

incapable of shutting up
May 2, 2024
Just a vent.

How is it so hard to understand? It's chronic - Not going away. Don't yoiu read over my chart or at least sskim it when I come in for an appointmen>?

Typos cause I'm shaking with pain LMFAO

They ask me to do things that might be healthy or easy for a normal person, b ut they (should) KNOW what illnesses I have and CHECK if their advice is going to aggravate it. This isn't just me, I have chronically ill friends who were given medication that was VERY dangerous to ppl w/their condition, cause the doctor just didnt fuckin check I guess? If they didn't google all their meds, they could have died, or developed a new illness

I'm in so much pain, and I don't know what to do. If I go to the emergency room, they don't know me and my conditions, and don't know what to do. If I go to my regular doctor, who should know my conditionm, they don't either, and don't know what to do. If I see a specialist, I have to wait fucking MONTHS to see them, then the appointmnent is 15 fucking minutes long, and half the time, thay say "sorry, I don't know what to do,"

I don't want to be some asshole who doesn't support medical workers, but why do so many not kjnow how to do their jobs? I can only have so much sympathy when they keep leaving me to suffer. I try herbal remedies sometimes and I'm really starting to understand why ppl start believing dangerous pseudoscience. It's easy to believe doctores are all out to get you when so many of them trreat you badly. I don't believe it, but I fear I might fall down that rabbit hole one day. Who knows, even if it doesn't work, it might be better than the treatment doctors give me, which sometimes HURT me
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Your story is all too common, unfortunately. There's such a gigantic lack of care and bedside manner for people with chronic conditions that don't resolve themselves. What always baffles me is that there's so little we do from a "quality of life" perspective, too. There's virtually no interest in ensuring that people are comfortable or can function on a day-to-day basis. It's see a doc for 10 minutes, do a blood test, get a random script, doesn't work? Tough shit. On with the rest of your crappy life.

When I was younger, I always believed that we'd head into a world that would adopt more of an integrative, total-package approach to people's suffering. But I'm sorely disappointed in how things have gone. There seems to be far less individual care offered, and this slap-dash, lackadaisical garbage simply isn't cutting the mustard.

I'm sorry you're suffering, and I hope the worst of the symptoms ease off before too long.
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incapable of shutting up
May 2, 2024
Your story is all too common, unfortunately. There's such a gigantic lack of care and bedside manner for people with chronic conditions that don't resolve themselves. What always baffles me is that there's so little we do from a "quality of life" perspective, too. There's virtually no interest in ensuring that people are comfortable or can function on a day-to-day basis. It's see a doc for 10 minutes, do a blood test, get a random script, doesn't work? Tough shit. On with the rest of your crappy life.

When I was younger, I always believed that we'd head into a world that would adopt more of an integrative, total-package approach to people's suffering. But I'm sorely disappointed in how things have gone. There seems to be far less individual care offered, and this slap-dash, lackadaisical garbage simply isn't cutting the mustard.

I'm sorry you're suffering, and I hope the worst of the symptoms ease off before too long.
Thank you<3

I'm convinced they think it's not as important since ti can't be cured. I won't die, os they won't care that much. They can ignore pain cause I'm "not in danger" as if inescapable pain wouldnt drive anyone to suicide. I think it's hard flr them to imagine wht it's really like. IDk, just a theory.

Thanks again . I'll go to the doc on the weekend, but I hope itll go away and I don't have to
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Jul 29, 2024
Just a vent.

How is it so hard to understand? It's chronic - Not going away. Don't yoiu read over my chart or at least sskim it when I come in for an appointmen>?

Typos cause I'm shaking with pain LMFAO

They ask me to do things that might be healthy or easy for a normal person, b ut they (should) KNOW what illnesses I have and CHECK if their advice is going to aggravate it. This isn't just me, I have chronically ill friends who were given medication that was VERY dangerous to ppl w/their condition, cause the doctor just didnt fuckin check I guess? If they didn't google all their meds, they could have died, or developed a new illness

I'm in so much pain, and I don't know what to do. If I go to the emergency room, they don't know me and my conditions, and don't know what to do. If I go to my regular doctor, who should know my conditionm, they don't either, and don't know what to do. If I see a specialist, I have to wait fucking MONTHS to see them, then the appointmnent is 15 fucking minutes long, and half the time, thay say "sorry, I don't know what to do,"

I don't want to be some asshole who doesn't support medical workers, but why do so many not kjnow how to do their jobs? I can only have so much sympathy when they keep leaving me to suffer. I try herbal remedies sometimes and I'm really starting to understand why ppl start believing dangerous pseudoscience. It's easy to believe doctores are all out to get you when so many of them trreat you badly. I don't believe it, but I fear I might fall down that rabbit hole one day. Who knows, even if it doesn't work, it might be better than the treatment doctors give me, which sometimes HURT me
Yep utterly shameful and appauling. Sat here stuck in a life hole we cant get out of no-one really checking on us let alone giving us a ladder. Its terrifying being so unsupported or cared for.
Your story is all too common, unfortunately. There's such a gigantic lack of care and bedside manner for people with chronic conditions that don't resolve themselves. What always baffles me is that there's so little we do from a "quality of life" perspective, too. There's virtually no interest in ensuring that people are comfortable or can function on a day-to-day basis. It's see a doc for 10 minutes, do a blood test, get a random script, doesn't work? Tough shit. On with the rest of your crappy life.

When I was younger, I always believed that we'd head into a world that would adopt more of an integrative, total-package approach to people's suffering. But I'm sorely disappointed in how things have gone. There seems to be far less individual care offered, and this slap-dash, lackadaisical garbage simply isn't cutting the mustard.

I'm sorry you're suffering, and I hope the worst of the symptoms ease off before too long.
Yep quality of life is gone. And no-one really gives a flying fuck. I was once a highly qualified and highly skilled contributor to society. And this, this is what I get in return for decades of endeavour and commitment to that. Sat in a room with nothing I can do and no support. Nice, real nice. The people that find positivity and gratitude here are bloody saints…or highly doped up 🙄

Seriously, shoot me now.
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