
Aug 18, 2020
I think I have this tendency and I want to get rid of it as fast and good as possible. I think it is pretty stupid.

It is deeply entrenched and that is bad because prejudices are often false. How can I get rid of this?

The woman I date never went to college but she is still quite intelligent. In the US where college costs so much such considerations are even dumber.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Probably not the best idea but you could try some of the jobs yourself and see how hard it really is for them.
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Oct 15, 2023
Maybe not their occupation, per se but rather their knowledge (of their trade/skill/profession) and quality of work. How many successful surgeries has this intern waiting to graduate medical school preformed?

One my friends has a PhD in math from Stanford. For his thesis he rewrote every grade of the CA public system's math books. But the whole time while he was studying, he worked as a dishwasher and loved it.

Look at the US government. There is a perceived buffoonery thats attached to some level of government because there's a lot of people in government that are f***ing idiots. Like there's a lot of people that work at UPS and DMV that are idiots. But if you get to the highest levels of the organization, they know what they're doing. I mean if you're gonna ascend to the highest levels of the CIA or the NSA you're gonna probably be brilliant. You're gonna have a deep understanding of whats going on of foreign policy and how to manipulate things and intelligence. To be fair, the CIA has a lot of pencil pushing bureaucrats, too…

Connections and luck play a big role. Some people are too smart for the role they are in. Some aren't smart enough for their current position.
I think I have this tendency and I want to get rid of it as fast and good as possible. I think it is pretty stupid.

It is deeply entrenched and that is bad because prejudices are often false. How can I get rid of this?

The woman I date never went to college but she is still quite intelligent. In the US where college costs so much such considerations are even dumber.
What jobs do you like down on and what do you look up to?
My best friend's grandfather is a career master electrician, has a bachelors degree electrical engineering, owned his own electrical company. He teaches classes at one of the top public universities in the country. But he's "an electrician," not a true engineer 🤷‍♀️
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Aug 18, 2020
Maybe not their occupation, per se but rather their knowledge (of their trade/skill/profession) and quality of work. How many successful surgeries has this intern waiting to graduate medical school preformed?

One my friends has a PhD in math from Stanford. For his thesis he rewrote every grade of the CA public system's math books. But the whole time while he was studying, he worked as a dishwasher and loved it.

Look at the US government. There is a perceived buffoonery thats attached to some level of government because there's a lot of people in government that are f***ing idiots. Like there's a lot of people that work at UPS and DMV that are idiots. But if you get to the highest levels of the organization, they know what they're doing. I mean if you're gonna ascend to the highest levels of the CIA or the NSA you're gonna probably be brilliant. You're gonna have a deep understanding of whats going on of foreign policy and how to manipulate things and intelligence. To be fair, the CIA has a lot of pencil pushing bureaucrats, too…

Connections and luck play a big role. Some people are too smart for the role they are in. Some aren't smart enough for their current position.

What jobs do you like down on and what do you look up to?
My best friend's grandfather is a career master electrician, has a bachelors degree electrical engineering, owned his own electrical company. He teaches classes at one of the top public universities in the country. But he's "an electrician," not a true engineer 🤷‍♀️
On dating apps I am more interested in women who went (are going) to college because I like sophisticated exchanges and I try to increase the likelihood to find someone with whom I can have that. The knowledge I have on these women is very limited and I know that there are many clever women who don't go to college. But it is more out of a necessity to select women on a very limited source of information. There are not many characteristics on many profiles. Drugs usage is a red flag for example. Is my approach worse than simply going by optics? I don't know.
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Peace, Love, Empathy
Feb 27, 2024
Not soley at least, no. I think I'm about a normal amount of judgemental, I take every aspect of a person into account and thus "judge" them after based on the information. I think I agree that I naturally do somehting similar to what DarkRange55 said. Some people are just doing jobs because they tripped and fell into that career and others are totally in love with it, unfair of me to guess which one without any of those other aspects, like i mentioned before.


Aug 1, 2024
My "first" job required that I be able to argue for BOTH sides and win them both. Only then could we move on to the research and argument formation necessary to "win". My "second" job (the one that finished paying off the bills the first job didn't cover) required that I be a good listener and have an attention to detail that few occupations back then (before computers) required.

It wasn't until YEARS later that I realized those 2 career paths actually complimented each other and the better I got at one generally meant the better I got at the other.

Life can be weird that way sometimes, ya know?? So anyway I learned to judge a man by his actions, not his words. Or how he was dressed. Or what he did for a living.


Enemy brain ain't cooperating
Apr 5, 2024
Only if they work as a suicide hotline operator lol.

Seriously though most people are not passionate about their jobs and are just trying to make a living so I usually don't ask people about their jobs when I meet them, I prefer to ask about their beliefs and interests as I believe people are worth more than the profits they provide to shareholders.

Even if they work for a shady company or don't do anything useful to help society that's fine, I would only judge them if their jobs requires them to directly harm others.


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
No, I don't care about what type of job people have. I don't care about people in general. I only care about me being dead. Other people can do whatever the hell they want but I want no part of it


Sep 10, 2024
No, that's such a stupid reason to judge someone on


Aug 23, 2024
I judge everyone who has a job. Jobs are for obedient wageslaves.

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