing that helped me was diaphragmatic breathing and acupuncture but I think it was more because the acupuncturist was someone who finally fucking listened to me for once.

EDS and pelvic area pain is truly Hell on Earth.
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May 24, 2024
I can really relate. I've been injured by numerous sadistic and or clueless people as well as screamed at by a PT. And then the gaslighting is the cherry on top.

I'm so sorry to hear about all your pain and injuries 😞💔

Back when I was still seeing people, I started to try to look up reviews before hand but yeah, even one of the good ones eventually treated me like I was a fucking head case and not that I'm undiagnosed. Assholes.

If you're still able to move, if you've heard of Bowen therapy or there's another one and they're specifically designed for EDS but out of pocket. It basically has to do with nerve or muscle activation and the brain or something so not even exercises exactly, just focusing on activating the muscles mentally.

I know probably nothing really works though.

The only thing that helped me was diaphragmatic breathing and acupuncture but I think it was more because the acupuncturist was someone who finally fucking listened to me for once.

EDS and pelvic area pain is truly Hell on Earth.
Thank you for the suggestions, but I doubt they'll help in my case. My problem is that the hip was rotated out of place, obviously pulling everything along with it. I made my life like that for 4 years! When it was finally too bad, the doctors ignored me and the therapists, full of certainties, just kept twisting back and forth around the spine. This is now a formless mess/mass and there's no way to put it back. It's not about activation or anything like that, they're active, only completed twisted. I've tried acupuncture too, but already went in knowing it wouldn't help, I only did it so as to convince the doctor it was more serious than that. I guess he was convinced... He said there was nothing he could do and sent me to a psychiatrist so that I'd be filled with anti depressive to accept this slow death. They don't do anything either.
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CTB Fella

CTB Fella

Dec 15, 2022
Never read a word of your post.

Just wanted to say, join the club.

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